Eleonor | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 26 November 2014 - 09:18
Can you be more specific? Do you mean at home, or buy it take away? There are some indian restaurants on Kalifa St. on the way from City Centre to Education City, you might ask them.
Latest post on 26 November 2014 - 09:16
Is anyone living in Al Khor at the moment and fancy meeting up for a drink? A drink of lemonade with mint I suppose..... :-)
Latest post on 25 November 2014 - 23:04
I am here since a very short time (3 month) and I know 3 single women that live here and work in a Qatar Foundation institution - one is single with a daughter, she is divorced. They are perfectly integrated in our community, but - I must say - our community is a community of western expatriates. It is very difficult to meet Qatari, as they do a completely different life. It is possible to meet and be friend with arabs and muslims from other countries, and the people I met, egyptian, palestinians, syrians, pakistani, are all nice and open minded people. But we live in the scientific research environment, which is one of the most open minded I would say. So I guess much might depend from your working environment. The city anyway is very safe.
Latest post on 25 November 2014 - 16:59
My DD did two assessments: one at SEK, and they compelled us to fly to Spain for it. I discovered then that other people did the assessment on line! So - bargain before travelling, in case. The other assessment was at ACS, and it was on line. Both of them were easy, they just wanted to be sure that the child could understand some English and has normal skills.
Latest post on 24 November 2014 - 14:04
Just to tell you all why I don't write my email address in full: because there are softwares that search for email addresses on the web. If you leave your email address on a web site it is very likely that you will receive a lot of spam emails. This is the best that can happen. The worse happened to me and some friends: somebody entered into my email account, canceled everything, and sent emails to all my contacts asking for money. luckily no one of my friends believed that it was me. This happened with gmail but can happen with yahoo, hotmail and so on, if you read your email from the web. so I don't write [email protected] but always name_AT_provider_DOT_Com ciao, Eleonor Hallo Eleonor, I sent you a mail on your private address. Just let me know if you received it. Ciao
Latest post on 24 November 2014 - 09:36
If you are British you might have chances at Doha College, Doha British Schools and Doha English Speaking School, and Sherborne. For the curriculum, you may search the websites I have no direct experience but they say they are good schools. For location: you find them easily of google maps. The best you can do is to inquire them now as I am not sure that you can get a place in the middle of the school year. Search the forum and you fill find a lot of info about the school situation
Latest post on 23 November 2014 - 19:52
My neighbour and friend is Korean and she lives here with her daughter, no husband. She never reported me any problem and she is perfectly integrated. Nevertheless, my husband told me they had problems with organising a conference, as many women were denied having the visa for coming in Qatar, especially from China. A friend reported me that workers here without the family can't access shopping mall on Fridays, but it is an excuse because -as everywhere - racism is against poverty, not ethnicity. What racists really fear is poverty. If you have money in your pocket you can open many doors. And if you look around here in Doha, you will see that it is a "stratified society", and guess who are at the bottom? Hi Ladies Any non Caucasian ladies living in Doha who have experienced racism? I am considering moving to Doha with my Caucasian husband but have read some horror stories of asians( I think more south Asian) that have experienced racism such as denied entry into shopping malls and being mistaken as a prostitute. I am of chinese ethnicity. Any comments would be helpful Thank you!!!
Latest post on 21 November 2014 - 17:44
We renounced to the satellite receiver and opted for watching Italian TV in streaming from the computer. You need a VPN account on your computer that allows you to have an Italian IP number. there are several services that provide VPN, the cost is not that much. We pay 10 USD per month. We have a movie projector at home and we connect it at the computer, so we have TV on a very big screen :-) So we have dismissed the TV apparatus.
Latest post on 20 November 2014 - 18:23
dear Alee thanks for your advice. If you have 5 minutes of time, can you please tell us which are the places that you liked most, and why? thank you so much for your time!
