Ginnee |


Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 12:34
@suzy & @wickedangel_78 That is ABSOLUTELY the point! Had the teacher recognized OP as the parent would she have said what she said in the way she said it: "Do your JOB properly." Really? I've had kids in schools in 3 very different countries, never has a teacher spoken to me in that way. Many of you are missing the point. The offense is not taken at being called a maid. It's that the teacher thinks she can speak to another adult in that way because she thinks it's ok to speak to a maid like that. The point is that it's not OK! Maids deserve respect as parents do. [i'>The offense is not taken at being called a maid. It's that the teacher thinks she can speak to another adult in that way because she thinks it's ok to speak to a maid like that. The point is that it's not OK! Maids deserve respect as parents do.[/i'> This is what I was trying to get to. It's not ok to speak to anyone like this. and white privilege is something a lot of us take very much for granted.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 11:36
Well done for complaining. It's sad when people speak in a different manner when they think they are talking to "the help". I agree with you Slivstet. But also wonder why the OP mentioned that the teacher is middle aged?! Is that also assessing someone based on appearance? :P Oh well I find generation of my age and younger is more diverse and don't mention these statements. However older generations tend to classify humans and pass judgments on everybody, like older generation from my own family who think women who persue their own career while having children are not good example of mothers ? Which started so many debates from my side that not everybody have the luxury of staying at home and not to be affected by loss of income, or the women just like men that need fulfilment in the career field - that was another big debate ? - and judgments been passed by older generations is just sickening! Third culture family: you know exactly my point and you described it much better than me, thank you ? And perhaps your generation have lost the ability to shrug thinsg off with a laugh. It's a knack, I advise you to learn it, saves a lot of heartache. Oh well LT Maybe next time you've been called something you aren't- out of putting you down- you too can laugh it off too. Follow your own advice ? Oh for goodness sake Gorobattie, what are you so cross about?? Would it be so awful to be mistaken for a maid?? Get a grip girl. I used to have a large hotel in another life, the number of times I was mistaken for the cleaner or the gardener are incalculable, it used to make me giggle. You need to lose the chip. Livelytrish, you are not me and I'm not you, have a look at your own hand and you'll find you have 5 fingers that aren't the same length or even are the same. Not becouse you are ok with something other would be ok with it, have a look at queen Elizabeth; she is a woman still so much different, she have the same blood or biologically like us, yet she is so different. You owned a hotel before good for you, I never owned a hotel like you, I just own my own life. Have a grib on life you too, not everything is the same for everyone else. Have a good evening, Gorobattie checks out! [i'>I was once mistaken for a shop assistant in a store. i made a mental note then to leave my comfy if slightly worse for wear flats/trainers on shopping trips. Apparently you must dress to look like you can own the store where you plan to shop. Sorry for the digression - Gorobattie it's happened to many of us sometimes....[/i'> __________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm guessing LT and Redrec Tangle are white women (as am I). And I've been on Expatwoman for a long time and have never butted heads with these lovely ladies and have no intention to, so please don't take this the wrong way, but it is important to consider that we cannot and will not ever know what it is like to walk in the shoes of a person of colour. For a white person to be mistaken for a maid/cleaner in a hotel or a shop assistant in a store is a completely different experience than for a person of colour. There are generations of hurt behind the reaction. It cannot simply be shrugged off. There is a whole background story that comes into play for people that we have no comprehension of. Of course people must try to not let these small minded racists ruin their day, but people such as teachers should not behave this way and get away with it either. They are teaching our children. I think Gorobattie had every reason to be angry. I hope LT and Redrec Tangle take this in the spirit it is given.
Latest post on 29 December 2015 - 10:27
Mine is working fine, it's iPhone 6. Thanks wickedangel_78
Latest post on 29 December 2015 - 10:05
Ever since i downloaded IOS 8.3 I've been having problems with a poor internet connection and it suddenly worsened to the point where I've had no connection since yesterday evening at all - wifi, neither on my data plan :angry: My last resort is to go into the apple shop. I travel tomorrow night to Lebanon and am hoping it will be fixed by then - grrrrr
Latest post on 29 November 2015 - 08:50
Geant sells it too. Yamama is a commonly used brand and is affordable.
