fedup | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 02 July 2015 - 19:48
Hi Ladies I'm traveling soon and need to get passport copy certified. Can anyone let me know where I can get this done. We hold British passports. Thanks ladies x
Latest post on 03 August 2014 - 19:48
Hi Ref I live in mirdiff too :-) I'm happy to do a play date if you want. I start work full time in 2 weeks but free till then and we can arrange play dates on the weekend if you want. I'm thinking of going to chew my monkeys Wednesday afternoon if you want to join it 50 per child for 2 hours. I can pick you up if you want. Sorry I'm being so forward but I know how your feeling I've been there. So wanted to help. Let me know and I'll send you my email address x
Latest post on 02 August 2014 - 21:36
I know they aren't at all but there a cheap play areas around that don't break the bank, trust me I know I'm on a very low strict budget. But sitting at home and being lonely and hating it here will cause bigger problems. 150 dirhams a week to get 2 - 3 hours out for sanity is worth it and once you'veafe a good friend they won't care about the state of your home as they've become friends with you not your money, home or car.
Latest post on 02 August 2014 - 21:28
Hi Red I'm so sorry to hear your having such a horrid time, I had that when I first moved here took me nearly 2 years before I made a really good friend. Can I ask where are you living? Have you gone to any soft play areas? I've made done amazing g friends since my son was born going to soft play areas and a coffee morning once a week. We don't do it as often but we call each other everyday and I'm grateful to have them in my life as Dubai can be a super lonely place. Heads up Hun we are here to listen and help as much as we can x
Latest post on 23 July 2014 - 17:28
Hi Tattie That's my dream which I hope to fulfil in the next few years, how long are you looking at staying in NZ? It's winter there while it's summer here and it can be a little miserable with the rain and wind. Summer is amazing as the beaches in NZ are a must :-) I always found January the best time weather wise. Have a look on groupon NZ to see if you can get cheap hotel deals as trust my with the beauty of the county you won't be stating in the hotel much at all. When we priced up a camper van for 6 weeks it was rather expensive but to me this is a once in the life time opportunity. Hope this helps any more info ask away.
Latest post on 03 July 2014 - 11:37
Thanks cheeky, I know I used my old ones in march when I was there but have some left over but no one wants to exchange it's terrible. Don't mind keeping them but it's quite a few notes :-)
Latest post on 21 June 2014 - 13:44
Hi quicksilver6 Are you based in mirdiff at all? Sorry to ask it's just I keep hearing kittens crying at the back of my house, not sure which house behind mine they are in. I've seen the mommy car around and would like to offer help. Thanks
Latest post on 16 June 2014 - 20:44
It's hard as to be honest you never forget, it's been 3 and half years since seeing him, he's contacted me many times over the years but I ignore as it was hard to move on. I came to realise that the reason I had feelings for him was that I was lonely, wanted someone to talk to, I felt flattered by the attention ( the attention my DH ) stopped showing me. Nothing happened between us, but we spent a lot of time together and could talk on the phone for hours. You do finally move on, but you I'll find yourself thinking if him now and again but the pain does fade. It's good you are sorting it with your DH, I buried mine under the carpet! I'm a coward I guess :-( but you are taking steps and that shows you want to try fix your marriage so that's a positive. But you must stop talking to the other man, no contact at all as you need to focus 100% on what you want. It's bit easy but over time you will be ok. We / I are here if you need to talk, it's a lovely place to be in when going through this, so you need to vent or chat we will listen. Take care and hope you are ok xxx
Latest post on 16 June 2014 - 20:17
It's hard and so confusing when you love you DH and have feelings for another. I've been there and it took a long time but you do eventually forget. I wish you could private message in here!!! I do feel for you as I've been there and I didn't have anyone to talk to as I was ashamed of my feeling. Take time for yourself and try talk to your DH it's easier says then done but it might help. Hugs to you xx
Latest post on 26 May 2014 - 14:56
