fairytale | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 25 March 2012 - 21:05
http://www.mylucky9.com/taste/restaurant-iran-zamin-in-dubai-marina I visited Iran Zamin just a few weeks ago. The food was DELICIOUS!!!!!!
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 11:20
I have bought Comfortisse Bra, which I believe is similar to this bra you mention. And I must say this bra has really made my life so much easier. This bra is so comfortable, supportive, and practical. I don't even remember that I am wearing a bra anymore. I also suspected that this bra would not offer enough support, but I was wrong. (I am size 32/70 E, so it is almost impossible to find fitting bras.) This bra is also excellent since it covers your cleavage and allows you to look decent, even when you wear slightly see-through shirts.
Latest post on 23 March 2012 - 17:16
I would say that you are lucky to get away this easy. I had terrible issues with my previous apartment and my LL, and took my case to RERA. I had pictures, reports, everything you can imagine to show that the apartment was not in a livable condition and that my LL was a total bully, but still I was not allowed to break my lease. My LL was given a chance after chance to fix the issues in my apartment. I also had to pay money to file the case in RERA, and never got this money back. If you file a case in RERA, it will take months before anything will happen, and RERA and Emaar will be given a chance to fix the issues, before you will be allowed to break the lease. But as you said, your LL is willing to let you go without penalty, and I think that already is a major BONUS! So just leave that whole mess behind and move. Things like this happen in Dubai. Did you read about those families in Abu Dhabi (or somewhere) last year who had to move out with 1 week's notice, because their house was being demolished (these houses were too old or something). And these people didn't even get their money back...
Latest post on 06 March 2012 - 16:10
I have once seen my meter reading, since I happened to be at home, when DEWA workers visited my building. I had issues with DEWA during that time, and was waiting for someone to come and check my connection. And when a connection is closed and opened, DEWA actually sends people to open and close the connection. At least this is the case in JBR, don't know what they do with other houses or residential buildings. But I have no idea whether we tenants have any rights to see any readings? I am sure if you have issues with your connection or some other problems, you can ask a DEWA technician to come and visit your apartment, and I am sure you can see your reading as they check your connection. <em>edited by fairytale on 06/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 17:59
Zheng He's at Madinat. Never fails. The BEST Chinese in Dubai.
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 16:38
Thank you ALL for replying. And thank you for your support. It helps to know that others have suffered from similar symptoms and survived. :) Still, I am worried since I almost lost my life because of this. My potassium levels had dropped so low that my heart stopped working, so I believe there could be something wrong with my metabolism or I might suffer from some kind of hormonal imbalance, that has caused all this. Or maybe even Celiac disease? I am feeling really desperate and sad about this all. I don't know anyone who would live as healthily as I do, and what I have been through, seems so unfair, since I have done everything that a human should do, to prevent this from happening. @spongemonkey I am indeed seeing Dr Taha next week, so let's hope he will be able to help me. :) THANK YOU once again for all the replies, and if anyone can still offer any kind of advice, I will be forever grateful!
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 17:27
fairytale, can I please ask who you dealt with to set up your company? do you deal with RFZ directly or an agent? I may have to do this soon and will also be a one woman show :) I dealt with RAK Free Zone directly. If you have time, just do it yourself, you will avoid a lot of unnecessary costs. RAK FZ used to have an office at Fairmont Dubai, but they have now changed their location to Festival City (in addition to the HQ in RAK of course). They are super friendly, and helpful, and even flexible with a lot things. I can't say that setting up my business was easy, but I think it was as easy as it can be here ;). I also felt like the fact that I am a woman, helped me a lot, since I always get good service, and when I had to do the finger prints, medicals etc, they always offered special service for ladies without queues.
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 17:23
I second Key Business Group I checked the pages. Don't really know what to think, it looked OK I guess, but I am not interested in being dependent of a sponsor. Don't want to be accountable for someone else than myself, especially in this country.