Latest post on 20 November 2014 - 13:48
Believe me, we are not crazy at all! we are seeking company for our daughter, because otherwise she will be bored to travel 7-10 days only among adults. She enjoys staying with us but she also needs to stay with her peers. We are flexible and open minded and able to enjoy the company of others. That's all. As I said, we need to meet before and see if we like each other's company and if we agree with the style of our holidays. we are here since just a few months and our friends have all already been in Oman. Anyway, all the people I know here were perfect strangers just a few weeks ago, nevertheless we met lot of nice people willing to have a new social life in Doha, and so, why not to try? :-)
Latest post on 19 November 2014 - 22:38
Living close to job place is a good strategy in general, and in Doha in particular, done to the crazy traffic. but consider that flights leave at any hour day and night so I don't know if I would be happy of living close to the airport, because of the noise. Maybe it is better if you get some information from your husband's colleagues. Said this, maybe I would look for some place near the Islamic Art Museum - the Souq wakif, because there is a park where you can walk, there is the market of the Souq with some nice restaurants and some cultural events organised by the museum. But I don't know how are residences in that area.
Latest post on 16 November 2014 - 13:12
Thank you very much for this advice! I must add that we received an analogous treatment in Europe some years ago. If you have seen the recent Leonardo di Caprio movie "the wolves of Wall Street" you will understand that it is the normality in many environments of finance. Well, since then, when we realised the scam, we moved our investments to a so called "ethical finance bank" in Italy - that invests only in very solid investment products and also assuring that your money does not go to companies or banks or countries that do non-ethical investments. Since then, our money is safe and we obtained "two birds with one shot": not extremely high, but no risk and good revenues - as their choice is not to invest in risky funds - and the certainty that our money does not finance things that we don't approve ethically. I am sure that there are similar banks around Europe at least.
Latest post on 10 November 2014 - 16:53
Where you will be placed is important for the school as traffic is a nightmare in the morning. Are you aware of the facts that you need to have a school place before you start, in order to be sure that they will get one, and that it is unlikely that you will have an answer before June? and that your kids will not be allowed to go to school before September, and before having their residence permit? Hi Eleonor, Thank you for your reply. To be honest i am not sure where i will be placed. I thought Sidra staff accomodation was in one location. I am at the stage where i have sent all my documents and awaitng my contract offer. I just wanted to planned ahead a little. The whole process scares me a little and found this forum really helpful. They agreed at the interview that i could start April 2015 so i am hoping this will give me enough time to find school/nursery place`s. Just waiting for my offer to come through and see if this will have further details on accomodation and so on. Thanks again
Latest post on 06 November 2014 - 11:41
Also Cardiff International School has English Curriculum I am not sure if they have classes for kids aged 12, but I am sure they have for kids aged 8. Happy feet reply describes the situation perfectly. Good Luck
Latest post on 06 November 2014 - 10:52
Hallo, I can share my experience but I need to ask you what do you mean because I don't understand your questions: in particular: what do you mean "there are not much native speaker teacher's". Did you mean instead "there are not many English mother tongue teachers" (with teachers: plural of teacher and not teacher's: saxon genitive - in this way "many" instead of "much" agrees with "teachers" - so both adjective and noun are plural) and what does it mean " v gud" did you mean "very good"? Are you a native English speaker? I am not, sorry. But also "non natives" can study grammar and maybe there are many "natives" that don't know English grammar at all.
Latest post on 05 November 2014 - 13:05
Where and when are you going skiing? If you are going to Europe, I will suggest to buy them there. if you go in Italy I can suggest you exact places for many locations let me know Eleonor
Latest post on 05 November 2014 - 13:02
the best thing you can do is to position schools on google maps and see routes from your supposed-to be accomodation. We cannot help you if you don't tell us where will you be living. Sidra is going to hire a lot of people and I suppose they will be all around Doha Hi Dra i am looking for info on schools and come across your tread. I have been offered position at sidra and will be looking school place for yr 8. Any advice on distance and location of good schools close to Sidra accommodation. We are moving from London. Many Thanks
Latest post on 02 November 2014 - 13:13
I don't live in west bay so all I can tell you is that there are plenty of driving companies that provide driving services to - from school and they are not difficult to find once you are here, just looking in this forum or on the phone directory. Also the school could recommend you some. Search on this forum, you will find also info about doctors and hospitals.