Latest post on 29 November 2015 - 08:48
There is a lady that makes hand made, organic soap, made from Camel's milk and other lovely ingredients. I have been using her products for years and giving them as gifts to friends and family overseas. They start at AED 20.
Latest post on 19 October 2015 - 12:37
Hi Ginee, our 7 yr old is in American curriculum, and one of the oldest in class - Grd. 1. no multiplications or divisions yet, but lots of math concepts are being introduced for counting purposes, bigger and smaller numbers etc. I'm sure it will get more advanced as we progress in the year. Learning seem to be lots of fun for the kids!. Good luck in your decision! Tacktouk could you email me? ginneeginnee36 at hotm ail do t c om. I'd like to talk to you more about this
Latest post on 19 October 2015 - 12:00
I have no idea, ladies, LTS, yes, he should be punished, but I guess he was naive and didn't think it would be as bad as it actually is. I'm not sure I want them to repeat a year, because with that comes a stigma from their friends - they're at an age now where they might be teased about it. So if I'm going to move them, i may as well move them to the American curriculum if it's a more suitable curriculum. I just don't feel doing division and multiplication and being expected to take spelling tests each week is age appropriate for 7 year olds. My eldest, (by one minute) is coping (just), but the younger is shutting off - she gets frustrated and just turns her brain off and refuses to learn anything. They're both feeling discouraged. :( It depends on your school really, how they are managing it. In our school we have groups in each section based on ability levels for English and maths. Each group learns from their own teacher based on his/her ability so he/she is never under pressure to compete with the whole class and I must say this system is working very well for my 7 year old who is good at maths but struggles in English and writing. Your school should be supporting your kids if they are struggling. Have a chat with the teacher /management. See if she/he is willing to do anything to help, other than demoting them to a lower grade. If not, you can look for a better option. decision would be easier. Well that's part of the problem, C99, the school is a money-making oriented entity, that is their first and primary interest. My eldest's teacher is not just her teacher, she is the head of the primary section, so she is very busy and overwhelmed herself. The quality of care is just not there. Most of the time when we call to set an appointment, they don't answer the phone. We have a lot of complaints about the school. Too many to count. Another reason we're looking into an alternative school.
Latest post on 19 October 2015 - 11:38
I have no idea, ladies, LTS, yes, he should be punished, but I guess he was naive and didn't think it would be as bad as it actually is. I'm not sure I want them to repeat a year, because with that comes a stigma from their friends - they're at an age now where they might be teased about it. So if I'm going to move them, i may as well move them to the American curriculum if it's a more suitable curriculum. I just don't feel doing division and multiplication and being expected to take spelling tests each week is age appropriate for 7 year olds. My eldest, (by one minute) is coping (just), but the younger is shutting off - she gets frustrated and just turns her brain off and refuses to learn anything. They're both feeling discouraged. :( a lot of it also has to do with the way the children are taught mathematical concepts... why not look at moving them to a less academic focused British curriculum? i'd recommend the school my children go to... where they do maths suited to their individual abilities... my eldest is in Year 4 but does math with Year 5 coz she's above average for her class... The problem is we're in Abu Dhabi, and i have no idea where to go. It's like a lucky dip.
Latest post on 19 October 2015 - 11:37
So in that case, wouldn't it be better to have them repeat? That will boost their confidence. You worry about the stigma associated with repeating but there is also a stigma associated with always being the "kid who can't do it". If they repeat or are demoted now, their peers will soon forget about it and they will make new friends. Yes you have a point and we are considering both options. But i want to see what the american curriculum has to offer as well.
