Dubai_City_Chick |


Latest post on 17 March 2015 - 10:17
I just wanted to update. Since telling me she is stepping into a meeting and will call me back with a resolution its now the 17th and I haven't heard a word. It seems it was just 'all talk'. Avoid this nursery in discovery gardens. <em>edited by Dubai_City_Chick on 17/03/2015</em>
Latest post on 12 March 2015 - 12:07
Playing devil's advocate - perhaps you should look at your role in this... obviously you have complained a lot, enough so that the nursery have had enough...... Thats ridiculous. OP please don't come to the conclusion that you can't voice concerns for your child because the nursery might get upset. How do you know it's ridiculous? maybe OP had been on the phone / email / daily..... How do we know you're not a bitter old man typing away from timbuktu? We don't. We just choose to see the better in people and try to be helpful where possible. And how is it helpful to tell someone that they are right and its awful blah blah blah when the OP's actions MAY be the cause of everything.... Hi Izzy! You must work in my DD's nursery. If not, you should. You would fit right in.
Latest post on 12 March 2015 - 12:03
Thank you for all the replies ladies. The reason I didn't remove DD from the nursery is because she is happy. She's learning and doing well. I decided to let these problems slide about bottles and spoons going missing. But then DD's cardigan went missing recently I had to speak to them about it! Anyway I just got a phone call from the Director. I did as you recommended HC and I wrote her a letter. She called back straight away. She was so apologetic. She said there isn't any excuse for a parent to be told 'nobody wants to teach your child' and thats not at all the case. She said if children nappies aren't being changed or things keep going missing and a parent has picked that up she wants to know! She was walking into the nursery to have a meeting with the staff so she said she will call me back in a few hours. Its a shame the director is so lovely but her staff are a mess. <em>edited by Dubai_City_Chick on 12/03/2015</em>
Latest post on 12 March 2015 - 10:39
My DD is a very shy girl. She's had a lot of developmental problems along the way. After two terms at nursery she's finally coming out of her shell. We are so proud of her. Routinely the nursery get good feedback from me. But I'm not here to constantly pat their back for doing their job. The nursery have a terrible way of dealing with negative feedback. They immediately take it personally. Regularly you will hear back 'Sorry thats just not possible.... Sorry I don't agree with that' to any complaint that is made. This is usually what gets me more upset than the problem itself. They never take ownership. If DD comes home with a scratch and I happen to ask the answer will always be 'it was there in the morning'. If things to missing I always get told 'it was never there to begin with'. These things cost money and its not fair to just lose items. Once the teacher told me 'I feel really very sorry for ******'. I don't know if she implying that she feels sorry for her because of me? I didn't think it was a very nice thing to say. I got in touch with them about some concerns 10 days ago and since then I've been waiting patiently for a reply but nothing. Today when I called I was told 'nobody wants THE child in their class and I think its better you withdraw because you are always complaining'. I was so upset. DD has only just started opening up and now. I cannot explain to you how sensitive she is. To rip her out of this environment and throw her into a new one really affect her. There is also the issue that there are no other nearby nurseries to where we live. I don't want to send her on a school bus. But this means I can't voice my concerns? If you do your child might get thrown out! This is a well known nursery chain of Dubai. Sorry for venting. Just sitting here in tears. <em>edited by Dubai_City_Chick on 12/03/2015</em>
Latest post on 30 October 2013 - 15:18
lol wow ok then... I didnt say that I didnt have a job I said I had to do a visa run.
Latest post on 30 October 2013 - 14:34
What happened to the TT and the great job in HR? Huh?
Latest post on 30 October 2013 - 13:38
Is anyone going on a visa run in the next 10 days where I could tag along? Happy to chip in for the petrol costs and whatever else. TIA :)
Latest post on 08 October 2013 - 14:31
Ladies I've been looking for those squeaky baby shoes everywhere. The ones that make a little noise at every step. Has anyone seen those here? I'm sure they will drive me insane after a day but still! TIA!
Latest post on 07 October 2013 - 16:52
Thanks! I just joined. Hopefully there will be some meet ups and I can get me and LO involved! Apart from that I guess the closest thing is cheeky monkeys in barsha mall? Shame there is no play area in any of our community centres.
Latest post on 01 September 2013 - 20:33
Thank you everyone for the advise. I guess what I really need to know is that once all our visas are cancelled how much time do we have to get a visa for our maid before she has to exit?