Latest post on 02 November 2014 - 12:04
your question is too general: you should ask: how is life with two kids provided that I live in this place, my daily schedule at work is this, my salary is this and the school is that..... if you are at a University, I suppose you will work within Education City. in my opinion you might do it IF and ONLY IF: - you work in Education City and you will live very close (E.G. ECCH Compound, the compound of Qatar Foundation) - you hire a full time nanny and a driver for the school - your school is very close (e.g. Qatar Academy or ACS or Sherborne) - your time schedule is flexible and you can work from home when you need it take into account that here there are no public transportation excluded taxis - school buses are available but it depends: for us, we decided for a private shared driver as the school bus came at 6.10 for being at school at 7.20 and we live 15 minutes far. Nannies here are not very qualified - you must look carefully. the best you can find is a responsible woman that looks after your kids and understand English fairly well. You cannot demand more than this (e.g. help for school homework).
Latest post on 01 November 2014 - 23:05
My daughter goes at ACS School. They finish at 2,20 pm and provide extra after school activities once a week for one hour :-( very little for a working mum like I am too. The only solution we could find is that she carpool with other kids that live nearby, and we use a private driver. She is 9 so she can enter home by herself and wait for me, and I try to be at home ASAP and work from home a bit. Other families have a full time nanny, but as far as I can see a full time nanny here can only be a "guardian" of your child, but will not be able to do much more than that. Also trying to share the care of kids after school with other parents is not easy. I know that there is a British scout group in West Bay.
Latest post on 30 October 2014 - 12:42
Hi dearest do you also know if there is a place - a ring - for skating on wheels? No Ice skating. My daughter needs to practise on wheel skating with the traditional quad skates (figure skating) so we need a smooth and flat area. thanks Eleonor
Latest post on 27 October 2014 - 23:01
you might ask to the school secretary to send a message to parents who live in your area. they know addresses of families. you will not ask for their addresses but just to send an email with your message and contacts so there should not be privacy issues. Hi, Does anybody live in the Muntazah/Radisson with kids at Sherborne and wants to share a driver for the school run? We have been using the school bus service for 1 year now and it´s hellish. My son was on the bus for 2 hours on Thursday. I know the traffic is awful but they have an illogocal route which they refuse to change. The buses are uncomfortable and the monitors and driver are not particulary nice to the kids. My son has adapted well here but he hates the bus. He doesn´t know any of the families that live in the general vicinity or I´d contact them. We live opposite Ghanem Gardens. Thanks in advance
Latest post on 20 October 2014 - 13:00
Hi, as Lalala wrote, if you have not searched yet I recommend you to search for the support that you kid needs before accepting the job - then pose the question to Sidra HR about financial support for therapy. I have heard of parents with kids with some special needs had to renounce to come to Doha as they did not find the necessary support. I don't want to discourage you, but only to warn you that it is better to inquire first about which support is available. Good luck for everything!
Latest post on 19 October 2014 - 15:35
I forgot....often schools have music teachers that can help to find a private teacher close to the school - that might be close to where you live.
Latest post on 19 October 2014 - 08:37
I have heard that there is a music academy at Qatar Cultural Village in west bay and that teachers are good.