Latest post on 19 October 2015 - 11:24
I have no idea, ladies, LTS, yes, he should be punished, but I guess he was naive and didn't think it would be as bad as it actually is. I'm not sure I want them to repeat a year, because with that comes a stigma from their friends - they're at an age now where they might be teased about it. So if I'm going to move them, i may as well move them to the American curriculum if it's a more suitable curriculum. I just don't feel doing division and multiplication and being expected to take spelling tests each week is age appropriate for 7 year olds. My eldest, (by one minute) is coping (just), but the younger is shutting off - she gets frustrated and just turns her brain off and refuses to learn anything. They're both feeling discouraged. :(
Latest post on 19 October 2015 - 10:08
Firstly, why are your children the youngest? In the UK curriculum, September-born children are the oldest. I am American and would eventually like to put my children in an American-curriculum school. It starts a year later, which would mean that if your girls finish Year 3, they would go to Grade 3. Personally, I find the UK curriculum too advanced and I prefer the American one. However, eventually, things tend to even out and many American and British schools here change to IB for secondary. Because my husband insisted they be put in as the youngest :thinking: - I didn't want to. I want to see some examples, if possible, of the kind of work they're given as 7 year olds in the US curriculum.
Latest post on 10 October 2015 - 11:15
A great way to combat constipation, in addition to the healthy diet, is to buy powdered magnesium and mix it with water and a squeeze of lemon. It is magical for constipation. People who are on strong opioid pain killers for chronic pain for which chronic constipation is a side effect, use this, and it works.Can't help on the piles front - my husband had a new p rocedure done in lebanon, it was less invasive than the traditional surgery and the recovery was quicker. But I'm not sure if they do it here. Thank you Ginnee...from where can I get magnesium? frequently should I use this drink...what kind of procedure your husband went through. Was it banding? You just go to any pharmacy and ask for magnesium powder. You drink it in juice or water with a squeeze of lemon once a day. About one tablespoon. You must drink it with lemon juice as the acid activates the anti-constipation properties. You'll find it works very effectively. I'll have to ask hubby about his procedure. It's a new device they use - a camera that searches for the veins that are feeding the hemorrhoid, and then they cauterize the vein or tie it off or something, to cut off the supply of blood. It was very effective and his was a very bad case. I'll get back to you about it.
Latest post on 09 October 2015 - 20:46
A great way to combat constipation, in addition to the healthy diet, is to buy powdered magnesium and mix it with water and a squeeze of lemon. It is magical for constipation. People who are on strong opioid pain killers for chronic pain for which chronic constipation is a side effect, use this, and it works.Can't help on the piles front - my husband had a new p rocedure done in lebanon, it was less invasive than the traditional surgery and the recovery was quicker. But I'm not sure if they do it here.
Latest post on 01 October 2015 - 13:20
Thank you lovelies for the information, I went straight to LULU from work and nabbed some gyoza wrappers and spring roll wrappers, and while I was at it I found the Japanese food aisle and grabbed some miso paste and wakame but I forgot to look for dashi (bonito fish stock powder), as it's been literally almost 20 years since I made it last - I used to cook Japanese food all the time. i ended up making it anyway and substituting the dashi with soy sauce and sugar and it wasn't too bad, but do any of you happen to have seen it for sale anywhere? I didn't look for it at Lulu.
Latest post on 30 September 2015 - 08:42
Usually anything white that is synthetic will go grey if it's dried in the sun. I always dry any white blouses or lingerie in the shade, could it be this?
Latest post on 30 September 2015 - 08:40
Thanks a lot ladies. I haven't made gyoza in about 18 years :D I'm looking forward to it.
Latest post on 29 September 2015 - 15:14
This can be caused by constipation, believe it or not. If you do have constipation, get it sorted out. A good way of doing so, if you've tried everything, is to drink juice with a heaped teaspoon of magnesium powder and a splash of lemon juice. This is a great and natural remedy to include with eating leafy vegetables and drinking plenty of water. Also take Chlorophyll, which is a natural supplement which removes toxins from your body, it's also great for body odour.
