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Latest post on 31 July 2012 - 08:40
Thank you so my for the help and information!! You do make it sound lovely! I hope we can make it work over there!! I'm so excited but anxious too as its such a big change and at such a big point in our life too. I guess you get very comfortable with a place, and that's how I am with Dubai. Sounds silly but little things keep niggling at me like (I'm guessing) but not being able to get any uk food brands, something that was always comforting about here! But then again theyll be loads of other new things to do and try! Anyway, thanks again and I'll get researching on those websites!!
Latest post on 26 July 2012 - 14:46
No one can help :-(
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 19:06
so no one has bought an ipad from anywhere else and tried to update and use a uae itunes account here????
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 09:40
Matalan for baby boys. Haven't looked at older boys but cheap and cheerful. A 1yr one was 59dhs
Latest post on 09 May 2012 - 14:23
This sounds all so fmailiar with my 10 month old!! 9 months of the perfect sleeper to a monkey who would cry and sit up whenever he went down, progressing then to standing up in his cot every nap time and screaming. I found leaving him to cry a few minutes (I stand outside his door) and then picking him up for a cuddle, soothe him for a minute and putting him back down tended to work. I have also 2 days ago, started putting him in his sleeping bag for days naps, since birth we only every used blankets in the day, swaddle/sleeping bag at night and this really helped too! He goes down much easier now, and i'm sure its because its too hard to stand up in him sleeping bag!! Glad your little one has settled again!
Latest post on 07 May 2012 - 14:00
Hi all, thanks for your replies! I'm based in mirdif but most guests are in the new Dubai area so easy on location. We have a party area in our compound but I'm just worried what I'd do for entertainment as kids all different ages. Obviously the babies don't need anything but the older kids would get bored I suppose! No idea about budget yet, but have no clue what it should cost either! Vaish, are they just in Qatar as we're in Dubai?!? Thanks all
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 21:43
My son is 9 1/2 months old and I still sterilise his bottles and boil arwa water for his formula and his drinking water. When did you stop doing this? I think he'll be ok with drinking water, its more the formula that has me a bit worried! Thanks
Latest post on 27 April 2012 - 19:05
I am in a similar stuation. I am looking at the buggy pod, although not available here. I feel like we spent a small fortune getting the buggy, car seat, isofix base etc to go and buy it all again to fit in a different frame and a double stroller would drive me mad to only use for a short time. This seemed like a good, cheaper comprimise for us. Not bought it yet but plan on doing in the summer when in the UK.
Latest post on 17 April 2012 - 21:46
I would be annoyed to if it was my baby, especially when you arrive to so many screaming children, it implies the nannies haven't coped all day (as oposed to arriving to a settled class that you may feel they have coped and maybe wouldn;t have the same issues). From my experience, Nurseries rarely have supply teachers. Some have qualified assistants based in one or two classes that they can shift around to be teacher for the day to make sure the staff numbers are ok. Some also have a set floating assistant, as in any one day there tends to be someone off, with the age of the kids, staff get sick so often and that meant there was always someone on hand to cover. We were generally told that supply teachers would hold out for schools phoning as they got far more money than a day in the nursery. This doesn't justify it, and with the age group, they should have someone qualiified in there, and shift around the older classes, or worse case join 2 classes together for the majority of the day (outside time etc). I wouldn't take my child back in until the teacher was back and I'd want to know what they're going to do in the future to cover absent staff.
Latest post on 17 April 2012 - 21:25
dragon mart? Or theres geant, hypopana, you might get luckier with delivery! Ace, but they tends to be dearer
Latest post on 16 April 2012 - 10:20
I was induced. Are you still with dr nirmala? It was absolutely fine. Had epidural too though so again was quite hapy having a snooze, wtching tv etc while the baby was coming. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting and felt the whole thing was monitored well and I had say as to what happened and when. HTH and good luck xxx
Latest post on 16 April 2012 - 10:09
Qualified and working in a nursery, salaries can start around 4000Dhs upto 8000Dhs, if you're qualified upto 4 year olds then you could work in the early years (KG1) of a school and possible earn a bit more, upto 9500Dhs ish. HTH
Latest post on 14 April 2012 - 20:47
I keep making enquiries in the istyle store. The ipad 3 hasnt 'officially' been released here. You can get the ipad 3 from stalls, lulu's offered me one etc but they have been brought in from abroad, hence they often have facetime etc. Same with ipad 2's from these locations. Istyle keep telling me maybe 2 more weeks! I guess more fool them as theyre loosing out to the other shops who are selling the 3's
Latest post on 14 April 2012 - 20:19
I bought mine off amazon.co.uk, they do deliver certain items here so maybe see if they deliver that here? I got someone to bring it out for me
Latest post on 06 April 2012 - 09:28
im sure they had bugaboos on display in bumblebee Dubai mall, not sure if they were cameleons or bees or bee + though HTH
Latest post on 05 April 2012 - 22:03
Have to say, I've been to the sicilia and Chor Bazaar a few times each and have always enjoyed it. The chefs in the italian, are italian and the chefs in the indian are indian. What I would say about the italian is that it seems quite authentic and so not a lot of dishes we'd heard of, but delicious non the less.
