simpleasabc |


Latest post on 19 September 2015 - 18:57
Of course. Mine has done for two years, since passing her test before her 18th birthday. She is now resident in the UK and having to take her driving test there before being allowed to drive there. She learned on a manual car, not an automatic, and her main problem now is driving on the other side of the road. She commuted to work on SZR over one summer and that really helped her learn about the vagaries of different types of driving. She is taking lessons in the UK because the style of driving and the roads are completely different from here. Fingers crossed she passes her UK test first time!
Latest post on 25 June 2015 - 12:57
Same here with du. It's mostly my internet radios losing the wi-fi connection constantly, and as du doesn't *do* wi-fi routers, there is absolutely no point complaining to them. Will try and find a way to switch off the du box for 10 minutes and see if that works - re-setting the router is standard, unfortunately. Certainly not going to waste my time calling du as last time, they told me that if they came on a call-out and it was related to the wi-fi connection/router, which they couldn't officially fix, we'd be charged a call-out fee for the privilege of them doing nothing!
Latest post on 30 May 2015 - 14:05
It's really easy to make your own full-fat mayo using a mixer or a stick blender. Much nicer too! Obviously, you can't do the same with tea.;)
Latest post on 06 May 2015 - 11:27
Hi, I know there is so much controversy out there regarding vaccines, however, I am not intending to open up another debate on the subject...I just want to ask if separate MMR vaccines are available in Dubai? Thankyou :) There is no longer any controversy over the MMR vaccine as the small study which purported to demonstrate a correlation between the vaccine and autism has been discredited and I believe its author has been struck off.
Latest post on 25 April 2015 - 13:40
Hi, there, enjoy your dreams, and expect the unexpected when it comes to Dubai! I'm afraid I can't help with schools, but just wanted to let you know, in case you weren't aware, that unlike in many other countries, often landlords here want a whole year's rent in advance and agents take a 5% cut from the tenant (not the landlord/owner) when arranging a rental agreement. It is very rare to find monthly rentals, unless they are in furnished apartment suites. People are lucky if they can come to an agreement on 3 to 4 cheques a year. So could I suggest your husband factors this knowledge into his negotiations?
Latest post on 31 March 2015 - 12:23
Please read these articles first: and
Latest post on 28 March 2015 - 11:17
Maybe ask at a Pharmacy? I think that you can't go to a jeweller's, you have to go to a medical clinic nowadays. I'm sorry, I can't recommend anywhere here, had mine done years ago at home.
Latest post on 18 March 2015 - 13:30
The one where they completely mispronounce Holborn. It should be this: Also Carrefour, which should be roughly this, even if you don't speak French:
Latest post on 18 March 2015 - 13:22
Our group of friends have planned a trip to Oman at the end of this month... But my DH UAE visa is expiring in July, and my own and DD visa is expiring in sep... Will we get Oman visa at the border? If not then are there chances of getting it from Oman counselate in Dubai considering the short expiry time left on the UAE visa? Oman consulate Dubai not picking the phone...! I would have thought, if anything at all, it was a matter of when your passports expired, not your UAE visas? Given that people regularly make trips to the Oman border to get new visit visas?
Latest post on 14 March 2015 - 11:00
Ooh, that will be a lovely time to be there, pleasant weather, hopefully! We like this hotel in the Sultanahmet district: , but there are plenty like it in the area. Apart from what everyone else has mentioned, we love the Basilica Cistern (which is lovely to go into on a hot day) and I should think it would appeal to your children, too. This Grauniad guide is helpful:
Latest post on 05 March 2015 - 01:21
Thank you for your concern simpleasabc and for the article, I wasn't actually aware of that due to the fact of seeing lots of people selling in markets. Are those also illegal? I'm not quite sure what you mean, but to the best of my understanding, I think that market stall-holders have to be registered with the DED and hold a trade licence to be able to sell. I think places like the Arte craft market may have a special licence allowing registered stall-holders to trade under one licence, under Arte's umbrella, but I'm really not sure how it works. This website might be of interest to you, I don't know what kind of business you want to set up: Even established companies can come a cropper - a couple of years ago, Baker & Spice's Organic fruit and veg market at Souk Al Bahar had to close down for a while until they got the right licences sorted. Lots of people here do run small business from their own homes, which is why it might seem to be something which is allowed, but they are running the risk of being subject to a crackdown and facing closure and huge fines, as the article I linked to suggested. I'm not sure how many people are aware of this and do it discreetly anyway, hoping they won't get caught, or whether they just see others doing it and think it must be OK. The same goes for "part-time" maids sponsored by other people and for private tutors who go to people's homes. Strictly speaking, this is not allowed here and the people involved run the risk of huge fines and even, in the most drastic cases, being deported. This has been a public service announcement, don't shoot the messenger ;) <em>edited by simpleasabc on 05/03/2015</em>
Latest post on 04 March 2015 - 15:25
The way you're writing, I'm not sure if you are aware of the DED rules about home businesses? Here's a quite recent article about them: Of course, if you are a UAE passport holder, this article is irrelevant to you, so I wish you good luck with your business!