Latest post on 13 September 2015 - 11:06
Just read "after broadcasting till 3am local time Monday morning from the Burj Al Arab, the gang will fly to London". Thanks for that. There's no way I'm staying up till 3am.Sorry Grandma :D
Latest post on 13 September 2015 - 10:47
Yes I read it's Samantha Armitage and Kochie, wet blankets :( I have no idea who she is :biggrin: Been away too long. You don't know where they'll be do you?
Latest post on 13 September 2015 - 10:41
Now if it was Karl, Lisa and the Today show team I would be very excited! yeah I think it is - Kochie et al.
Latest post on 15 August 2015 - 00:57
haha... love the hair by the way... i think i may try a haircut and go from there. Thanks so much for the recommendation! May have just found my hairdresser :cool: Thank you LM. Yes there's no harm in trying her out before you take the plunge. I may bump into you there, I'm in there so often!! I'm usually in there on late afternoons between 4-6. Good luck with everything and I'm glad you found this forum, you'll find lots of good information and support here. Yep I think thats what I will do and what better way to try than with colour lol Do you park there or taxi? Just considering the convieient way of getting there x Thank you... glad i found it too - many of my questions answered already! One more question EW please :) - never usually get my eyebrows done ( usually do myself) but admire some ladies I see as they look amazing. Any recommendations on someone who does great shape etc? TIA Sorry for the late reply. If you have google maps on your phone it's quite easy to find if you punch in cluster d JLT. She parking is just past the building on the ground .She's in the indigo building on the right on the 9th floor. When u get out of the lift, turn right and right again. Sign is on the door. Or maybe for the first time catch a taxi.
Latest post on 13 August 2015 - 14:51
haha... love the hair by the way... i think i may try a haircut and go from there. Thanks so much for the recommendation! May have just found my hairdresser :cool: Thank you LM. Yes there's no harm in trying her out before you take the plunge. I may bump into you there, I'm in there so often!! I'm usually in there on late afternoons between 4-6. Good luck with everything and I'm glad you found this forum, you'll find lots of good information and support here.
Latest post on 13 August 2015 - 14:22
Hi all, I have been in Dubai for 5 days now and slowly finding my feet. Moved over from London, UK with the other half and my 7 year old son. I'm looking for some friendly faces as even tho I know a few people here - would love to expand my friends circle, I love a natter over a cuppa ( & cake ?) Creative, loves food ( hence a need for the gym ?), love to travel when I can.. I currently make handmade one-off bespoke jewellery so will be looking to continue this ? A few questions if I may: 1/ Hairdressers! - I'm looking for one that won't cost the earth but does good colour? ( & one that does children's haircuts?) 2/ Web designer - Finding it a lil tough to find a web designer and someone to assist with branding. Any recommendations??? 3/ Reccomended Dentist? - I'm a nervous patient ?? Thanks in advance... Look forward to speaking soon xxx Hi Londonmum, I can't advise you on the web designer, but I have been going to a good hairdresser here for the last 5 years who is very reasonable and is good with colour. I'm a (bottle) blonde so I'm very high maintenance, and Violetta in JLT is affordable. she has a good offer on at the moment where you pay AED5000 one time and you get unlimited hair services for a year. I'm currently doing a 'hair botox' which is a treatment which lasts 8 weeks I think. You get a different treatment each week. I also get root touch-ups, or a toner put through, foils, haircut and blow dry. You can literally go in every day of the week if you want to for a year. I go in three times a week. One day for the botox treatment and two days a week for the wash and blow dry, or cut or roots etc. For your son though I'm not sure, you'd have to ask. The jewellery - they have markets here during the winter months - I'm not sure how running your own business would go here. the set up costs and implications. It might be easier to be part of the markets. The other ladies may be able to help you out. Dentist - Dr. Mathew in Karama like the other ladies, he's reasonable, professional and lovely. Hi Ginnee, I love the sound of that offer! I am a 30ish female who has greys often :lol: so this would work great for me. Does she have a website? In terms of the jewellery/accessories business - I am all up and running in terms of setting up company, it is now a case of getting the little things done or big (i.e. website) so i can start getting my creativeness on :idea::big grin: Great thanks again for the dentist recommendations - will look into this! x Hi LM, Yes, her website is and on FB you can find her if you do a search for Violetta Beauty Salon. You'll find some pics of me there - but I wont tell you who I am :biggrin: I'm her latest muse :) Hi Ginnee, Thank you! I am going to check that out now. I will take a look and take a guess hehe :biggrin: I don't think you'll have a hard time from the information you've been given already :) but no guessing out loud :idea:
Latest post on 13 August 2015 - 14:01
Hi all, I have been in Dubai for 5 days now and slowly finding my feet. Moved over from London, UK with the other half and my 7 year old son. I'm looking for some friendly faces as even tho I know a few people here - would love to expand my friends circle, I love a natter over a cuppa ( & cake ?) Creative, loves food ( hence a need for the gym ?), love to travel when I can.. I currently make handmade one-off bespoke jewellery so will be looking to continue this ? A few questions if I may: 1/ Hairdressers! - I'm looking for one that won't cost the earth but does good colour? ( & one that does children's haircuts?) 2/ Web designer - Finding it a lil tough to find a web designer and someone to assist with branding. Any recommendations??? 3/ Reccomended Dentist? - I'm a nervous patient ?? Thanks in advance... Look forward to speaking soon xxx Hi Londonmum, I can't advise you on the web designer, but I have been going to a good hairdresser here for the last 5 years who is very reasonable and is good with colour. I'm a (bottle) blonde so I'm very high maintenance, and Violetta in JLT is affordable. she has a good offer on at the moment where you pay AED5000 one time and you get unlimited hair services for a year. I'm currently doing a 'hair botox' which is a treatment which lasts 8 weeks I think. You get a different treatment each week. I also get root touch-ups, or a toner put through, foils, haircut and blow dry. You can literally go in every day of the week if you want to for a year. I go in three times a week. One day for the botox treatment and two days a week for the wash and blow dry, or cut or roots etc. For your son though I'm not sure, you'd have to ask. The jewellery - they have markets here during the winter months - I'm not sure how running your own business would go here. the set up costs and implications. It might be easier to be part of the markets. The other ladies may be able to help you out. Dentist - Dr. Mathew in Karama like the other ladies, he's reasonable, professional and lovely. Hi Ginnee, I love the sound of that offer! I am a 30ish female who has greys often :lol: so this would work great for me. Does she have a website? In terms of the jewellery/accessories business - I am all up and running in terms of setting up company, it is now a case of getting the little things done or big (i.e. website) so i can start getting my creativeness on :idea::big grin: Great thanks again for the dentist recommendations - will look into this! x Hi LM, Yes, her website is and on FB you can find her if you do a search for Violetta Beauty Salon. You'll find some pics of me there - but I wont tell you who I am :biggrin: I'm her latest muse :)
Latest post on 13 August 2015 - 09:17
Hi all, I have been in Dubai for 5 days now and slowly finding my feet. Moved over from London, UK with the other half and my 7 year old son. I'm looking for some friendly faces as even tho I know a few people here - would love to expand my friends circle, I love a natter over a cuppa ( & cake ?) Creative, loves food ( hence a need for the gym ?), love to travel when I can.. I currently make handmade one-off bespoke jewellery so will be looking to continue this ? A few questions if I may: 1/ Hairdressers! - I'm looking for one that won't cost the earth but does good colour? ( & one that does children's haircuts?) 2/ Web designer - Finding it a lil tough to find a web designer and someone to assist with branding. Any recommendations??? 3/ Reccomended Dentist? - I'm a nervous patient ?? Thanks in advance... Look forward to speaking soon xxx Hi Londonmum, I can't advise you on the web designer, but I have been going to a good hairdresser here for the last 5 years who is very reasonable and is good with colour. I'm a (bottle) blonde so I'm very high maintenance, and Violetta in JLT is affordable. she has a good offer on at the moment where you pay AED5000 one time and you get unlimited hair services for a year. I'm currently doing a 'hair botox' which is a treatment which lasts 8 weeks I think. You get a different treatment each week. I also get root touch-ups, or a toner put through, foils, haircut and blow dry. You can literally go in every day of the week if you want to for a year. I go in three times a week. One day for the botox treatment and two days a week for the wash and blow dry, or cut or roots etc. For your son though I'm not sure, you'd have to ask. The jewellery - they have markets here during the winter months - I'm not sure how running your own business would go here. the set up costs and implications. It might be easier to be part of the markets. The other ladies may be able to help you out. Dentist - Dr. Mathew in Karama like the other ladies, he's reasonable, professional and lovely.