Latest post on 01 September 2013 - 13:07
Thanks xmas baby. I didnt know I could sponser my husband baby and maid? TBH its just the maid I need to sponser. I'm really worried that she will need to exit otherwise. Does anyone know if its possible for a married woman to sponser the maid?
Latest post on 06 August 2013 - 19:25
i'm so confused I thought Eid was Thursday or Friday. Its tomorrow? When will we know?
Latest post on 28 July 2013 - 12:21
a yumyum from Greggs the Baker Hit the nail on the head! My entire pregnancy all I craved was gregs pasties and yums yums!
Latest post on 20 July 2013 - 20:32
Why a 2008 model? That is 5 yrs old, and you could be buying someone elses problems. I thought your TT was a new vehicle? My TT is a new vehicle but theres quite the price difference between purchasing a brand new TT and purchasing a brand new Cayenne!
Latest post on 20 July 2013 - 20:31
Wow it seems so expensive to run. I have a few friends who have purchased Audi's second hand and have never paid more than 3k per servicing, I cant imagine paying 15k sheesh! It may be back to the drawing board then in terms of finding a bigger car. Can anyone recommend a high performance 4x4 that isnt as costly to run please?
Latest post on 09 July 2013 - 15:33
Hi! Thanks but I looked on the site you mentioned and didnt find anything. If you remember the name of the seller please let me know!
Latest post on 09 July 2013 - 15:21
Does anyone know where you can find personalised welcome signs to put outside your home? I'm looking for something hanging. TIA!
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 12:08
DH will be driving it most of the time, we have a big 4X4 that we chose for the reasons mentioned below as our 1st car. I agree about size and this is one of the things I keep telling DH. He believes SUV is not a "car", he prefers a sedan. He ruled out sports cars (he wanted one BTW), but we agreed that it is not exactly comfortable or safe for small children and it is off the table (Thank god!). I don't like sedans to be honest, we had one once and it was always difficult for me to see the tail or front when I am parking or doing difficult maneuvers (enter narrow parking lots, curves, etc), I am not exactly a very coordinated person... But he is stepping his foot, as he accepted the sports car rule. We are targeting something around 100-120K maximum. We selected some models in dubizzle, but we are never sure.DH liked some A4, but then something "cool" appears in the search and he starts reconsidering and we start all over again. Thanks for the suggestion about taking more than one car to be checked, is it really possible? The owner accepts it? Could you recommend the place? Yes a great place is GT Automotive. I had two cars checked by Phil and he was very thorough. We were able to rule out the other car instantly he had found evidence to suggest it had been involved in a major accident in the past. He charges 250 dhs for checking one car but I am sure he will offer a discount its more than one. I think you really need to decide on the type of car you want 4x4/sedan/ compact/sports and then you can narrow your search down. Its understandable that its getting frustrating car searching as your seach criteria is just so wide! Maybe you should go out to dinner somewhere you both like and go over the pro's and con's of each type till you come to a compromise. Good luck!
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 11:45
I have no personal vendetta against you I just don't agree the bigger the car = the safer you are. Most bullies on the road are driving 4x4's likely because they also have the same mentality that they are safe and indestructible in their trucks.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 11:19
Because somebody has a different opinion to yours! Wow classy lady.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 11:03
LOL! Still in need of that date night huh TDB
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:55
I would only book timings for people to come and view items when I know I will be home anyway. That way if they dont show up i cant be too bothered because I didnt have anywhere else to be at that time. Also make it clear on the phone you are not reducing the price or what would be your last price because I am always weary of those buyers who are very excited on the phone and have no problems with the price. They just want to come and see the item now! When they arrive they are the ones who usually want the biggest discounts! If somebody doesnt show up without even a phone call/message to cancel I dont entertain that person again. Good luck!