Latest post on 15 October 2014 - 15:43
[b'>[/b'> no it (Venice) just has amazing history and architecture, palaces and culture but if the kempinski does it for you ?! ;) We all have our own personal opinions about where to live but Eleonor like you I have had the real mediterranean lifestyle and the pearl will never be able to recreate that ! Yes I know.....I, as an Italian, am very proud of Italian (and European) culture, landscape, art, history, architecture, food and so on, because they are my only richness that I bring with me everyday and wherever I am. Moreover, I come from Tuscany, I was born in Pisa, Galileo Galilei's hometown, 40 km away from Leonardo da Vinci hometown, the region where Renaissance started, where Raffaello and Michelangelo worked and lived....you can imagine.... shouldn't I be proud of this? But the world is so wide and at the same time I try to understand also other places, people, points of view, not renouncing to mine, but putting everything (good and bas things from Italy and from other countries) on a balance where there are positive and negative things everywhere. Italy has a glorious past but now it is a country with lots of problems (otherwise we would not be here) so.....I try not to be "haughty" about my being Italian and European also because now not only Italy, but also Europe is no more the centre of the world, and we are (welcomed) guests in another continent. What we can do is to bring with us what there is positive in our culture and try to make the most of the others...hoping that other countries and people can do the same with our culture. I told you, Qanat made me laugh but at the end it made me also proud to see that they wanted somehow - even if in a "clumsy" way - be inspired by the Italian style... :-) cheers, Eleonor
Latest post on 14 October 2014 - 19:08
We live t the ECCH compound in education City. I would like to move to West Bay or the Pearl but it is impossible at the moment for us, for many reasons. The compound is nice and full of nice people, houses are not to nice - I have seen much better around - but it is to far from the sea and I suffer this a lot. I come from a town very close to the sea and I miss it. I'm glad to know that actually when you are in Qanat it does not try to get the Venice atmosphere...actually the Venice atmosphere is unique, even if it is old and water is not blue. But if you consider the amount of tourists that are in Venice everyday, the environmental pressure over Venice is very big and, considering this, it is difficult to do more to keep Venice clean. I've been last June for the last time. ciao, Eleonor
Latest post on 13 October 2014 - 17:46
And I don't think I am delaying other children chances of getting in a place, well if I do, then so does every other mom who register their kids to more than one school. Well, the multiplication of applications is really a problem....but it is not our fault as parents, it is the fault of this disorganised school system.... at least, SEC should centralise the application system, and pose uniform and [u'>non discriminating criteria[/u'> as well as a limit to the number of applications...in this way it could be easier for families to apply and it could be easier for schools to accept children... what do you think?
Latest post on 13 October 2014 - 14:14
may I ask you how does it feel to live in a "fake Venice"? I have not been yet, I am curious to see it.... the first time I saw pictures I could not stop laughing.....It seems unbelivable for me as an Italian....but at the same time it makes me proud. I acknowledge the fact that Italian style is appreciated here.... what do you think? cheers Eleonor
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 15:49
dear all, Since I am in Doha I am very concerned about the environmental situation of this city. There is little that we can do, but still I am trying to do the following, and want to share it with you for suggestions and improvement: - reduce waste production: Especially plastics: A) I go to the supermarket with my bags and reuse them many many times. I also have some cloth bags. Also big IKEA plastic bags can be used. B) we bought a little pump to be used with the big reusable 5 gallons bottles of water. We bought 5 glass bottles, we fill them and put them in the fridge. It is possible to have the refill of the 5 gallons bottle delivered straight at home by many companies. Otherwise you can take it at the supermarket, bringing back the empty one. an Al Rayyan refill costs 7 QR for 5 gallons!! - very little. Otherwise it is possible to buy the water dispenser which also refrigerates water. - Reduce water consumption: Unbelievable, Doha is the town with the higher water consumption in the world!! We are aware and try to use as lees as possible, but our maid used a lot of water. She worked with an arab family before, who did not care at all. We taught her how to save water. - reduce air pollution and traffic: we found a way to car pool to / from school and to / from work and you, any suggestions? maybe if we share suggestions we can do something!! Have a nice Eid Holiday Eleonor
Latest post on 30 September 2014 - 13:10
We live near education City, on the western side. here there are houses nearby which are free but it is far away from Al Dafna.... the place is called "Lulu Complex", it is near the Al Gharafa Health Centre. A friend of us has been offered a house there from the employer. I don't know prices but it is not a central area so they should be fine with your budget. where is the school of your daughter?
Latest post on 27 September 2014 - 12:09
Warm clothing: it depends on your habits. I am not used to air conditioning, it Italy they set air conditioning much much lower respect to - let's say - the USA. I had a cold due to too strong air conditioning and to the high difference of temperature between indoor and outdoor. The americans find strong air conditioning normal. I think that strong temperature differences aren't healthy at all. Anyway I feel the need to wear a jumper many times when I am indoor. Also my daughter reports cold temperatures inside the school. nothing that needs more than a jumper or a jacket, but I would bring a change at least. Moreover, consider that you could have the chance of travelling somewhere else from here, as many people take a week out during holidays, so you would need some warm clothes for the journey (e.g. Europe, Turkey, and so on).