Hi Ladies Thanks for all your replies. I do appreciate them and some made me smile, which is just what I needed. I tried chatting to DH but it only helps in the beginning then goes back to how it was, I've tried leaving the kitchen as Ive founded it after he's being in there ( most of the time it's spotless ) but it's like he just can't be bothered to tidy or clean. I can't live like that or try cook when it's in such a state so I have no choice but to clean it. He was never really like this till we moved here to be honest. We were close, loving and did loads together but since moving to dubai things have changed dramatically ( he's not the same man I married ) At times I get so cross and down that I just feel like walking out! Maybe I'm jealous of his work life or his independence I don't know. I've never been dependant on anyone since I was young and now I am and it's just like I have to be this housewife as he's the one that brings the money in :-( O well soldier on and I hope I get over this mood and annoyance. Summer come soon and then go so I can take my long park walks to clear my mind :-)
Latest post on 25 May 2014 - 20:59
Yeah we chat things change but give it a few weeks or so and they slowly go back to how they were. I'm just finding things are taking it toll on me. Feel like I could just do with some me time to find myself again. It's amazing how quickly you can loose yourself after becoming a wife and a mum, I wouldn't change any of it but just want to get a balance if all 3 really. Sorry ladies having a down moment and ranting :-(
Latest post on 25 May 2014 - 18:57
It only becomes a problem when you start to fantasise about ways of killing them and getting away with it. Otherwise, perfectly normal state of affairs for most people at least several times a day. Love it :m-) today had many thoughts lol
Latest post on 25 May 2014 - 18:56
It's not fair is it Mrssak. Just feel down about it!!! Not very often I feel like I just want to up and go! Ugh ok normally strong and just get in with it but feel deflated at the moment. Hope the feeling goes soon.
Latest post on 25 May 2014 - 18:38
Just the usual not really helping at home it with DS, moaning about thing not done to his liking and thinking he never does anything wrong!!!! Just venting as I feel fed up!!! Feel like a cook and a maid not a wife at all :-(
Latest post on 06 May 2014 - 22:12
Everything Simoraky44 has said is correct, mirdiff has so much to offer and airport is super close. The main thing with mirdiff is living under flight path or away really :-) we live directly underneath it but you get used into it super quick. I don't really know any compounds as I live in a little villa but I drive around everyday getting my little one to sleep so if you want send me your email address and if I see any compounds with rent signs in I can email them to you. I think there are a few coffee mornings held at mirdiff city centre and festival. If you have babies or toddlers I can let you know all about them :-) it's my afternoon life hee hee. Sorry to hear your both so unwell, and hope you feel better soon nothing worse then feeling so I'll with this lovely heat approaching. 6 years here and still not used to it :-(
Latest post on 06 May 2014 - 19:42
Hi Mary001 Welcome to Dubai :-) I found the best was to drive around as there are a lot of rent signs up on some compounds and also dubizzle is rather good as sometimes they have photos ( not always great ones ) but you can at lest see something. Mirdiff is a lovely place lives here 6 years. If you need help please just let me know, I know it's not easy moving to a new place. Hope you both feel better soon.
Latest post on 04 May 2014 - 11:12
Thanks ladies will go looking today
Latest post on 04 May 2014 - 10:22
Morning ladies I'm looking for a cufflink box for a anniversary present for my DH. Has anyone seen one in Dubai. Thanks ladies
Latest post on 09 January 2014 - 09:39
Thanks ladies, think I'll go ahead with ordering online and hoping it gets through. I spoke to boots and they can't tell me why it's not been restocked so will hope for the best.
Latest post on 03 July 2013 - 20:55
Hi mum2k I have put my son into super kids nursery and so far I'm happy with them. I saw all the negative feedback on here but decided I better go myself. It seems that they have taken action regarding the complaints and issues that where brought to their attention. I was happy with this. My son started in June and yes he cried on drop off but the teachers are lovely and made sure they settled him. They updated me on his progress which I thought was lovely. He's now in the summer camp too and he seems to love it. When i collect him he tells me all about his day. Of course in his baby language tho :-) I have never seen a little one upset of crying when I have gone in. The teachers are lovely and there assistants are fabulous too. I would recommend them. Go have a look tho so that you know your making the right choice. Our little ones will probably be in the sane class if you go ahead.
Latest post on 08 April 2013 - 21:28
Lanchashire lass, if you want contact me on [email protected] and ill give you some info for the teething necklaces. Hope your little one is ok, teething is a big pain!!!