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 10:09
Thank you so much ladies, for all these replies!!! Yes, the 22.000 AED includes everything, even the virtual office (that I never use), and all visa etc. costs per year. I do not need to sponsor any other employees or anything. It is just me in my company. I think my license is 7.500 AED per year, and in addition to that I have to pay 12.500 for office space (which I have never even seen, but it is mandatory), and some administrative fees. So it looks like the price I am paying, is already the "cheapest" option available :(. Might still check that Media City/ Knowledge Village option. Thank you for all the comments!
Latest post on 08 February 2012 - 20:19
Thanks Al Quwatain for replying! I know what kind of license I need, and my company is FZE (free zone entity). I do not deal with local companies, and have been here already 3 years as an entrepreneur. The only thing I am wondering is whether I will get the license I need, cheaper than 22.000 AED per year.
Latest post on 17 January 2012 - 14:33
There are plenty of FREE pilates and yoga classes available online and in YouTube. My favorite pages are blogilates.com & yogatoday.com - LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!
Latest post on 17 January 2012 - 14:12
THANK YOU SO MUCH yummybrummy & SkyKitty!!!
Latest post on 16 January 2012 - 22:22
Just ordered something worth 160 euro online. I have a feeling that the "tax free" limit for stuff that is shipped into Dubai is ruffly 170 euro. Is this correct? Does someone know the exact sum? (Couldn't find any info online, even though I googled the topic several times...) Thanks :) <em>edited by fairytale on 16/01/2012</em>
Latest post on 16 January 2012 - 22:18
Quinoa is super healthy and a good substitute for rice and pasta. I have found quinoa pasta in Waitrose and plain quinoa in the organic food store. My favorite recipe with quinoa is this: http://www.mylucky9.com/taste/saba-wahids-squash-quinoa-with-salmon. Saba Wahid's recipe. Super YUM. :)
Latest post on 13 December 2011 - 16:26
I must add my comments to this thread since I visited Gold Salon this week. I have been wearing extensions for 7 years, and after my own hair dresser quit working 2 years ago ( I used to have my hair done in Europe), I have desperately been trying to find a new, high quality salon in Dubai (without success). I have read a lot of positive things about Gold Salon, but also some negative things (as we all can see this thread), so I was a little worried about visiting this salon. But my worries were completely unnecessary! I received AMAZING service, and my hairdresser Gina (+ all the people who assisted her) were AMAZING!!! My hair + the extensions look stunning, better than ever before. This salon was perfect 10 for me, and I will definitely visit Gold Salon again. Hair extensions are a bit tricky to deal with, and you need to take care of them in a special way. It doesn't mean that you can just buy a set of new hair and look like a movie star every day. You need to take care of your extensions - you need to use conditioners, you need to brush them gently every day, you can't let your hair loose while you sleep, and sometimes you need to straighten and style them to make them look nice (just like "normal" hair). This is just the reality of having extensions - and has nothing to do with your hair dresser. p.s. Most extensions are made of Indian hair, simply because it is the strongest & BEST hair available for a reasonable price (YES; you lucky Indian ladies have amazing hair :)...) And this Indian hair is used for all colors and hair types. So if you need blond/ red/ brown/ black extensions - these extensions are probably Indian hair (sometimes Russian). These same extensions are used for all people - no matter where we originate from. <em>edited by fairytale on 13/12/2011</em>
Latest post on 29 November 2011 - 16:47
National Bank Of Abu Dhabi has ladies accounts!!! No charges, no minimum balance.
