Ilovechoos |


Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 11:12
They are really far apart, I agree with previous posters that its going to be at least an hour. It depends how old your child is but its a lot for a little kid to deal with a 2 hour commute on a bus every day, an older child would be ok I think - although I would not let my children spend that much time on a bus every day. It also can be a problem socially, if all her friends live in AR, or Silicon Oasis its always going to be a long journey for play dates and parties. I would really rethink where you are planning to live, or if you love the apartment so much choose another school.
Latest post on 26 May 2015 - 10:15
I had a facial once and the lady was obviously a heavy smoker - all I could smell was stale smokey fingers rubbing my face with cream. Yuck!! I hate the smell of cigarette smoke and I actually felt physically ill after it. Never went back.
Latest post on 14 May 2015 - 08:28
My daughter is on antibiotics at the moment but she calls it "anti-bionics" it makes me laugh every time.
Latest post on 13 May 2015 - 07:17
Dr Apa He's from NY and supposed to be one of the best cosmetic dentists in the world, I follow him on instagram and his work is incredible. He's opened a clinic here and travels between Dubai and NY. I have no doubt that him and his whole team would do an amazing job - but it would be so expensive.
Latest post on 09 May 2015 - 20:52
It looks good! I would add another 50-100k if you want a 4-5 bedroom in the Lakes or AR. Flights are usually a little more, and because your kids are in school you will be traveling in high season. So thats around 5000Dhs per person direct (or perhaps 4k on Qatar or Lufthansa etc) I would also add more to your travel fund, your in such a brilliant part of the world to travel, it would seem such a shame to just fly home once a year. Also the kids will have loads of holidays so your going to have to entertain them somehow. Good luck with your move! Edited to Add: AR2 is much cheaper than the original AR so you might get a great house in your budget! <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 09/05/2015</em>
Latest post on 28 April 2015 - 21:54
I hear Rossovivo is suppose to be amazing! :) They are the best I have tried, but they dont deliver in my area! Rossovivo if you read this, please consider opening up in Motor City or the Ranches. ;)
Latest post on 28 April 2015 - 20:36
I ended up ordering Carluccios and it was really great actually. Will check out 0800 and Luckys next :)
Latest post on 28 April 2015 - 17:29
Are the pizzas from Freedom Pizza the exact some as NKD or are the different? Any reviews? What should i order tonight Freedom or 0800 Pizza? Thanks girls
Latest post on 06 April 2015 - 03:44
I used lash extensions, but the same as Daza I dont like the feel nor the damage they cause - and they do cause damage. They fall out and take your lash its adhered to as well, the extra weight, and the glue. Give Li Lash a try, or some of the other lash growth serums. I am using one I bought from Singapore and the difference it has made has been amazing. I put it on my eyelashes and eyebrows every night and I am seeing visible difference in length and density.
Latest post on 30 March 2015 - 03:45
Oh thats so sad, I hate reading about any business closing down, but when its small local start ups like these two gyms run by women for women it makes it even worse. Does anyone know why? Maybe its a temporary licensing thing? Anyway best of luck for them and their employees.
Latest post on 27 March 2015 - 07:51
It seems you dodged a bullet there. If your normal state school educators cant even take a few minutes of their day to let your child do an entrance exam imagine how they are during working hours?! Sounds like a surly bunch! I highly doubt they get regular requests. It seems they are just too lazy and cant be bothered. Keep hassling them I say. I agree! Its terrible they are not willing to help, it speaks volumes! Could you offer to compensate the school, perhaps a small donation for the teachers over time?
Latest post on 17 March 2015 - 11:17
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel releases in the UAE on Thursday. Loved the first one, will be interested to see if the 2nd one is as good It has Richard Gere in it, how could it not be better? ;) The first one was fantastic, I have high hopes for this one. edited by Ilovechoos on 17/03/2015: <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 17/03/2015</em>
Latest post on 16 March 2015 - 11:34
I'm looking for a local company like or touchnote to take our photos and turn them into postcards so we can send them to family. I tried Riot but they only do photobooks and regular prints of photos. My grandmother is getting a bit sad when she goes to the mailbox and there's nothing but junkmail in there. So my mother had a great idea to send her postcards to keep her spirits up. I don't mind using, but with the shipping costs it ends up being around $100 for a box of 50 postcards. It's not THAT much considering what they are for, but if I can find a local option I'd love to save on the carbon footprint aspect. :) $100 for 50 postcards is amazing value. Do you know if the quality is good on Moo? I have never heard of them.