Latest post on 21 July 2015 - 08:25
I use puff pastry , I bake the squares until they puff and get golden, then I break Into pieces. I prefer orange blossom over rose water. I think this is the original recipe, the way it was and should be made. Mine is the lazy person's version, with lots of calories added :sleeping:
Latest post on 20 July 2015 - 14:25
Imho, the following recipe is the best ive ever tasted. 5 verrry large plain croissants, torn into pieces, sprinkled with pistachio nuts and blanched chopped almonds, a small handful of raisins and placed into an ovenproof dish. In a pot heat 3 cups milk, 1 cup cream and 1 small tin sweetened condensed milk. When hot, add 1/3 cup rose water. Then pour over croissants. Put into a hot oven till golden on top. TO DIE FOR :) Most hotels do it this way. I personally cant stand raisins so I dont add it and I also do not add the rose water. It is definitely a delicious recipe. Hi Appletiser - haven't made this yet but would love to. Do you add anything else in place of rose water? You can use orange blossom water, or you could probably use vanilla essence, or be adventurous and use lemon zest and a bit of it's juice, anything really!!
Latest post on 20 July 2015 - 14:23
Imho, the following recipe is the best ive ever tasted. 5 verrry large plain croissants, torn into pieces, sprinkled with pistachio nuts and blanched chopped almonds, a small handful of raisins and placed into an ovenproof dish. In a pot heat 3 cups milk, 1 cup cream and 1 small tin sweetened condensed milk. When hot, add 1/3 cup rose water. Then pour over croissants. Put into a hot oven till golden on top. TO DIE FOR :) Most hotels do it this way. I personally cant stand raisins so I dont add it and I also do not add the rose water. It is definitely a delicious recipe. I beg to differ. Hotels use left over pastry or bread, and to me is like Plg-slop. If you compare this recipe with the ones you have at hotels and restaurants there's a vast difference!!
Latest post on 17 July 2015 - 22:36
Tried this today for eid breakfast and it was delicious. Very well received. Thank you for posting. I'm so glad you liked it. I created it from a mixture of recipes. To be honest after eating this you will never enjoy umm ali anywhere else. It's always disappointing when I have it in restaurants now ?