Latest post on 05 April 2012 - 11:38
I believe you have to go to an opthamologist to get a childs eye test done, you cant do it at the opticians.
Latest post on 19 March 2012 - 14:30
I always found H & M in Dubai mall had a good range. I know you've checked H & M but not sure if you have checked this one?? They're upstairs with the kids clothing!
Latest post on 19 March 2012 - 14:10
Debenhams also do a Juniors range
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 21:05
I enquired with Etisalat about their iphone 4 deals a year ago. Things MAY have changed but the script at the time was that the good packages were only available to those who had existing contracts with etisalat (for TV, internet, another mobile contract etc) and the likes of me who had everything with Du could only get the worst package option. I'd phone them before getting your heart set. i ended up moving over to Du for my iphone and am happy with my contract
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 20:44
We moved to Mirdif from Springs last weekend. Lived in dubai years and always at 'new dubai' end of town. Firstly, I love the villa we're in and the compound. We're 'off' the flight pathbut have been suprised at certain times by the plane noise. We're just off to the right off 71st street, at the top. It seems the planes are louder when taking off this way, although only noticed that in a monring, and it would seem when the wind is bad. Our first night we were woken at 4 am, but the next day was that terrible sandstorm so guessing thats why we heard more. We've not been woken up since. Agreeing with what others have said, I've not left Mirdif yet! Really liking it so far and enjoying having so much more space in the house and hubby home earlier as he workd in RAK.
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 19:28
Churchills. We have them every year and they're brilliant!! http://churchill-gulf.com/contactus.asp
Latest post on 23 February 2012 - 22:09
FLy to venice, drive to Lake Como (friends wedding) then down to tuscany then fly to UK for an operation for my baby.
Latest post on 19 February 2012 - 10:33
HI, I'm soirry to say you're best off out of Dubai! I looked into this extensively and asked advice of doctors and midwives here and I was recommended to take my baby back to the UK for surgery. There are no paediatric plastic surgeons here. The closest I found was Dr Yaz I think it was at city hospital, he said he hasd experiemce from a childrens hospital in ireland. I suppose it also depends on the nature of the problem. my boy needs surgery on his hand to seperate his fingers and this wasnt slomething I was prepared to take chances with as the effects of the surgery could affect the hand for the rest of his life. (we've not had the surgery yet, as he'll have it at 1 yr but know how anxious you must feel about it still!!) Sorry I couldnt be of more use, and good luck!
Latest post on 16 February 2012 - 17:09
I love mine from pottery barn, it has a mini lamp shade on it and as its at low level (in the plug socket) it gies a nice amount of light but thats just my opinion! I like to be able to see in DS room without having to turn any more lights on
Latest post on 16 February 2012 - 17:02
Thank you all so much for your replies!!! Miraculously, first thing this morning we have had an email off them saying the flowers weren't delivered as the order arrived after the cut of time (bit silly really as they offer same day delivery, and DH did admit he only ordered them the day before, and last thing at that. They have said they will refund the express delivery charge and will either refund the flowers or redeliver at our convenience! Will see what happens. If not, I have your ideas to fall back on!! I guess this'll teach him to 'just click on the first one from google' Thanks again
Latest post on 05 February 2012 - 21:56
we got ours from http://www.babyandme.net/categories/Health-%26-Safety/ delivered etc
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 22:00
Oh no! We looked at the al shafar one too!! Really liked it!! Can't move in for another month though so will have to wait and see what's available when we can move!!
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 21:58
I think it depends if your husband has been laid off or has resigned. By the sound of it he's leaving by choice!? My husband got put on redundancy notice ( i was about 34 weeks) from one part of a company for 2 months so legally I believe the insurance and visa had to be kept on for the 2 months notice and an additional month. This thankfully covered my delivery and the first couple of months of babies life. They did find a position for my husband in another arm of the company, with a different insurance provider but the first arm kept the insurance on more than long enough to cover the first few months. Not sure how it would have gone if he didn't stay within the same parent company though it if he left of his own choice!! Hope that helps!!