Latest post on 15 March 2015 - 19:24
Cult Beauty are excellent, shipping in 2 days its absolutely genuine. Its not available at Boutique1, Sephora or Bloomingdales. I really think the only way to get it here is to order it online.
Latest post on 15 March 2015 - 14:52
I am pretty certain you cant get Sunday Riley in Dubai, you can have it delivered though Cult Beauty based in the UK. The reviews I have read about Good Genes sound amazing.
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 18:09
That we all live in 10 bedroom mansions on the beach with live-in drivers, maids and chefs There is a beach in Dubai? I thought it was in the desert? Near the Sahara right? :) I once jumped in a cab in Sydney and after a bit of a natter he asked me where I lived, when I said Dubai his head swiveled around and with huge eyes said to me with excitement "Wheres your burka, love?'
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 11:16
Mines a house too!! Actually two houses, one I sold when we moved here and it was a mistake - we should have kept it and used it for holidays. I have been looking for 2 years to find a house that I like as much and I am doubtful I ever will. One here in Dubai that I should have bought but it was the first house we saw and we wanted to view more, once we realized how amazing it was we put the offer in only to find out they had signed with someone else the day before.
Latest post on 13 February 2015 - 14:32
We have 2 dogs and they are fine, there is a dog park in the Greens, plenty of Doggie Day care places where they can go to socialize, the desert is a pretty great place to take them and we have found some beaches between AD and DXB where we let them off the lead as well. We live in the Ranches and I love walking them - never had a problem.
Latest post on 03 February 2015 - 08:25
This has happened to me and my husband as well! I stayed in contact with the ex wife, supported her as best I could and remained polite and cordial to the "new woman". When I see them I let my friend know it will happen, perhaps I might send a few sms's to her throughout the night just to make her laugh, then I will do a call the next day to have a B*tch about how awful the night was. She's my friend and I will always be on her side but my husbands friend is important too - so for me I just pretend that its all ok. - also we dont see them as much, the new wife brings a different dynamic to our friendships and it means that even my husband does not see his friend as much as he used to. I think she's bored of us, and we dont have much in common with her. Anyway you might see that things slowly change between your husband and this guy. Just wait and see how things progress.
Latest post on 01 February 2015 - 10:17
You are facing an uphill battle, trying to negotiate with this man will be next to impossible and you really need his permission to make this move. My one thought is to absolve him of all maintenance payments, tell him if you go to Dubai he will have to never pay for her again and see if he prefers having more money than having his daughter around. Offer his flight package, even include his parents give him access when he wants - and also offer to give him cash if he does not want to travel. If you want this Dubai move to happen your going to have to give him a lot to make him agree - he sounds just awful, I wish you luck.
Latest post on 11 January 2015 - 08:00
I use for changes to my wordpress site, its cheap and fast. If you put a detailed request on and how much you want to pay, people will submit offers and you can choose someone. Last time I needed something done it took me 10 mins to hire my freelancer (he was in India) and he completed my job in 45 mins - I thought it would take 2 hours at least..... and all for the price of 25USD an hour. :)
Latest post on 14 December 2014 - 14:36
Timing is the essence. We bought 3 years ago. Prices are up 50% and we saved 3y of renting which is roughly 1M AED. Great. Would we buy today? Difficult to answer. Are we selling? No, because where we live there is limited supply of properties and we made Dubai our home and no way we would go back to Europe/UK given all the problems they face. With respect to comments pointing out the bad quality or robustness of properties in the Emirates Living area, I completely disagree. The villas are rock solid and if properly maintained I cannot see why they shouldn't resist another 20 year. It is all about maintenance and taking care of your property. I also find it very childish that most of the subjects about owning property in Dubai always end up as comparison between Dubai and one's home, which most of the time tends to be the UK. Well, it's another sunny day so off to the beach. ;) Really? You have made Dubai your "home"??? Dubai is home for no one but locals or their families. You are here until you are working and until you retire...there on it wont be your home unless you invest here and run business in your old age or you start arranging "unlimited funds" for your after retirement time....Dubai is definitely not home to anyone who is not "investing" or "working" here. I am not sure its really your place to tell someone what their home is or isn't. Dubai is my home, its where I have lived half my life, where I got married, had my children and where I own my own home that I have happily lived in for the last 8 years. Your definition of a home is obviously not the same as mine, my home is where my husband and children are, and for the moment that is Dubai. Some people seem really upset and aggressive about this home ownership issue, I really cant understand why. I am a very happy home owner, I answer to no landlord and live in a house I renovated to my standards and my taste, I love the community I live in and I am very happy. Its not all bad owning a house here.