Latest post on 30 October 2011 - 18:19
Latest post on 30 October 2011 - 18:12
Last August I started a challenge - 30 day fitness challenge - and encouraged everybody to exercise 30 minutes for 30 days. This challenge was a HUGE success and I have now decided to start a new challenge on November 1st. This time I am taking the 30 day fitness challenge a bit further and encourage us all to pay attention to what we eat as well :) ! (I am a fitness professional with 16 years of experience, so I know what I'm talking about!) So let me introduce you to NOVEMBER HEALTH CHALLENGE! This challenge will last for 30 days. It starts on November 1st and ends on December 1st. Our goal is to exercise at least 30 minutes every day (walking, jogging, swimming, anything that gets your heart rate up – (google My Lucky 9 Body for inspiration) and to replace all sugary and salty snacks with fruit, berries, vegetables & nuts. So for 30 days you will not be eating any sugary treats like chocolate, candy, ice cream, cakes, pastries – nothing! Every time you feel like eating something sweet – eat a fruit, berries or some veggies. All salty snacks will also be off the list for 30 days. So no potato chips, salty biscuits or any other unhealthy snacks. All salty snacks will be replaced with nuts & veggies. I am also leaving bread, rice & pasta for 30 days, and replacing them with salad and veggies, but you don’t need to do this, if you don’t feel like it. The most important thing is that we concentrate in eating nutritious meals, and don’t eat any unhealthy, sugary, and salty between-meals-snacks at all during this challenge. So every time we feel like snacking, we reach for veggies, berries & fruit. And trust me, this is going to be easy and simple, when we just put our mind into it. We can teach our bodies anything! This challenge is all about feeling great, inside out!!! And as we succeed following this life style for 30 days, it might even become a habit and lead us permanently towards healthier living! Many people are addicted to sugar and salt, and eat way too much of both. If you stick to this diet and exercise routine for 30 days, I PROMISE YOU, you’ll feel more energetic & healthy! It is all about finding a healthy balance in diet and exercising. It is also very likely that you will loose weight during this challenge. If you are really interested in loosing weight, set a target weight for yourself that you wish to reach in 30 days. Loosing anything between 1-10 kilos is realistic. I will be reporting my own daily diet and exercise routines! And I hope you will participate as well and send me your comments and feelings about our challenge!!! If you have any questions or if you need support with this challenge, you can leave comments on this page. So who is in??? November Health Challenge starts on Tuesday (you can also google My Lucky 9 November Health Challenge)!!! :) <em>edited by fairytale on 30/10/2011</em>
Latest post on 27 October 2011 - 22:26
Thanks STILLadviceseeker :)! Yes, we get the visa on arrival, so I guess there's no problem then.
Latest post on 27 October 2011 - 20:17
Thanks Doodlemum :)! I will check further with the airline! But good to know that there is no law that doesn't allow him to enter the country without his parents.
Latest post on 27 October 2011 - 20:04
My brother just told me that he would like to send his 12 year old son for a 1 week holiday to Dubai. Can a 12 year old child visit me (my nephew) in Dubai without his parents? I called our embassy and they were not able to answer me, so I am asking you dear EW ladies, since you always seem to know the answer to anything :).