Latest post on 27 September 2014 - 12:02
one week of holidays in ACS, from Sunday 3.
Latest post on 25 September 2014 - 10:47
It also depends from how much weight you want to bring. I brought everything I did not want to bother looking for it here (as some shops might be far to reach, you don't know where they are when you arrive and so on) and that I thought I needed. Also bring some winter clothing for travelling back home and in case you want to travel elsewhere. Bring toys and books for the kids: I did not see many shops with toys and something is missing: e.g. I didn't see any LEGO.
Latest post on 25 September 2014 - 10:42
Thank you very much. I will home school her....I knew I had to do it with Italian grammar and with other subjects which are not taught here, as History and Geography. I hoped I had not to do it with Maths.....
Latest post on 25 September 2014 - 10:40
In case you can't find toys suitable for their age, I remember that my daughter at that age was interested in any tool of the house. So maybe you might provide them with harmless objects like coloured paper, plastic bowls, and so on. I saw also some shops selling (a few) toys for kids of that age. One is at Landmark Shopping Mall, near the Cinema. good luck!!
Latest post on 22 September 2014 - 08:53
I spoke about the problem of Schengen visa some days ago with a person that needed it for going to a conference in Europe and that has seen his request denied. So you might have been lucky to have your visa for one month :-)
Latest post on 21 September 2014 - 10:11
Maybe you have not clear what the school situation is...very often you can't choose, You will be just happy to have a place in a school. Any school. Now you will say "no", but you will change your mind on the way. I had to change my mind and accept the situation as it is. Otherwise you better not to come to Doha. here, schooling is a part of the evaluation BEFORE accepting a job position, not after. - check if your husband employer has a fast track to some schools - if so, accept this school for the first year and put your kids in waiting list for the other schools you would have preferred - you as a British will have more chances with british schools as DESS, DC, Sherborne - but it is not said - depends on grades and pressures from employer. - apply as many schools as possible - we applied for 8 schools and had been offered place in two. We even did not dare to apply at all the above mentioned schools as we knew we had no chance. Our daughter is in ACS and we have been very lucky to find a place. - there are all the above mentioned restrictions about application and residence permit. Talk with the schools now and ask carefully for the application requirements. - you might also consider the location of schools. If your school is far from where you live, taking your kids to and back fro m school can become a real challenge as schools start at 7,30 and it might take you one hour or ore to reach the school at that time in the morning if the school is far from your house. Many people told me "find the school first, then find a house". there is also another english curriculum school, Cardiff International School. It is new, little and with not great facility but I know people there and they are very happy because teachers and principal are very good and kids are happy. good luck Eleonor Thankyou so much for your help. Yes I am aware that it will be boring coming from London,so I am prepared!dont have a choice. Husbands starting in November and I have no time frame that when we shoukd come there.i want a place in school first before I even think of coming.so have no time restrictions as long as kids can manage to get a place in a good school. Can anyone help me with the names of good schools please :-)
Latest post on 18 September 2014 - 10:17
I subscribe all Lalala wrote. It is likely that one of you come here and the other follow after month or even one year. My husband arrived in June, I arrived in August. We started looking for schools on Dec 2013. We applied at 8 different schools. We had two offers, not the best choice. We had to take what we have been offered and at the end we have been lucky. In June we had a place offered after months and months of enquiring. Being you british it could be easier but don't count on it. Ask you employer clearly what they can do for school. Ask if they have contracts with schools. Tell them clearly that if you don't find a school you will not accept the position. Don't rely on vague promises. Choose schools close to where you are going to live, or vice versa. Anyway try to live near the school otherwise you'll get crazy. Moreover: coming from London you will find Doha very very boring. Are you aware of it? good luck Eleonor
Latest post on 18 September 2014 - 10:11
dear All where can I find cheap frames for posters? I mean those plastic frames with no border frame, made of one plastic transparent sheet (instead of glass) and a hard back. I had a look at Carrefour in Landmark and in IKEA but they don't have them. thanks
Latest post on 18 September 2014 - 10:03
I don't know if it is cheap or not, but "Tavola" for sure has lots of things. you might try to see what they have in Carrefour at ground floor - which is for sure cheeper but not specialised - and then go to Tavola for the specialised things you can't find at Carrefour. I saw measuring cups at Lulu Hypermarket. plastic bowls are rare stuff - never saw one. A neighbour of mine bought a mixer and received an egg beater as a gift!