Latest post on 11 December 2014 - 08:35
Yes, that is what a marriage is to me. Two people taking care of each other in every aspect of life. And the bedroom is one of those places that men in particular want to be taken care of in. But women never think of that as though they are doing anything because they have done that. But they are. They could easily say to him "No. I will not do that. You think of it too much." Similar to what he has said regarding the groceries but women do not. But it appears that some men count every single thing they do - down to the last grocery they buy - so why should she not count every single thing she does for him? She now contributes to the expenses, to his well being, to his physical happiness - why should he not realize that this is not a given, this is a giving. 4 Because no woman should have to trade s@x for a chocolate bar, or anything else. What does that say about her worth as a woman, and now shes fighting unfair as well..... he's calling her names, and she's withholding s@x. It just makes everything worse. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 11/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 December 2014 - 07:49
If you are taking care of him in the bedroom, why shouldn't he take care of you in the life? Wow Londiamond! Is that what a marriage is to you? I dont want to comment on his education levels, but he seems a to be quite a bully throwing a difficult time you went through in your face each time you argue. Calling someone a psycho is unacceptable and mean. Perhaps a few sessions with a therapist might help you both work out how to argue better, and how to organize your money and spending habits. Good luck, it must be an unbearable situation to live with.
Latest post on 10 December 2014 - 10:58
In her early forties :( This is a big problem! I would contact her husband, meet him for a coffee and talk to him about it. Tell him she's scaring you and that your worried about her mental health. Also tell him your getting so worried you have thought about calling the police. Tell him it needs to stop right now or you will start taking action. I know her husband must know somethings not right with his wife. Take action now, dont let this woman intimidate and scare you for one more day.
Latest post on 10 December 2014 - 10:49
[b'>The scary photos worry me, especially. Why are they scary?[/b'> They are of her looking like she is screaming and another one with her hair all over her face acting like the girl from some scary movie I can't remember. Maybe she is trying to be cute? Seek attention? Oh Lord! How old is she? and have you talked to your husband about this? <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 10/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 10 December 2014 - 10:47
I would start looking and when I find a house I love I would buy it. I think its actually pretty hard here to find a good property, in a good location and at a good price! Our friends have been looking for 8 months and cant find anything reasonable in the area they want. The % you may win or lose over a couple of months will end up being pretty irrelevant over 10 years. When I first started looking to buy a house (years ago) the first one I saw was my dream house and we held off because we thought prices might go down over the summer - of course that house was snapped up and we ended up taking another 6 months to find a house and it still was not as nice as that first house..... that house haunts me even today :). We paid way more in rent for those 6 months than any savings we made on the house. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 10/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 10 December 2014 - 10:42
I think you need to be a bit clearer with her that you dont want to be friends, and if that does not work speak to her husband (I suspect she may have done this before), and if that does not work I would call the police. She is making you uncomfortable and stalking you - I think you need to stop worrying about being cruel and start taking action. The scary photos worry me, especially. Why are they scary?
Latest post on 09 December 2014 - 13:35
ILC, what school is catered by organic cafe ? I wouldn't mind trying to put lobby on our school to move to that, my DD in Middle school has become the queen of panning. ugh ! By the way, how much do you pay for school lunches? Ours is about AED16 per day. edited by mum2girls on 09/12/2014 I am not sure of the schools name, I met the whole team of The Organic Cafe and was so impressed. If you call them they should be able to help. They have a full time nutritionist that prepares the menus for the kids and all the menu plans I have seen are excellent. I think they keep the costs down by being vegetarian 3 days a week, that means the other 2 days maybe 1 fish 1 beef the food is good quality. I am sorry I dont know how much they cost. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 09/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 09 December 2014 - 12:50
I feel schools here do not really understand what a parent wants for their children, I looked at that school and really took the time to look at the school lunches on offer, the menus I saw were in my opinion not at all healthy - there is not one vegetable that is uncooked, no salads, not even particularly healthy vegetarian dishes or even healthy deserts (isn't an apple enough?). I just want fresh organic healthy nutritious food for my children! There is a school in Dubai that has its meals catered for by the Organic Cafe, they are incredible, mostly gluten and dairy free only meat served twice a week and its of course always organic. Meals are things like millet burgers and salad, vegetarian pizza, stir fried noodles with veges and steak, organic rice pasta with spinach pesto, and always fruit for desert - a banana smoothie, apple and grape salad, strawberries. Whats surprising is most of the kids love it! Thats what I want for my children, its a shame but MasterChef does our school so I do packed lunches. I dream for a day when I am happy with a caterer that does my kids school lunches :)
Latest post on 07 December 2014 - 21:37
Yes I would! I adore traveling and try and instill the love of exploration and adventure in my children. I think it would be a trip of a lifetime for a 15 year old kid.... obviously there would have to be loads of chores and awesome grade results to earn a trip like that! The only problem I can think of is if you are from London then its kind of a waste of money if your child already knows London. Safe travels!!