Latest post on 21 October 2012 - 13:21
Hi dogcatcher I set up a kennels and cattery here sadly it wasn't mine but someone else. If you want I can give you some info regarding this. If you want you can contact me on [email protected]
Latest post on 14 October 2012 - 09:43
Hi Bird So sorry your having to deal with this. It's such a horrible issue as no matter what you do you will cause a little upset. I would recommend that you put a note under their door. Explain that as its coming into winter and you've been outside more your starting to notice the smell and the flies and you feel it's becoming a very unhygienical issue! If they don't respond by cleaning up I would contact the authorities as its not fair on your or the animal as it could make you both sick. Give the note a 1 week grace time but please for your health and the dogs call authorities if they don't fix it.
Latest post on 08 August 2012 - 19:54
Thanks michamen really appreciate it x
Latest post on 08 August 2012 - 18:22
Fantastic thanks so much. Do you know if my DH and I can sit and drink coffee or is not allowed?
Latest post on 06 August 2012 - 18:06
Please stay as far away as possie for pet palace in al quoz it's a terrible place for cats abd dogs!!! They aren't animal trained and the owner is a money grabbing so and so. He's doesnt care about animals at all only money.
Latest post on 03 August 2012 - 19:28
Thanks so much will pop over tomorrow
Latest post on 03 August 2012 - 17:44
Thanks so much, did you by the ring for Damas originally? As I went to pure gold and they said no jewellers will do it unless I bought it from them :-(
Latest post on 03 August 2012 - 17:38
Hi ladies Does anyone know where I can go get my rings resized? Hate feeling naked on my hands. Thanks
Latest post on 30 July 2012 - 13:35
Thanks do much ladies it's do hard saying bye :-( coffee always helps with my sobbing :-)
Latest post on 30 July 2012 - 12:39
Well yes it's urgent as I'm saying bye to a special friend and it would have been our last coffee. Sorry if you don't see that as urgent. Thanks for your reply loranaji
Latest post on 14 June 2012 - 21:03
Hiya I bought a vienetta last week at lulus. But mint choc tub you can get it at baskin Robbins hope the craving settles
Latest post on 23 May 2012 - 14:58
Hi OP I feel you stress as I'm in the same boat. My DS is so active but is not gaining much or any weight. He weighed 6 at 4 months abd at 8 months he's only weight 7. One pedi told me to stop breastfeeding and give formula. Which of course my DS will not accept. I've tried so many different types but he won't take any at all. The other pedi asked if my husband was my cousin :-( was terribly upset!!!! The other pedi said he's a slow grower physically but mentally hitting all targets. He's eating more solids but still no weight gain. I'm so stressed and worried. Any other ladies on what we / I can do?
Latest post on 21 May 2012 - 16:57
I know your pain. It's so hard. I feel helpless as I know of I go talk to them it will not be pleasant. I just feel that it's not fair we love our dogs but we don't allow them to sing to the whole community!!!! I have always told mine to shush or bright them in. Why cant they?? Lady night it started at 5 and only stopped at 9:30 :-( the worst part was the lady was out side on her phone??? The telephone call must not have been important, cause I couldn't even think. The One thing I was thinking of sound was writing a little note and being as polite as possible but also being very clear on how it's unacceptable to allow it to bark so much. That way you can see if they take any notice. If not I would just knock and say sorry to bother you but your dog is bothering me with the noise and i think it might be due to the heat.
Latest post on 21 May 2012 - 15:58
Just my 2 cents please stay away from pet palace of Dubai as they are shocking! You babies wont come back happy.
Latest post on 21 May 2012 - 15:56
Hi titotu You don't perhaps live in mirdiff do you as we are having the same problem with a new dog on the street. It's constantly barking in the mornings and nights. It's annoying as it starts my dogs going and then my neighbours. But atleast my neighbours and I will go tell our dogs off or bring them inside. They do nothing they just let the poor think yelp! It's horrible!!!! I want to go say something, but all the times I've see them they have rudely check me out!!! The hard part is that it's keeping my baby awake or waking him up at nights and during his naps. Ugh I think it's very selfish.