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:52
I think respect on the road here is more on the value of the care than the size. An expensive powerful small car will do much better than a falling apart old big-fridge-like 4x4 LOL! I have been able to swerve out of situations on the road with ease that a 4x4 would not be able to do purely down to its monstrous size considering most people are after the 'biggest' one they can buy. I would say this is highly dangerous especially if you are travelling with a young child (swerving). If you can drive defensively foreseeing other people's errors you won't need to swerve. Just look up survival statistics in road traffic accidents with sports cars vs 4x4s. My choice was based purely on the fact I have a baby and possibly more children and need the space and safety more than driving a trendy little sports car. Right. I guess in such situations (as an accident thats about to happen in front of me) I should continue in my lane and create a pile up. Brilliant advise.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:49
I think respect on the road here is more on the value of the care than the size. An expensive powerful small car will do much better than a falling apart old big-fridge-like 4x4 LOL! I have been able to swerve out of situations on the road with ease that a 4x4 would not be able to do purely down to its monstrous size considering most people are after the 'biggest' one they can buy. I will totally agree on that! A car with fast and smooth acceleration is the best if you know how to use it. What I meant actually was about status really, as I have the feeling that when you drive an expensive car the other drivers are in general more polite and respectfull (I have been on both sides, driving a porsche and/or a rented lancer in my Dubai life). Oh my goodness the good old lancer days! We have been there too when we first came to Dubai.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:47
I purchased my car second hand (from the first owner). I was really in two minds about the whole thing because we got DH's car brand new and its been so easy having everything covered. Having said that I knew I had to wait 5 months for the car I wanted to be shipped in from Germany so I had little choice but to look on dubizzle. I saw a few cars, I narrowed it down to two. I took both cars to a great British mechanic in Al Qouz who checked both cars and gave me a detailed outlook on the condition of both cars, future repair work and his opinion on which one would be better plus he gave me ideas of how to negotiate down the price. I got my car for such a bargain! I've had it now a few months and I've had no problems. If your careful and do all the necessary checks before you will be fine.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:41
I think respect on the road here is more on the value of the care than the size. An expensive powerful small car will do much better than a falling apart old big-fridge-like 4x4 LOL! I have been able to swerve out of situations on the road with ease that a 4x4 would not be able to do purely down to its monstrous size considering most people are after the 'biggest' one they can buy.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:34
Each to their own but I don't agree at all. My husband has a 4x4. I feel much more comfortable and in control when I'm in my powerful sports car compared to his truck of a car. Driving isnt even that bad out here once you get used to it. Try driving in Asia.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 10:14
What is your budget? [b'>Buy the biggest car you can afford as the roads are intimidating here. 4x4 over sports car any day of the week.[/b'> Don't buy anything with over 150,000kms on the clock Ideally get something lady driven and with full service history at the garage Let us know how much you wish to spend and we can make suggestions. Buy the biggest possible car you can?! I have a sports car and I have never felt intimidated on the road.
Latest post on 04 June 2013 - 20:17
What was your bad experience there? I cant fault them at all. I've been to so many well known salons here in Dubai, spent thousands of dirhams and had my hair ruined everytime till now.
Latest post on 04 June 2013 - 18:46
I've been wanting to get my hair straightened for some time now. I didn't want to travel far so I reluctantly booked my appointment for a hair straightening treatment (brazillian blow out) at Persona Salon in JLT. I had never heard of this salon before. I have had a fair share of rude stylists in Dubai. One facialist wouldn't stop telling me how my whiteheads were 'coming out like a worm… do you want to see ma'am… look ma'am so big like a worm!'. Numerous hair stylists will comment on the poor quality of my hair (its not bad at all) and then bombard me with products I 'must' buy if I care about my hair. Anyway my stylist at Persona was a guy called Jason. This guy was so sweet, friendly and most importantly professional. Two hours past so quickly as we spoke about anything and everything and not only did he fix my badly cut hair he also did the straightening treatment so well! He was not pushy for me to buy any products or book in future appointments before I leave. Overall fantastic experience. Nice staff, good products and very well priced. They had an offer so I paid only 1500 dhs for the blow out. My hair is long, thick and frizzy.
Latest post on 03 June 2013 - 18:31
lol its mushypeas its a hair straightening technique like keratin
Latest post on 03 June 2013 - 16:15
Whats TMMC?
Latest post on 02 June 2013 - 21:54
I used it for a while and I honestly I didnt see much a difference between using this cream and having regular facials with any good skin care regime. What I didnt like about this cream was that it dried my face, it didnt smell great and it makes your skin very sensitive to hyper pigmentation so in the Dubai weather its just asking for trouble! This month I started having regular facials with steaming, extraction etc and purchased a full skin care regime from Estee Lauder. I can see such a difference!
Latest post on 31 May 2013 - 23:14
Kerastraight, brazillian blow out, keratin... there are just so many choices. So far I seem to be reading that brazillian blow out is the best one. To those ladies who have had it done before, which one is the best one and what salon is the best one to have it done? Thank you!