Latest post on 02 December 2014 - 10:53
It would not bother me, I have a male hairdresser and a male dermatologist, had a male breast surgeon do a biopsy, my oldest child was delivered by a male OBGYN, I have used a male podiatrist and I am fine with it - I want the best person to do the job that I can find. I dont really care if its a man or a woman. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 02/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 30 November 2014 - 06:36
There is a good lady in Dubai, see this review This one, Instagram here I am planning to get my brows done by her soon, I think she's going to be excellent. Taylor from Shunnar I have used for something else, and I would never use her again. You would just have to meet her to see what the tattooing would be like.
Latest post on 22 November 2014 - 13:48
Its the landlords responsibility to pay the service fees, and they are really expensive in the Greens so I would not consider doing that yourself. I would advertise in your building that you want to rent a car park for the next 3 months and see if anyone has an extra one that you could use. Maybe offer 1000Dhs a month? Just 3 months and then you can put this all behind you! :) This won't help as it is the access cards that have been deactivated, the parking space is still available to her but she can't get into the car park to use it. Yes but you wouldn't rent a car park without access to the area. When she rents a car parking space they would have to give her an access card included in the price.
Latest post on 22 November 2014 - 10:15
Sweet Tea, I am so sorry you are going through this. Its really difficult when the landlord/tenant relationship breaks down. She sounds like a really unpleasant woman. Its the landlords responsibility to pay the service fees, and they are really expensive in the Greens so I would not consider doing that yourself. I would advertise in your building that you want to rent a car park for the next 3 months and see if anyone has an extra one that you could use. Maybe offer 1000Dhs a month? Just 3 months and then you can put this all behind you! :)
Latest post on 18 November 2014 - 20:21
Well this is just my initial thoughts and personal opinion. I have never seen a school advertise so strongly in its job ads about wanting caring staff and promoting professional development, etc lots to like. The continual reference to happy children and a unique pastoral care system tells me quite a lot about the ethos. Mix that with a strong academic and enrichment program and it’s quite refreshing, very much reads to me on the prep/private/grammar school system. I mean where have you ever seen this written? " Hartland is the place where [b'>every child[/b'> will be [i'>understood[/i'> and [i'>supported[/i'> as they aim high and then exceed [u'>their [/u'>expectations." The Head is calibre, highly qualified and has a proven track record in some top UK private schools. I’ve heard some really positive stuff about this school and the people connected with it, early days but for some who are in schools they are not over the moon about it may be worth checking out. JMHO edited by Lolacat on 18/11/2014 edited by Lolacat on 18/11/2014 Its so easy to write stuff like that, if they actually mean it and implement it that would indeed be exciting. I stopped getting excited by new schools years ago. Most often they all promise one thing and then deliver something else. Also I agree with Talybalt, the website is a bit amateur and its a stretch saying its based in business bay when its at Meydan. If you dont have fees, age groups or anything concrete its just too premature to go live on your website. Get everything in line and then start it properly. edited by Ilovechoos on 18/11/2014
Latest post on 18 November 2014 - 20:19
there's another interesting head setting up a new school at the moment - although it's Gems - edited by sandfly on 18/11/2014 That schools not happening according to the GEMS admissions girl I spoke to, I am also not sure if that man was actually hired.
Latest post on 18 November 2014 - 19:02
Can you elaborate on why its exciting? I had a quick look at the website and it seems like its just another school. Who is the head? Why is he incredible? Why is the ethos refreshing? I am really curious!
Latest post on 17 November 2014 - 15:52
Its ok, I think its fine for our immediate family use, but for guests coming who I send out for the day its frustrating as I dont know how they can use my vouchers. I dont want to give them my phone, and I could give them my password and let them download it on their phone but its a bit of a hassle and they might not have wifi to use it.... anyway next time I buy paper vouchers if I buy it at all, there are hardly any of the restaurants I like to go to in it. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 17/11/2014</em>
Latest post on 14 November 2014 - 14:48
I am with Asti on this, school places are not as hard to find now, I would wait another year. Also the social aspects of having a little one start school at 7.30am are not great. I could never put my child into bed at 6pm or 6.30pm - they would never see their father. I am sure you will find a great school whenever you decide she's ready to go. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 14/11/2014</em>
Latest post on 14 November 2014 - 13:58
That ad is horrible, I was dropping my kids to school when they heard it and I have not put 92 on in the car since hearing it. If you can put who to complain to I will do it as well. Really inappropriate and scary for kids to listen to. nicedaynat - OMG that spinneys ad, It makes me not want to eat meat. Who are the idiots running radio advertising in this country? Its always been bad, but at the moment its just horrendous.