Latest post on 17 July 2015 - 22:30
I have no idea but I like your thinking ;)
Latest post on 16 July 2015 - 13:36
Thank you darlings - I've been very busy lately with work and finishing my dissertation, which I hope to hand in completed by the end of august. I do experiment a lot with sweets because I have a very sweet tooth and sometimes when there is nothing in my pockets and nothing in the cupboards i turn to experimentation. Here's one: Lebanese bread - split it - right side up - smother it to the edges in butter. Then sprinkle it with lots of brown sugar mixed with cinnamon. And stick it under the grill. this is a very naughty snack. I guess you could break this up over ice cream. Snack two with lebanese bread. For those who know how to roll a lebanese sandwich. split it. smother the wrong side of it with butter. sprinkle it with sugar. then thinly sliced apple. sprinkle again with lots of sugar. roll up, then brush it with butter and sprinkle [i'>again[/i'> with sugar and slow bake it so the apple bakes nicely and the butter and sugar caramelise. You can also use your caramel you've made to serve this with ice cream naughty-naughty I know :biggrin: I guess you could use other fruits in this as well like peaches etc,
Latest post on 16 July 2015 - 13:33
Thank you darlings - I've been very busy lately with work and finishing my dissertation, which I hope to hand in completed by the end of august. I do experiment a lot with sweets because I have a very sweet tooth and sometimes when there is nothing in my pockets and nothing in the cupboards i turn to experimentation. Here's one: Lebanese bread - split it - right side up - smother it to the edges in butter. Then sprinkle it with lots of brown sugar mixed with cinnamon. And stick it under the grill. this is a very naughty snack. I guess you could break this up over ice cream. Snack two with lebanese bread. For those who know how to roll a lebanese sandwich. split it. smother the wrong side of it with butter. sprinkle it with sugar. then thinly sliced apple. sprinkle again with lots of sugar. roll up, then brush it with butter and sprinkle [i'>again[/i'> with sugar and slow bake it so the apple bakes nicely and the butter and sugar caramelise. You can also use your caramel you've made to serve this with ice cream naughty-naughty I know :biggrin:
Latest post on 15 July 2015 - 13:52
... If you don't share another one of your delicious but easy dessert recipes with us this Ramadan! ;) The Umm Ali recipe you generously shared with us in 2013 is still a hit at my place. Any more you wouldn't mind revealing? Thank you :) *mouth watering in anticipation* Rawla et al you're really too kind {blush} :biggrin: hmmm an easy recipe? not as decadent and easy and impressive as this one I'm afraid. I'm always sorely disappointed whenever I try Umm Ali at any restaurant, however expensive it is or how many stars it carries after eating from this recipe. Easy recipies.... some I like are very home style recipes, like slicing bananas thickly lengthwise - setting aside and putting white sugar into the bottom of a frying pan - level it out - and wait till it all melts and goes brown - don't stir, (watch, it's very quick) just move the pan around. As soon as it goes brown BEFORE it burns turn the heat down and add cream to it - stand back in case it spits - and then start stirring till the caramelized sugar has all dissolved and the cream reduces. You have now made caramel sauce to go with your bananas. Get your sliced bananas and put some butter in a frying pan, sprinkle some sugar over the butter and put the bananas in, then sprinkle some sugar on the up side of the banana and flip it when you feel it has browned nicely on the bottom. When you feel it's nicely browned, take the bananas out then you can put some cream in the bottom of the frying pan to scrape up some of the sugar. You can serve this with vanilla ice cream and the caramel sauce, maybe buy a cadbury flake and break it up for some decoration over the icecream. Stuff like that, I get up to all sorts of mischief in the kitchen. I also make desserts using white lebanese bread, butter, sugar and cinnamon :party:
Latest post on 07 July 2015 - 13:58
Alternatively maybe she's just bone idle and taking you for a ride. Yup - bone idle
Latest post on 07 July 2015 - 12:14
Lulu Barsha, Union Coop in Jumeirah are two of the places you can buy this by metre... not quite sure if Geant and Carrefour sell them by metre... Thank you HM2!!!! I will go to Lulu in Barsha. Much appreciated.
Latest post on 07 July 2015 - 11:57
No she is live-in and doesn't go out in the evenings usually (only for an hour if she does). So she is definitely not doing night work. She does always seem to be angling for more money (from me). Then she's just very cheeky and spoilt. What is your husbands take on this?
Latest post on 07 July 2015 - 11:38
Her workload sounds fairly light. Is she live in? If not, I'd be guessing that she's working another job in the evenings and that is why she is struggling during the day. hmmm yes you're right Daza, this could be the case. If so, I think that's illegal and very cheeky. I would be having a firm word and telling her don't ever dare to think you can work at night and then slack off on your day job with this attitude. But then that's just me :biggrin:
Latest post on 07 July 2015 - 11:30
She's taking you for a ride!! I don't know anyone who works such short hours and gets to nap during their work day. When I was young, I was desperate to work and despite being very very sick and in constant chronic pain, I worked 8-16 hour days, sometimes 6 days a week and it was hard physical labour. I never had a chance to stand still for one second during my work hours. But I had responsibilities and bills to pay. She's taking advantage of your kindness and it sounds like you may have blurred the employer/employee boundaries, which is so easy to do. I've done it myself and have paid for it with our maid - we just replaced her and will be doing things very differently. I hope you can work something out with her, or get a new one and start fresh with boundaries and realistic expectations (she needs to get real, not you!! and you need to let her know that from the start) I'm doing this myself, my new maid started today and while I'm polite and friendly, I'm also going to try to maintain that boundary and when I ask for something to be done, check that it was indeed done. Things like that. I really wish you luck - you're not going nuts!!