Latest post on 03 March 2015 - 18:58
Don't know if this might be of interest to anyone here, I've been asked to spread the word. My apologies if this is considered an ad, I think of it more as a cultural event and it's free! Mottahedan Projects - - Write me a Poem. Pieces by Iranian artists. Enjoy! <em>edited by simpleasabc on 03/03/2015</em>
Latest post on 25 February 2015 - 20:49
We prefer the steak and the entire menu at MJ's and also enjoy the Meat Co at the Madinat. There's a good South African steak place at the Habtoor Grand in the Marina. Its name escapes me but it's fun!
Latest post on 25 February 2015 - 20:41
Could I suggest that you and your fiance quickly go and get married somewhere like Cyprus, so that the conception could conceivably (sorry) have happened in another country and therefore not be of any interest to the authorities if for some reason they later look at dates? You could make it a small civil ceremony with just the two of you and witnesses and then maybe after the baby is born, or in your own good time, have the wedding you want with family and friends in attendance, but without the legal bits, and a blessing in a church if you are religious? ETA: There is no need to see a doctor for confirmation before a 12 week scan unless you have a condition (like being over 35) which could affect your pregnancy. Congratulations! <em>edited by simpleasabc on 25/02/2015</em>
Latest post on 25 February 2015 - 11:20
I have used Celmetro in JLT for ipad/iphone repairs, they are quick and efficient though not necessarily cheap. They even pick up and return if you want, for free.
Latest post on 25 February 2015 - 10:01
You may be right Simple as abc. From your experience is that likely here? I don't have that experience myself, VM, just perhaps being unduly cynical from what I know about the area. Glad to read that it looks as if progress is being made in communication with the owner. Hope it is resolved to your satisfaction.
Latest post on 24 February 2015 - 15:24
Suzy that sounds like the ideal long-term approach. However, time is not on our side as our lease runs out in a few weeks. I doubt we can organize and sort all this in the time available. It took the owner a few weeks simply to amend the draft compound rules! And have been arguing about these things with them for a couple of months now. [b'>Nor am I sure the owner would agree to a meeting. After all, there was no meeting between management and owner regarding the rules. Perhaps he doesn't do meetings because he doesn't speak English.... At the same time, I am sure the rules do not reflect a consensus view[/b'> (may be the view of those who shout loudest but are actually a minority?), so a community meeting would be a sensible approach. I'm guessing the owner, as the owner of the entire compound, feels it is up to him and only him, to impose whatever rules he wants to and that he is not answerable to the community, nor does he have to act with the community's approval or on a consensus view.
Latest post on 23 February 2015 - 13:17
This may be old news to interested parties, but I've just found out that a new IB curriculum bilingual school is being built in Healthcare City. No precise opening dates given yet. It is the Swiss International Scientific School Dubai and a quoogle will doubtless get you to the right internet site. I don't want to be accused of advertising as I have nothing to do with the place, but just wanted to pass on the information in case it was of use to someone on here!
Latest post on 20 February 2015 - 00:24
So what was it, in the end, OP?
Latest post on 20 February 2015 - 00:22
I'm a Brit who lived in Switzerland for 20 years before arriving here. I love it in Dubai, but then I dislike mountains, snow and cold weather immensely. Our daughter is in Europe at university now, so I don't have early morning school runs or any of the other boring school stuff to contend with. These are just not possible here if you don't drive or have a driver. Most people work far longer hours here than in Europe and if your partner has a job where he has to travel, you will find yourself on your own with children a lot, and that's not fun. Unless you learn to drive and are happy to drive on your own round here, which gives you independence in any case, I seriously wouldn't bother. I love it here, but my circumstances are very different from yours and I think you might well be unhappy, even if only for a short stay. The last few months we've had glorious weather and been able to have the French windows open all day and night, with no aircon, but that is changing now as the temperature is creeping up. From what you've said, this is not the place for you :( I really wish you luck with your decision - but those Jebel Ali villas are too far away from everything if you don't have your own means of transport to hand.