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 21:50
Ok got it!! I'll text you in the morning as quite late now
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 09:45
I really like these http://www.quickdubai.com/95/word-art-photography-online.asp You need to have it framed yourself but could make a great gift!!
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 09:24
We're moving out of our 3 bed soon. It's a 3m in springs 4. If youre interested we can put you in touch with the landlord who has been great to be honest!!
Latest post on 04 January 2012 - 10:36
I could swear i've seen the same oasis top in their sale for the last 4 years!!!
Latest post on 03 January 2012 - 19:27
hate it when that happens!!! I often kick up a fuss and generally get it changed or leave the item! Threaten them with phoning the consumer rights people, that normally does it! They get all panicked and reduce it!! I always watch the items prices appear on the display!
Latest post on 03 January 2012 - 19:25
I ended up just on brufen and luckily that was enough for me. I was on painkillers and antibiotics on a drip in the hospital, at which time I didnt feed as had stockpilled in the days leading up to the surgery. I ws then given painkillers and antibiotics at home. The antibiotics were safe and the painkillers weren't. Like you said, the knowledge of Dr's and nurses on the ward were shocking, they just kept saying we don't often deal with nursing mothers....you;d have thought they could have gone to the maternity ward upstairs though lol!! I was given Mobic for the pain, but the instructions say you shouldnt breastfeed under any circumstances on them!!
Latest post on 03 January 2012 - 17:57
I have to say we found her brilliant. I got the impression it wasnt about money but her passion to help. I had her for antenatal classes and she was very informative in those as really we had no idea! We then used the hour solo session that was part of the antenatal classes when the baby was born, and again she was great, very encouraging, supportive and helpful. She was always available on the phone for me. i had kidney stones and had to be operated on when the baby was 8 weeks old and i was able to phone her and ask about the pain killers i'd been put on (which were totally unsuitable for a feeding mother from both Cecile and my own research) and we had weigh ins with her every 2 weeks which were fantastic. She always had plenty of time for us with any questions and the prices for that were fantastic!! All in all, as previous posters have said, for first time parents with little support over here, she was fantastic!! Each to their own I guess!!
Latest post on 03 January 2012 - 17:41
Thank you all!! I went to Debenhams today and got EXACTLY what I was after on sale!! My neice will have her birthday gifts after all!!
Latest post on 03 January 2012 - 17:37
So sorry to hear of your loss!!1 thats what it is although mnay don't see it like that. I lost my first pregnancy at 6 weeks, although the useless dr's i was dealing with didn't realise until 10 weeks into what we thought was a normal pregnancy. I ended up with a D&C at that time. 10 weeks later i still hadn't had my period and had to go on progesterone to kick start it, and when 5 months later we went to a different dr to get checked over as periods still irregular and rare and my prolactin levels were still high from the pregnancy and so had to go on tablets to bring them down. I guess what im saying is everyone is very different and there is no right length of time until your period comes. Use this time to spend with your husband and be there for each other. Talk to each other and cry when you need to. We took a holiday together. I completely agree that it is so hard for the husbands as they're so use to controlling things protecting us and this is completely out of their control. They hate to see us in so much pain physically and emotionally. All you can do is offer support and give him the chance to talk to him. Maybe talk to someone a bit more external, a brother or his mum in my husbands case and make sure they're there for him too as he may not want to burden you with his feelings and pain. Give yourself plenty of time to get over this, and I know thats easier said than done, and I know there is NOTHING I can say to make it any better but I fell pregnant again 9 months after D&C and no=w have a 5 month old son and I thought there was no light! Good luck
Latest post on 22 December 2011 - 11:20
Wehave the snug and have been using it. We found it helped our baby learn to hold himself up, but it could have done with being a bit mroe reclined. We went with that one instead of the Bumbo as it looked nicer (silly I know), we had the new mum vouchers to use and you can use it for longer as you can take out the foam insert and use it from 6months with the plastic. We also used it in early weaning too, a bit less daunting for him than the big high chair! HTH
Latest post on 06 December 2011 - 13:04
we did a cooked turkey from spinneys last year having done some from hotels etc. when we picked it up it was cold, it had obviously been cooked the day before and refrigerated over night. Wish we had been told when we ordered it! had to try and reheat it to have with dinner!! Bit difficult. was nice though
Latest post on 06 December 2011 - 12:44
i saw a really nice one in bthe garden centre on szr last week. couldnt tell you the price but looked good quality!! Ive had wooden castle from toys r us before in anursery and the quality wasnt up for that amount of use! HTH
Latest post on 29 October 2011 - 12:21
I found the size on the packs of Huggies swim nappies were too big, i think they started at 7kg so i didnt use those. I found smaller ones in boots. Matalan is also quite good for swimmers and Next
Latest post on 04 October 2011 - 18:49
I don't rate her. Not sure if our experience was the hospital (AH) or her but the communication in a pregnancy that resulted in MC was shocking. Still can't help feeling that with some of my test results she should have been in touch with me and intervened and she never did, only the nurses ever called. I know its unlikely, but can't help feeling maybe things could have been different knowing what i know now about the test results if she had intervened. Hope it helps!