Latest post on 08 May 2015 - 09:57
Very helpful!! Thanks so much!!:cool:
Latest post on 07 May 2015 - 08:35
Any idea? I forgot mine - I have no idea why. They sent me a new random one, but I need to change it.
Latest post on 29 April 2015 - 14:52
Thanks ladies. Apparently she's called the police twice and twice they've said they're coming and haven't shown up.
Latest post on 29 April 2015 - 13:10
Hi there dont despair !! there is a great Doctor at Dubai Community Health his name is Dr Amer he is amazing and I cannot recommend him enough ive been going to Dr Amer for 4 years, he is compassionate and knows his stuff. I highly recommend him
Latest post on 29 April 2015 - 12:56
She needs to contact the owner of the apartment and tell them, that their tenant is being a nuisance to others. Building management are being ridiculous, 100% there's something they can do about it. Where I used to live in Mirdiff, 3 strikes and you were asked to leave. How does one go about finding out the name and contact details of the owner (if building security aren't cooperating?)
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 13:26
Yes to clarify the Antique Museum does mostly tourist junk, but , 8 years ago anyway, way in the back (just wander around the recesses) they did have the traditional handmade ones, not in mass production. They also had the tourist junk knives too , but they did have a nice selection of handmade knives and some were old and used (in a good way if you know what I mean). Quite awesome actually. But 8 years later, who knows. And yes, Antique museum is a bit of a misnomer lol. Mostly tourist stuff (but at cheaper prices). Best of luck. Sue thank you sue :)
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 13:04
Antique museum used to have a really good collection of proper Arabic knives etc way in the back near where they did repairs. Smelled heavily of contact cement/glue back there so think it probably fried a few of my brain cells looking around there. Last time I was there was over 8 years ago so might have changed. But worth a look. Google it for directions- in Al Quoz. Thank you Sue!!! So I just enter antique museum in Al Quoz? I've just been told he's happy to look in generic knife shops too, where you get your typical Wusthof etc as well, but it would be cool for him to see the antique ones. thanks so much :) The antique museum isn't a museum and it doesn't sell antiques !! lol ..It's a huge wholesale gift shop :) Thank you DT
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 13:03
In Global Village at Jemen. But you have to ask for the old ones. thanks, Belinda. I found those to look very touristy, like they'd come off a conveyor belt.
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 12:47
Antique museum used to have a really good collection of proper Arabic knives etc way in the back near where they did repairs. Smelled heavily of contact cement/glue back there so think it probably fried a few of my brain cells looking around there. Last time I was there was over 8 years ago so might have changed. But worth a look. Google it for directions- in Al Quoz. Thank you Sue!!! So I just enter antique museum in Al Quoz? I've just been told he's happy to look in generic knife shops too, where you get your typical Wusthof etc as well, but it would be cool for him to see the antique ones. thanks so much :)
Latest post on 14 January 2015 - 12:25
Don't bother with Slim Fast, it's literally loaded with sugar - those things are not good for you. I tend to use the Gold Standard Whey protein powders. Or Nature's Plus Spirutein protein powders are also good and come in smaller tins. Yes Im definately looking for sugar free. where do you get the natures plus ones?
Latest post on 14 January 2015 - 10:10
Seen whey protein at the Enoc petrol station Ibn Battuta, not a huge tin and its pure whey protein without additives. Thank you Nina!! This is so handy for me as I work near IBN and so much easier to get to than Marina or MOE :)