Latest post on 19 February 2015 - 13:36
Have a look here, follow the links and it is self-explanatory: Make sure you use the code which lets you sign up for life for USD10.00 (if I read it correctly). Once you have placed your order with Amazon (or whoever), you get it sent to the relevant country's S&S address. Once there, it is couriered by Aramex to your UAE home or office address, whichever you sign up with. The delivery cost this end is by weight and creeps up annually. It currently starts at AED43 per 1lb, I think. You are notified when a package has arrived in the country of origin and shortly after that, you are notified if you want to pay on line, but you have to catch the very small window of opportunity or you have to pay cash. Hope this helps a bit.
Latest post on 17 February 2015 - 18:33
Yes T1 and T3 It's next to Emirates holidays opposite the Mazaya Centre and where the diversion is It isn't open on weekends and during the week 9-5 Take your passport and Emirates ID card And the exact money in cash, I think :)
Latest post on 17 February 2015 - 15:17
Aww, please don't go, MoonFlower582, you've provided us with minutes of harmless fun :) EW will go back to its usual dull self without you. :(
Latest post on 14 February 2015 - 17:34
And part of decision making for people is based on their experiences. I worked with severely physically and cognitively challenged children whose condition was caused indirectly by vaccinations. [b'>I also had a good friend whose child could no longer stand to be touched (and was eventually diagnosed autistic) following his vaccinations. I have not worked with children severely affected by polio, measles etc, although I have worked with hundreds that have had chicken pox (without being affected long term).[/b'> These are [b'>MY[/b'> first hand experiences and of course I am going to take this into account when I come to make the decision about my own children and immunisation. That's what we do as parents, we try to make the best decisions we can for those we love more than anyone based on what we know. I'm sorry, I am going to sound exceedingly terse here. Are you unaware that the relevant vaccines are given at the same time that autism manifests itself in young children - in other words, this is a very unfortunate coincidence, not the result of cause and effect? Secondly, you seem to be failing to make the connection between your not having worked with children severely affected by polio and measles with the fact that polio until now has been eradicated BECAUSE OF the worldwide vaccination programme, and measles were well on their way to being eradicated, until the acknowledged false research in the late Nineties made people wary of the MMR vaccine. Hope this makes sense. I'm a bit cross.
Latest post on 14 February 2015 - 09:36
Thanks for that, Daza. That's the first time I'd seen it. Ridiculous that more than 50 years on, the same arguments are being rehearsed. I must have had measles in some form round about the same time as Olivia Dahl. I had to stay in a darkened room for what felt like a terribly long time, because there was a risk of my losing my sight and my hearing being impaired, as well - though I think those may be side effects of Rubella? Anyway, I know I'd been vaccinated against everything possible for my age at the time, though I don't know if a measles/Rubella vaccine was in place then. Also, I can remember being told, nearly 20 years ago in Switzerland, not to bother to vaccinate my child against chickenpox as it wasn't effective. At the time it was already mandatory for school-children in the US to be vaccinated against chickenpox. I still put down the loss of my third pregnancy to exposure to chickenpox, but who can say?
Latest post on 14 February 2015 - 08:58
I am not WA, but this link might help - looks as if you can book and pay online these days:
Latest post on 14 February 2015 - 08:49
I'm sure lots of us have seen the post on Facebook, but for those who haven't, here is an article I found which has the full text as well - let's hope Griffin stays measles-free till Tuesday.****/story-fnet08xa-1227216324719 Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day to those who are celebrating St Valentine's feast-day today :D
Latest post on 12 February 2015 - 20:29
I think you'd be best off ringing one of the exchange companies up and asking them directly.
Latest post on 12 February 2015 - 19:28
I'm sorry, I can't help with the job situation, but I can tell you that the only way to get in touch in the first instance on EW is by putting up your email address, like this, for example: simpleasabc at gmail dot com and asking the other person to let you know when they have seen it, so you can take it down again, as there are no pm facilities on this site. Hope that makes sense and good luck with the job hunt. <em>edited by simpleasabc on 12/02/2015</em>
Latest post on 03 February 2015 - 21:34
I'm sorry I can't help, Cornish Pixie, but I'm inclined to say that the 3 year old will probably be fine and chattering away in English after a couple of months without any help from anyone else. The 7 year old is more problematic, but maybe if they are put in a school which is used to teaching children in a similar position, and where the staff is sympathetic, it might be of help?
Latest post on 01 February 2015 - 23:52
I'm afraid it's not legit to work from home here at all, unless you set up a business yourself and have a trade licence.
Latest post on 01 February 2015 - 23:44
I suggest you ring their switchboard and ask for the email address of one or more of these people here: Alternatively, you could write a "real" letter to the CEO and hand deliver it to Mediclinic Dubai Mall, which seems to be their head office for the Middle East.