Latest post on 21 October 2011 - 11:46
I workout at home every day! I do circuit training, cardio, muscle work, yoga, pilates... I don't have a gym at home, but you'll be surprised how much you can do without a gym :) and without joining a gym or a fitness center! If you want to see some (cost free) instructions and inspiration for workouts at home, google my lucky 9 and go to the body category of this page. (I am a fitness professional with 16 years of experience). And remember being active is a lifestyle. Small choices that lead to big changes! :)
Latest post on 17 October 2011 - 23:32
Hi Ladies, I had my 1st baby a few months ago and as all of you know, it's such an exhausting time. Sometimes I feel when Im not physically doing something for the baby, I'm thinking about her or reading up! Anyway, up until now I haven't done anything much about slimming down properly. Baby aside, Ive always struggled with weight. I eat well and dont have much of a sweet tooth, but I definately eat too much and don't exercise consistently. Lately, I'm becoming quite self conscious about myself and not feeling good at all about my body.I'd like to try n' do something about this coz eventho' I know it's going to be really tough, I'll feel much better in myself if I loose the weight. BTW, I don't have a nanny and my husband works on average 13 hours a day. I do have a good gym in my building....Anyway, I could go on and on but just wanted to hear some familiar stories and get some useful advice on how to overcome this. xx Google My Lucky 9 (it is a blog) and go to the body section of this page. There are several fitness instructions that you can do at home, you don't need to go to the gym or pay anything. You can perfectly take care of your fitness at home without any equipment. (In example I use water bottles instead of dumb bells, so I don't even have to use money to buy them.) Many of the instructions presented on this page are for a 30 minute workout, so you can workout in example when your baby sleeps. 30 minutes is enough, you don't have to make working out too difficult. My Lucky 9 has also a lot of instructions for relaxing, meditating and even yoga - FREE classes that you can watch online and do at home. I wish you all the best, and remember that being healthy and loosing weight is all about small decisions that lead to big changes, when you do them on a constant basis - it is a lifestyle. As someone already said, loosing weight is more about food than about exercising, but being fit & healthy requires exercising at least 3 times a week. And remember that according to research people who exercise regularly are more happy than people who don't exercise! :) (This thread will probably be moved to the health category soon.)
Latest post on 12 October 2011 - 00:40
@coco pops - both are excellent books, but I think The Secret is the best "positivity" book there is. :) I am currently reading Bill Bryson's At Home - AN EXCELLENT BOOK! It tells the history of families and homes. In example why are homes built as they are? Why do we have a kitchen and separate living room / bedroom? Why do we use salt and pepper and not example cinnamon and chilli? Why do buildings look like they look etc. Answers to endless questions about human history.
Latest post on 11 October 2011 - 23:47
YES! :) Its is a nice restaurant. Very casual and modest, but the food is tasty and not expensive. http://www.mylucky9.com/taste/bbq-delights-at-jbr
Latest post on 10 September 2011 - 21:53
Nadiya, I was in a bit similar situation as you a few years ago. I was working as a product manager for a global company and sometimes left the office at 3 am in the morning and I went to the office on Saturdays too. I was not happy, and in addition to working round the clock, my boss was a monster. I knew I needed a change after my health started to suffer. I was sick and took 1 month off from work. During my sick leave I read a book called "How to get from where you are, to where you want to be" by Jack Canfield. I remember the book saying that it is possible to work 50% less and double your income. This sentence made me laugh, but 1 month after reading it I had quit my job, started my own business and I had doubled my income with 50% less work. I am not saying that you should start your own business, I am just saying that ANYTHING is possible. You just need to find out what you want. Make a list of all the things you want for yourself in life and start working towards making them happen .
Latest post on 08 September 2011 - 22:30
[Purple'> (seriously? They thought it better to make up some whacko story about latest trends in Japan rather then tell me they were out of stock.) I have a story of these "excuses" as well :D... I ordered a table from one of my favorite furniture stores in Dubai. They didn’t have stock of my table when I was in the store, but they promised me that if I paid for my table then, I could come and pick it up in 2 days. I said OK and paid for the table in advance (never do this in Dubai :D ). So the day came and at 5 pm I decided to call the store and ask where my table was. First I had a very confusing discussion with a lady who didn’t know what to say. Then I had even a more confusing discussion with a man who told me that their delivery truck had been in an accident and that’s why my table has not arrived (SUUUUUURE!!!). Then, a third person promised me that I would receive my table on Tuesday. Tuesday came and I called the store again. Nobody knew what I was talking about and they had no idea if my table had arrived. I lost my cool a little bit and said that I want my money back and will not buy the table, if I don’t get it today (I have learned the hard way that being nice gets you nowhere in Dubai – things start happening only when you loose your temper and raise your voice). The lady I was talking to, promised to check their warehouse and call me back. Then, after 15 minutes a man called me from the store. He was the same person who had sold the table to me. He said: “Your table is here madam, you can come and pick it up. I am so sorry about this madam, but I was afraid to tell you that the table would arrive on Tuesday and not on Sunday. I was afraid that you would be angry, and that’s why I didn’t tell you.” :D I honestly didn’t know what to answer, I felt like screaming “you lied to me because you thought I was going to be angry if you told me the truth???”. This is a classic example of Dubai customer service… What can I say, what can I do? I just politely thanked the man and went to the store pick up my table. :D <em>edited by fairytale on 08/09/2011</em>