Latest post on 20 May 2013 - 20:53
Thank you ladies! I just found some in Waitrose and made DS a puree. Hopefully he will be better soon.
Latest post on 18 May 2013 - 22:49
Nobody is using this gym?
Latest post on 15 May 2013 - 12:17
I think the OP is referring to wacky creative ideas not constructive business plans. Calm down.
Latest post on 15 May 2013 - 12:09
Thanks for your help. I'll definitely send her before hand just in case and get her papers sorted at POLO office. Does anybody know how many days/weeks are required on her visa for her to exit/return? Thank you!
Latest post on 14 May 2013 - 16:32
Thank you Clairehdp I was thinking the same thing. Do you know how many days/weeks must be valid on her visa for her to be able to exit and enter again? Her visa expires 20th January and I was hoping to send her 10th December- 10th January.
Latest post on 14 May 2013 - 14:02
Well, [b'>you usually should give her a holiday during the one year she is with you. [/b'>Therefore, I suggest to send her home so that she can come back before her visa renewal. At least this is what some of my friends did. But I understand your dilemma as my maid's holiday is during the same month her visa is due. She has a reunion and wants to go that month. There is always a risk that they might not come back. To be safe send her before. But if you trust her, do it after. Trust your gut feeling. If they have no interest in staying with you, they will go. Regardless of their visa status! It is hard to predict what any person will do. But if you are not sure, go the safe road and send her before. Just make sure she has enough time to come back and does not get into any trouble back home. (Immigration etc). I thought you give the 30 days holiday after completion of 1 year?
Latest post on 14 May 2013 - 12:23
Now that a maids contract has to be renewed every year how do you go about the whole thing? I'm in two minds about things. Ideally I'd like to send her for a month and renew once she gets back as its an expensive cost to renew and I always worry if she will come back or not. You just never know. The other option is to renew her visa so she is aware she is now committed into another year of employment and then send her. Do we have to show at visa office that we have provided her an air ticket before we can renew her visa? I would appreciate some advise please! Thank you :)
Latest post on 07 May 2013 - 14:56
Perhaps she will not show up at all :)
Latest post on 06 May 2013 - 17:47
Why would you want to do such a thing?
Latest post on 06 May 2013 - 16:59
Baby jogger City Select. There are 16 configurations suitable for twins or children close together in age. Unfortunately it is not available here so you need to ship it from the US or UK. You could always try a buggy board if the older child is old enough to stand? Thanks DB but I'm looking for a stroller like the donkey in which kiddies can be side by side. i think the donkey is the only good option in this case.
Latest post on 06 May 2013 - 15:14
Most tandem strollers look horrible. I don't like how one baby is shuved underneath the other one. Those strollers are just terrible and I cant imagine a small baby wanted to be so restricted like that. The only one which looks right is the Bugaboo Donkey. DS can be forward facing and the NB can be in the moses basket along side each other. Is there any other stroller like this you would recommend?
Latest post on 06 May 2013 - 15:08
We were told our 95k 4 cheques apartment will be 125k 2 cheques from July so considering that rubbish chute drives me bonkers on a daily basis anyway we will be moving :D Thank you for all the tips ladies we'll take a drive down there and check it out this weekend :) <em>edited by Dubai_City_Chick on 06/05/2013</em>
Latest post on 06 May 2013 - 15:06
We spend around 4000 dhs a month for 3 adults and a baby. This includes everything that we want at home so were less tempted to get take out which we still end up spending a small fortune on :(
Latest post on 05 May 2013 - 20:57
What budget do you have? The 3 bed apartments here in Layan are 120k I believe. *Sheepishly types her budget*.... For a 2 bed plus maids or 3 bed were hoping to pay maximum 95k! 2 bed are 90K I'm assuming there or no study/maids or any other maid liveable room on top?
Latest post on 05 May 2013 - 20:56
To answer your question some 4x4's at starting price: Ford Escape: 71k Ford Edge: 100l Ford Explorer: 120k Toyota Prado: 135k Toyota Landcruise: 190k Mitsubushi Pajero: 95k
Latest post on 05 May 2013 - 20:54
Can anyone give me a really general idea of the cost of an SUV type family car. I currently have a Jeep Compass, finally got my dream car and now I have to give it up. Hoping I can buy a car for what I can sell this one for. Thank you so much. Why cant you use the compass as a family car? If I can do it in my car that I refuse to part with (TT) you should be able to in a compass!