Latest post on 18 September 2011 - 21:18
we used photo box in the UK to get baby thank you cards prnted. With it being our first order, we got 40% discount, then when we put Dubai as delivry address we got the VAT knowcked off. we paind £20 for 30 crads with photo on the front and it took about a week delivery to my po box. Love the cards and have had so many compliments on them.
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 21:16
Does anyone know what documents need to be sent if you are sending the babies British birth certificate?? Tge info online seems quite conflicting and I really don't want to get it wrong!!! Thanks
Latest post on 10 July 2011 - 23:53
We stayed in kovalam and had a lovely time. We stayed in the Taj Cove there and it was fabulous. The beach wasn;t much to write home about, but the rooms were gorgeous and the restaurants there were contemporary indian style and were all very nice, the breakfast was also gorgeous, mixing mild curries/dosas with western staples. It felt very luxurious. We intially had booked Bethsada heritage village, which was a mistake. It was hot and humid there and this boutique, ayuvedic retreat didnt have A/C. It had holes going along the top of the ceiling and a ceiling fan, also meaning all the bugs could get in, although had a mizzy net, no TV (which DH was not happy about), and it faced right out onto the sea, which meant big waves crashing down all night. Other than that, it was a lovely little hotel, just not what we were after. We also walked down from the Taj to the uday samudra which was a lower standard of hotel, and is run as a package holiday resort from the Uk. It did look nice there but a lot of europeans there and all incusive buffest etc. We also took a taxi up to the Leela Kempinksi, which was absolutely gorgeous, I'd say a small step up from the Taj, although not on a beach again, it was up on a cliff which gave lovely views. There is the main beach in Kovalam very close which has bars along it and different stalls etc. The beach nearest the cove also had the most fantastic fisherman and the rituals they do were well worth the early morning to go and see!!
Latest post on 10 July 2011 - 12:27
I've yet to have my baby, but did buy a book on BLW (saw it on amazon and fanicied learning more and had famly due out so got it early). I really like the idea of it, but thought i'd be ok incorporating purees into it too! nyway, the book I got was The baby Led Weaning Cookbook by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett. Sorry can't offer any advice, but I have found the book really interesting and has encouraged me to look at weaning in a different light (when it comes around)!!
Latest post on 07 July 2011 - 17:00
This im sure will be a really silly quiestion and most probably the last thing on my mind when I have my baby, but everything i read says do what you can to try and look your best for piccies after babies born. My problem is my hormones have made my hair horrible, and if I wash it and dont dry it with a hairdryer it would be horrendous and greasy straight away. Do city have hairdryers?? its like a hotel in so many other ways!! Or do I need to get Dh to grab mine before the hospital run?!? As i said, I know its a daft question but im sure you all know whaty its like in the last weeks...the little things that niggle on your mind!!
Latest post on 07 July 2011 - 16:48
I went to an opening party, so they were giving samplers of the food they'll be serving, which was all goregous!! They had a quite a lot of their own brand food stocked such as pasta sauces, cordial, ready meals, jams & chutneys, tea and coffees, lentils, herbs, marinades etc as well as other brands and things ive not seen over here such as flavoured balsamic vinegars. They seemed to have a good range but it did seem on the pricey side. They also had fresh bread, cured meat, cheeses, cakes and sweets. They had cookbooks and chopping boards, tea/coffee pots for fresh tea coffee stc, and other bits of kitchen accessories. Hope that helps
Latest post on 07 July 2011 - 16:42
I was in matalan in Lamcy and they were playing Pink, Perfect....I didn't realise that the version I have heard is edited!! The version played in Matalan, was not!!