Latest post on 05 September 2011 - 19:48
@ AmyAus82 and all you other ladies - what a wonderful challenge you have started! WOW! Sounds excellent! I started a 30 day fitness challenge in July and it was a great success. The meaning of this challenge was to exercise 30 minutes per day for 30 days in total. The thread is still left in EW (30 DFC). I am a well-being and fitness professional and if you want to find inspiration for exercising, just google my lucky 9 and click on BODY category. There are several easy and fun ideas and instructions on how to work out at home FOR FREE. Most of these exercises can be done in 30 minutes - efficient, quick & fun. My blog is not commercial and I do not gain financially if you visit it - I have started this blog just to spread well-being and happiness and inspire people to live a happy life. I remember reading how someone complained in EW how she just doesn't find that 'switch' in her head to start loosing weight. My advise is the following: LOVE YOURSELF!!! Go in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself, and you and your body deserve the best. If you have negative thoughts about yourself and your body, in example you think that you hate your body, you will keep abusing your body and you will continue overeating and skipping exercise, because you don't feel like you deserve better. Stop this cycle and start loving your body - be gentle, loving and caring, and your body will love you back :). And you will start making choices that are good for you. I wish you all good luck with finding a new healthier lifestyle!!!
Latest post on 04 September 2011 - 16:48
Oh yes... A person wanted to buy something for 20 AED from me and asked me if I could deliver it to her, to Sharjah and I live in Dubai... Yes sure, I'm going to drive for 1 hour and try to find my way around in Sharjah for 20 AED :D! NOT! Can you deliver to RAK? No, I live in Dubai. OR .. When I was selling my Infiniti FX35, I reduced the price to 75k as I wanted to sell mine fast. When I got offered 40k and in 12 cheques, I laughed to myself and said a polite no thanks - to which I recevied a rather abusive reply which I cannot post on here, but was a classic! I get more fun from souq.com, especially on the questions part ....
Latest post on 04 September 2011 - 16:45
I have sold a lot of stuff in Dibizzle and since my prices are always SUPER low, everything has been sold in 1 day, every single time. A few months ago I was selling a glass closet for 50 AED and I got like 20 calls from different people who wanted to buy that. There was one guy whose phone call still makes me laugh: Fairytale answers the phone: Hello Guy: I want to buy the glass closet for 50 F: Sure, when do you want to pick it up. G: Tomorrow at 6 pm. F: Ok, if I still have it tomorrow, you can have it. G: What??? If you still have it??? I NEED IT! (sounding very aggressive) F: Well, I can't promise you anything until I have the money. This is Dubai, and I have already made the mistake before that I wait for a buyer that never shows up. G: No, you don't understand!!! (sounding even more aggressive) My wife will kill me if I don't get this closet!!! You need to keep it for me! F: Well... Fine, I will keep it for you till tomorrow 6 pm. OK? (I really thought this guy SERIOUSLY needed the closet!) G: Thank you so much! See you tomorrow! F: Ok bye :\:... So the next day and several calls and excuses later the guy never showed up and I sold the closet to someone else. So once again I was fooled by a liar who just wanted to buy some more time to buy the closet, haha :D. Next time when someone tells me that his wife is going to kill him if he doesn't get the 50 AED object I'm selling, I'm just going to hang up! :D
Latest post on 02 September 2011 - 10:42
@ Cyclone T Sounds amazing! Wow! Your eating and exercise routines sound really great! It is a wonderful feeling, when you learn to take control over your life, health and weight. And at the end of the day it is so simple - one just needs to be consistent. I am really happy for you and your husband!!! :) I am still working out and I am trying to do the 30 minutes every day. I am just anxiously waiting for the weather to cool and get less humid so I can start running outside again. Right now I'm exercising at home: skipping rope, pilates & muscle work. I also swim and do workouts in water. <em>edited by fairytale on 05/09/2011</em>
Latest post on 01 September 2011 - 21:22
Wow, that's nice to hear Cyclone T :)! Have you been exercising? Please share your routines with us! Even though the official challenge is over, we can still keep encouraging each other to stay active! I have loved reading this thread. Well done ladies :)
Latest post on 01 September 2011 - 19:01
Hey there :)! I definitely agree with you jophiel, the 30 day challenge was amazingly fun - I really had a blast! After coming back home from holidays I have tried to continue and it is going well. 30 minutes per day is really enough, and once you get used to it, it comes so naturally :)! Great to hear that you are exercising regularly jophiel! How do you like the pilates dvd? I just finished doing it for 5 days and having a small break from it. I really love it. How are you other ladies doing? What have you been up to :)?