Latest post on 12 November 2014 - 10:13
Mrs13b - if you know which building you want then just go into the building speak to security and find out who the building management is. Also ask them if they know which apartments are available, or becoming available. If the building is fully occupied (I have no idea, never heard of cayan tower) give the security guard a hundred dhs to keep you updated on anyone vacating the property. Also a quick google would have given you this details: Cayan Homes Real Estate Broker LLC Cayan Tower-Dubai Marina Ground Floor Tel: +971 4 3699910 Fax: +971 4 3605112 P.O.Box 643731, Dubai, UAE
Latest post on 10 November 2014 - 21:42
Yes NDust - its the one across from Lulu near MOE. Its brilliant, they can do anything with shoes. Even stretch them, my sister brings her Louboutins from Australia when ever she comes just so they can stretch them to fit her better. I really recommend it, for new heals or new soles. Also if you buy a pair of Jimmy Choos, or another type of shoe with a slippery sole you can have them resoled so they grip properly..... so essential for the slippery marble floors here. I think they can pick up and drop off too if that is easier. Love that place.
Latest post on 06 November 2014 - 06:57
Catawaba, and Guiness2 - I think your talking about different things. The way I read it Guiness is just talking about getting into any school, Catawaba your talking about getting into a school but your ideal school, there is a big difference. Sure if you have expectations and are very particular about what you want its going to be a little tricky to find that perfect school and yes you may have to wait.... but if your open minded and flexible when it comes to budget you could find a new school tomorrow. To the OP I just wanted to add, that until this year really Dubai has been a total nightmare finding school spaces, it was not easy and it was stressful. Things are so much easier now, the new schools opening up in the last 2 years have really eased the pressure on school places. The good schools here however are just like the good schools in every city of the world, if its a great school there is a demand and yes there will be waiting lists and uncertainty - but that is normal, and happens everywhere around the world. Good luck with your move!
Latest post on 04 November 2014 - 10:20
I lost weight here, I don't know about all of you, but I find food here to be almost tasteless and very sterile so I'm not a big foodie now. Plus taking the stairs helps I guess. Wow I have never heard that before about Dubai. I think Dubai's restaurant scene is pretty awesome and its getting better every day. From cheap eats like Ravis, Eat and Drink, and Al Reef bakery to amazing cafes - Comptor 102, Omia, Tom and Serge, Bystro to fine dining, Cle, Qbara, La Serre, Zuma, LPM, its all fabulous. We are even getting Food trucks like salt and ghaf kitchen - things are becoming more and more interesting and I love that about Dubai - its always changing. Sure we have loads of rubbish restaurants too but sometimes I struggle to choose a restaurant when I go out because there is such a huge choice! <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 04/11/2014</em>
Latest post on 28 October 2014 - 06:49
For me the most frustrating thing is when I say "Can you tell me about this product?" and all they do is pick it up and read the whats written on the box to me. Face palm. I can read really well, I just wanted your opinion! Now I dont ask, obviously that was when I was new to Dubai.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 09:49
OKKU! One of my favorite business lunches, it starts at 12, the valet parking is fast, I think maybe its 120dhs for 3 courses and its so delicious :) and its near the trade center. Otherwise maybe look at Le Meridien Airport - perhaps they might have something?? <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 26/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 09:40
I did it in Australia and it was great, took all my freckles and sun spots off. I dont know anyone here who does it. I have heard Rebecca Treston has the laser, maybe she can do it for you.
Latest post on 25 October 2014 - 10:07
Jumeirah Carpentry could probably do it, they have painted MDF for me before. Also you could try a panel beater - any car workshop where they do repairs. The automative paint is way more durable than normal paint and its comes with a lovely shine. They will just spray it, its pretty easy to do.
Latest post on 04 October 2014 - 16:46
Firstly I think to call Ikea bed linen "good quality" is a real stretch - I have never found Ikea linen good quality at all, its very low thread count and ages poorly. You cant bleach linen like that, just buy new ones. <em>edited by Ilovechoos on 04/10/2014</em>