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 12:08
Hello. I've recently accepted a position in Qatar. I am a female sponsor and am remarried x 2 years. I have a 6yo bio daughter from my first marriage. Is it possible to bring her with me on my first trip to Qatar? You (or your sponsor) would need to apply for a family visa for her. You should ask your employer and your embassy about the procedures required. They change according whom your sponsor is. For us (Qatar Foundation), my husband had to come first and he could apply for our family visa only after he obtained the residence permit, which took about one month. Some other 3 weeks had been necessary for our visa. So we stayed separated for 2 months. The permission of the father is necessary. I have a neighbour in the same situation - the father is abroad and she is here alone with the daughter. they come from the USA. I'll ask how she managed.
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 12:01
Hi ladies.. we are after a bunk bed. We will be living in the Al Rabban tower from the 15th September and would love to have a bunk bed for our two children. Preferably one with a double underneath but two singles is fine. Can anyone help? Or know of anyone selling their bunk beds? Lou Did you have a look at the IKEA catalogue on line? there are some bunk bed, which are not bad also monitor the many websites that publish classified ads. There is always a moving sale of people who leave Qatar....we found some interesting items for us, plus went to IKEA and had furniture home delivered and mounted for free if the expense in furniture is more than 2.500 QR Eleonor
Latest post on 07 September 2014 - 18:02
a family of neighbours that I know have 2 kids at Cardiff and the father works in Tornado Tower. We live in the Education City Community Housing Compound, near education city If the route is similar, let me know, you could carpool for the school Eleonor -------------- So it took my husband over an hour to go from work (westbay) to school (near Qatar university) to back to westbay. He went in his lunch break which is only 45 mins so obviously he has gone over. This can't happen everyday. Think we need to look for a rereliable driver for aftrnoon as morning should be fine. Does anyone know of any drivers? And how much do they charge? Please any help/info appreciated and TIA.
Latest post on 02 September 2014 - 15:25
I am looing for a driver too, from ECCH Compound to ACS school. Any other suggestions? there is the school bus, but it pick up kids too early (6,10 am) thanks Eleonor
Latest post on 28 August 2014 - 17:17
My husband uses Al Rayyan too, for the same reasons: sourced locally. I could not believe that there could be a source of mineral water in Qatar, but there is! http://www.rayyanwater.com/en/natural-mineral-water I do not know how much this source is renewable, and maybe it is not. I will investigate about it. What is environmentally worse? To bring water from overseas or use a non renewable source? I have a lot of doubt about it. What is it true is that all this city is, from the environmental and energetic side, absurd: it should not exist....
Latest post on 26 August 2014 - 00:44
Thanks...very beautiful....the website, the activities...but unfortunately very far :-( but maybe other people that live near the city centre may enjoy it! thanks a lot! http://www.fanar.gov.qa apparently classes here are really good
Latest post on 26 August 2014 - 00:27
Hi, we are at the ECCH (Education City Community Housing) Compound, Lot 1 So we are very close. if you give me your email address I'll keep you informed about the arabic classes at Education City, as soon as I have news. Hope to hear you soon Eleonor Hi Eleanor I'm living at al rayyan oasis which isn't too far from education city or the new sidra hospital. Where are you?
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 13:36
I would really like to learn whilst I'm here. Can anyone recommend/offer lessons? I am interested too. I heard that Qatar Foundation will offer classes during the year, I'll try to find out where and when. Where do you live? QF lessons will surely be located at Education City, I suppose. let's keep in touch Eleonor
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 11:29
dear all we and another family are thinking of letting our kids to attend some private lesson of English, before school stars. We have no idea of if it is possible, and how. Never heard of a school of English here, or if it is possible to have private lessons at home. We live in ECCH compound near Education City. Any suggestion? Kids are aged 5,8 and 9. They understand but they need to improve conversation and written English before school starts. thanks