Latest post on 25 August 2011 - 16:29
Hey exile and jophiel, and all other 30 DFC -ladies :)!!! You are still keeping this thread alive, wow!!! How have you been? I have not visited this forum for almost a month! I was on a holiday and now I'm back in Dubai... until I leave for some more traveling soon. I didn't exercise during my holiday, but I walked a lot, 30 to 60 minutes (or even more) every day. When I got back home a few days ago, I started skipping rope and doing muscle work again, and I feel great :)! What have you been up to??? :)
Latest post on 30 July 2011 - 17:48
Hey there jophiel and exile :)! I am finished this challenge, today was my day 30/30!!! I'M FEELING SO GOOOOOOOD :D! 30 days of exercising has been an amazing experience! Today, the last day of this challenge, I went to the pool again and decided to do my BEST water workout so far. Here is what I did: 5 laps breaststroke 5 laps scissor kicks with a board under my hands 5 laps breaststroke with a board between my thighs 5 laps scissor kicks with a board under my hands 5 laps breaststroke with a board between my thighs 5 laps breaststroke Total 30 laps. After swimming I did the Self Magazine whole body water workout! Total time today was 65 minutes! But today was certainly not my last day of exercising ;)! I will continue to workout 3-5 times a week for sure and I'm so excited since I am going back to my home country and there I get to exercise outside in fresh air! Keep up the good work ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Latest post on 29 July 2011 - 21:50
Hello hello :)!!! I went swimming AGAIN today - DAY 29/30! I did a whole body workout and some extra abs in water, total time 40 minutes! Now I got only 1 day left - 1 DAY!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it :D! I must do something special tomorrow, my last day. I will be traveling tomorrow night, so I can't do anything too challenging (don't want a stiff and sore body while flying), but I will be doing something special for sure :)! Jophiel, tennis and biking sounds excellent :)! Lucky you!!! I will soon be reunited with my bicycle and I just can't wait to take it for a ride! Yayy!!! How many days do you got left? 2?
Latest post on 29 July 2011 - 11:33
Hey BFC, so great to hear that you are with us in this challenge :)! Yes, there were many links on this page, but the thread got deleted - because of these links. That's why I have not posted any more links. If you want, you can give me your email address, so I can send you the link to your email.
Latest post on 28 July 2011 - 20:47
Day 28/30 and I did a water workout with some extra abs :)! Total time 35 minutes! jophiel: For sure 30 minutes of ANYTHING counts :)! You don't always have to do muscle work! And yes, Dubai is great, but right now it is HOT (+51 today according to my car), so just be happy that you get to enjoy the weather where you are. I will soon be traveling as well, and can't wait to spend some time in fresh air ;)! exile: Great job exile! I am happy that you are with us in this challenge :)! Just keep on moving! And it is indeed good to do high-intensity exercise every now and then. It is good to give your body some "shocks"! These shocks will improve your fitness and teach your body to become faster and stronger! Let's keep up the good work ladies!