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 20:20
Thanks ladies I really appreciate all your replies! I know it's not always easy but as you say some support is all I want. A little bit of help will make me less cranky at him. I've tried talking to him but all I got is I work! You go for coffee and gym! 2 days for 2 hours for adult conversation who I'm not married to. I feel so refreshed after as I get out of 4 walls and away from 3 barking dogs and 1 very chatty cat. Bringing up a baby is not easy but he seems to think its a piece of cake. He's favourite saying when DS gets a little fussy is he's hungry here we go!!!!! Ugh
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 19:45
Sorry about spelling walking around with DS trying to get home to sleep. Multitasking I'm a cracker at it now :-)
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 19:44
I don't think he is. He said he would when pregnant and he stated off ok but it's just got worse. And if I do go out if I'm a few minutes late I'll get a txt saying are you coming home? Now he made me join the gym but if I want to go he sort of say I guess! Which makes me feel he's not wanting me to go! So I don't but then he moans I'm wasting money by not going. I know what you mean about doing it your self as you have a schedule but sometimes a little help would be so appreciated. Of he cooled me dinner once a week I would be a beaming lady as its something he's done for me! ( I have to being DS into kitchen with me when I make dinner as DH wamts to play PS3 with no interruptions) All I want is a little me time to get my bearings! I need them to function.
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 19:34
Thanks ladies. I know it's easy to moan but it's not always easy to accept it. I try involve him with DS but he just doesn't seem interested. He can see I'm tried but still expects dinner and me to sort DS out. He was off last week and he said to DS we will let mummy sleep in ( DS wakes at 6 every morning) I thought fantastic but week off came and went and not one sleep in. Not one offer to help with anything sp even when he's off nothing changes. Why????
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 19:23
Thanks chocs01. I know I'm not the only one but at times he can't even play with DS for 15 minutes. He's never fed him baby food or bathed him. Is that normal?
Latest post on 10 February 2012 - 06:18
Thanks too so much for all you help and kind offers I really appreciate it. You ladies are super :-)
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 21:15
I called festival city branch they said they don't have one there only jumeirah :-( not always easy to get car from working husband and not comfortable with travelling in taxi for so long, just don't feel safe with them driving.
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 21:11
Thanks. It's just so hard! You want to give the best but after such bad consultations I'm starting to dread going to Dr! He started off good and in Jan he said his growth was brilliant and he even increased a line on the chart and now it's the opposite!! Ugh just sick of it all now! Need one to put me at easy cause I feel so horride that Ioght not be giving my son the best and enough :-(
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 21:05
Thanks for letting me know, she will be missed as she was a lovely lady. I'm looking for a peditrician. Reason being I went today to get my DS check as he has a very wheezy chest ( vibrates at times when he breaths) plus soft spot seems very small! Any way went to ped, and on lookong on the chart he said he's not growing as he should! He's put 400g on in 1month, and grown 4cm! I thought that was good he didn't tho! He wasn't concered about chest or soft spot! My major concerns!!! He's told me to start feeding formula after ever breastfeed and feed 2 bottles of formula a day. Then the questions came, are you and husband related ( ie cousins ) no he's English I'm south African! Why even ask, no reason of course! He's also put DS on horrid vit D supplement and iron! When asked why he's response was at 5 months your not offering him enough!!! I'm just not 100% sure. My first bubs and so worried I'm not doing enough for him. :-( Sorry bit long and a huge rant!
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 20:46
I called them but they say they don't have one, but I thought Dr Smiley was as she's a family doctor but I'm not overly sure. But thanks for that.
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 20:35
Hi Ladies Does anyone know of a great English speaking Peaditrician, closer to Mirdiff would be great! I have tried 3 different ones and they are all useless, they have asked horrible questions, not listened to me and just shrub off all my concerns. Thanks in advance
Latest post on 29 January 2012 - 19:09
Thanks Embo
Latest post on 29 January 2012 - 18:00
Hi Ladies Does anyone know the number for the little shop off 47th street that delivers groceries?? I don't have a car at the minute and cant leave the house but Desprate for milk and bread. If anyone knows I would be so greatful. Thanks
Latest post on 07 January 2012 - 16:38
I gave calpol yesterday it helped a little which was good, but when he chewed his hands he got really upset and started biting down harder. He normally really happy but the past few days he's been a little grumpy :-( can't wait till it's over with.