Latest post on 27 July 2011 - 22:03
Hey there! Jophiel, your surroundings seem to be pretty amazing! Lucky you! :) Good job with your workout! Sounds good! Taking a long power walk is sometimes so refreshing - and a GREAT workout! I did one of my 'combos' again today - 39 minutes of skipping rope and doing challenging muscle work. I went to the pool in the morning as well, but wasn't really active there. I think this heat is making me too drowsy to workout outside. What did you do ladies :)?
Latest post on 26 July 2011 - 20:54
Hey there! Great to hear that you're still with us exile! If you want to be inspired by this challenge, google "my lucky 9 30 day fitness challenge". You might find some more inspiration. And remember, you can create something BIG by taking baby steps! So just keep on moving, your fitness will improve and I'm sure you'll start enjoying exercising more and more :)! And remember that this is not just a "once in a lifetime challenge", this challenge is supposed to encourage you to have an active lifestyle. Today is already my day 26/30 so 4 more days to go :)! I did again a combo of skipping rope and muscle work - 37 minutes! I also decided to stretch today. So exile and jophiel, what did you do today :)?
Latest post on 25 July 2011 - 22:39
GREAT JOB jophiel! Wow 70+5 min that's a lot! You can definitely do something lighter tomorrow - even taking a walk in fresh Northern air could be a good idea :)? I am so happy happy for you that you are surrounded by nature. Yes, I have only 5 days left and you have 7 - AMAZING! I'm feeling great and just couldn't help but laugh, after reading your comment "Feel like a calf released from a stall" :D! Hahahahahha! GOOD! Let's keep moving!
Latest post on 25 July 2011 - 20:39
Hi jophiel :)! I guess it's just you and me left??? Or are you still with us exile? Great job on day 20, 21, 22!!! Can't wait to hear what you did on day 23! I'm already on day 25 (I still can't believe we're almost done) and I did the total body water workout today. Tomorrow I will be super busy, and I don't know what I will be doing as my workout, but I will do something for sure :)! Yes, the combo routine sounds hard, but it is not impossible to do! I'm sure you can do it too! Just do something else as cardio, instead of skipping rope ;)... Let's keep up the good work!
Latest post on 24 July 2011 - 21:48
Hey there ladies, it's already day 24/30 of our challenge! Only 6 days left! I have been jumping rope and doing muscle work during the past days, when the forum was on a break. What have you been up to :)?
Latest post on 21 July 2011 - 19:45
Hello :)! I went to the swimming pool again today and I did a 30 minute workout with a tube. I had so much fun and this water workout was the best thing I can do right now. My body is so sore that I can barely walk, haha ;)! Your workout sounds good jophiel! I am so proud of you! Can you imagine that we are almost done with the challenge! Only "a few" days left :)! I am sure that we will keep on moving after the challenge as well! This has been so much fun! What did you do exile? yes, let's hope the thread will be here after the maintenance and if not, let's just start a new thread then! Have a great weekend ladies :)! XOXOXO
Latest post on 20 July 2011 - 18:55
Hi exile, I do have a link, but I am afraid to post it here since this link takes you to my blog. Last time the whole thread was deleted because of these links and I don't want it to happen again. I can send this link straight to your email if you post it here quickly and delete it after I've seen it? Good to hear that you've been to the gym - GREAT JOB exile! I love to hear you say that you 'love' the rowing machine :)! You should definitely use it more! It is always good to do moves that we actually enjoy. And remember that we always create something big little by little, step by step. You will be fit, SOON, just be patient and keep on moving :)!
Latest post on 20 July 2011 - 17:11
Hey there ladies! Today I "tested" a new workout :)! 20 minutes skipping rope and 40 minutes muscle work = total time 60 minutes! I collected a combination of 9 moves in Youtube (Nike Women) and turned them into a workout! Whew! And I can tell you it was hard work! I am sure I am able to do this muscle workout in 30 minutes in the future, but today it took some extra time since I was "learning" how to do these moves. I had so much fun and my body is very tired! I already know that I will have a sore body tomorrow, since my legs are already starting to freeze... :D. So tomorrow I can go safely back into working out for 30 minutes. Maybe I will go back to the swimming pool. What did you do?
Latest post on 19 July 2011 - 19:58
Hello there :)! I went to the pool again today and did the whole body workout. It was fun again, but tomorrow I think I will skip rope and do a muscle workout at home. What did you do today? Exile: I can only recommend pilates DVDs since they are the ones I use myself. Have you tried pilates? How old are your girls? Maybe you could workout together with them? Do some kind of exercise and turn it into a game with the girls? I also believe that some of the gyms here offer mother+child workouts. Maybe you could do these exercises together :)?
Latest post on 18 July 2011 - 20:27
Hey ladies! Jophiel I did the same workout as you today and I too had so much fun! I still don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be something fun... Maybe I will do the water workout again. I will soon do some more research and recommend another water workout :)! What did you do exile? How are you feeling today? Let's keep up the good work ladies!!!
Latest post on 18 July 2011 - 10:32
Hey exile :)! I am glad to hear you were with your trainer when the collapse happened. I am sure s/he can help and advise you with everything. Make sure you tell your trainer what kind of moves and exercise you like doing and what are the moves you don't feel comfortable doing. If s/he is a professional s/he can modify your exercise routines in a way that suit you and your body best. But don't be afraid to push yourself. Just make sure you find the right balance between exercise and diet. We can teach our bodies to do anything, and right now you are teaching your body an active lifestyle. Be patient and give yourself time! Little by little you will see how your body starts to like exercising and how it even starts asking for exercising. You will enjoy it soon - I PROMISE. Just keep going :). Working out in water is EXCELLENT cardio. Your heart rate will go up and you really feel like you're working out, but it is so much fun at the same time. Working out in water is also a very gentle way of exercising - it is gentle for your joints, muscles and bones.
Latest post on 17 July 2011 - 23:42
Hey jophiel & exile! I am so sorry I'm posting this late, but been super busy! Exile: It can be a tough change for your body when you start regular exercising. We all react in a different way. It is also possible that your body is stiff from yesterday's workout today and that's why your reflexes are slow. When our muscles are sore and trying to recover from an intense workout, our bodies become more slow, and that is normal. When you feel stiff or slow, it is very important to start the exercise slowly. It is good to walk and do some stretching. You need to give your body more time to realize that you are about to start moving quickly. Swimming is also an excellent way of healing/ exercising a sore body. And I agree with jophiel, you should definitely tell your personal trainer about this collapse. Having a balanced diet is also very important. I have done the no-carbs-diet/ low-low-calorie-diet so many times, and I know exactly how it feels when your body doesn't have the fuel it needs - YOU NEED TO BE VERY CAREFUL. Make sure you talk about your diet with your personal trainer too. Studies show that drinking caffeine before working out will improve your energy levels while exercising. So maybe you could try having a cup of coffee (with or without milk, as you please). And use that website you mentioned to study which foods are nutritious and high in energy, but low in calories. And remember to drink A LOT of water! And last but not least, remember to have fun while you exercise and follow your new diet. Becoming more fit and loosing weight doesn't have to be miserable, it can be fun! It is all about your attitude. I am so happy you have started exercising and I notice from your posts that you are happy too. So listen to your body and follow this new lifestyle that you have chosen, it obviously is making you happier :)! jophiel: So happy that you're liking that water workout this much! I can't wait to do it too tomorrow :)! Keep up the good work! And hey, you're half-way-there :)! YAY!!! <em>edited by fairytale on 17/07/2011</em>