Latest post on 30 January 2015 - 15:31
I can only assume an old EW favourite, the Philips Airfryer, won't cut the mustard? ;)
Latest post on 29 January 2015 - 16:11
Do you reckon we are allowed to discuss Michelle Obama's hair? Daza - was just wondering the same thing. Was going to start another thread.... Do you have thoughts about her hair? I understand that female visitors to KSA are not necessarily required to cover their heads, but they are asked to don abayas. In most cases.
Latest post on 27 January 2015 - 10:16
I would be interested in finding out more too. How long does the investor visa last? How many people can you sponsor? Can you sponsor maid? How much is it? TIA I have no personal experience, but a quoogle found this, which might help you?
Latest post on 27 January 2015 - 10:07
No worries, Puddle31. Just one thing occurs to me, you may need to get it translated into Arabic, best check with the RTA before you go. Sorry, so long since we did this, I can't remember what happened.
Latest post on 27 January 2015 - 09:26
The NOC needs to be written and signed by whoever is your sponsor, probably your husband, I would guess? Just in case you didn't know, you can only get your driving licence exchanged once you have your residence visa, and in the letter, you refer to the passport which your UAE residence visa is on (if you have more than one passport for whatever reason). It can go something like this (pinched from another forum as I can't find our template on my computer!): Dear Sir/Madam, Please accept this letter as confirmation that I, __________________, holder of (Nationality) passport No. ________________ have no objection to __________________, holder of (Nationality) passport No. ______ who is under my sponsorship, obtaining a UAE driving license. Yours, You can adapt the above for anything which needs an NOC. They don't normally need to be legalised or stamped, but you'll be told if they do. HTH.
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 19:44
I think FaceTime is free if you have an i-thing with it installed? You can just use audio if you want, on calls to people who also have an i-thing.
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 17:36
In simple terms (Geddit? ;) ;) ), Greeks will be happier with their lot if they manage to change the terms of their austerity package. In the five years since they have been subject to this austerity package, their debt has actually increased rather than decreased, so it is seen to have served no useful purpose. A lot of Greeks also feel they are being unfairly treated by the EU, particularly by the Germans, who they themselves were allowed to put massive debt behind them after WWII, which is why they are now in such a powerful position economically, but who some Greeks feel actually owe the current Greek National Debt to them in reparation for WWII. As to the eventual effect this will have on the Eurozone, I really have no idea. But I am hoping the Prime Minister Elect will change things for the better - already liking his first Tweet ;) <em>edited by simpleasabc on 26/01/2015</em>
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 10:08
Where in the world is their a regulatroy body that comes and inspects properties? I don't know, but in the UK you have to jump through quite a few hoops to rent a property As a landlord in the UK, I have always paid for any and all maintenance and repairs and replacement of white goods etc, as necessary, unless the damage was actually caused by a tenant's actions and not normal wear and tear. You can't compare the rental market here with the one in the UK, either as a tenant or a landlord. No, but Izzy was talking about regulatory bodies and inspections. We've always had to have everything serviced regularly and reports to prove it's been done and is being done. Ah, right! Gosh, do you manage your property long-distance yourself, then? Quite a task from here, I'd guess!
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 09:47
Where in the world is their a regulatroy body that comes and inspects properties? I don't know, but in the UK you have to jump through quite a few hoops to rent a property As a landlord in the UK, I have always paid for any and all maintenance and repairs and replacement of white goods etc, as necessary, unless the damage was actually caused by a tenant's actions and not normal wear and tear. You can't compare the rental market here with the one in the UK, either as a tenant or a landlord.
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 09:32
I thought GEMS Wellington International School was very good on the whole, given the turnover of staff which you get everywhere in Dubai because of the two year contract restriction, and particularly in the IB system, it seems. WIS offers the British Curriculum all the way through from primary up to GCSE level, and the Sixth Form offers the IB curriculum. The atmosphere in the school is very positive and pleasant, I found, though I only have experience of the Sixth Form. It is one of the few schools here which has a centre dedicated to children who need special assistance of one kind of another.
Latest post on 25 January 2015 - 21:35
Usually at supermarkets there are signs up for room rentals. Perhaps she can go look there. Also plenty of room rentals advertised on gulf news classified ads online. p.s. for those who keep wagging their fingers about how illegal it is...remember majority of Satwa and Karama is subletting and nobody cares. I am not wagging my finger, I am giving a friendly warning. OK, many people flat share and/or sublet and most of the time a blind eye is turned by the authorities here. That doesn't mean people shouldn't be aware that they might find themselves in an awkward situation without a legal leg to stand on if they have a problem with their neighbours, or when it comes to renewing their residence visa and having to present an attested tenancy contract in their or their sponsor's name. It seems many people think it is legal for unrelated people to share homes in they same way as is done in the west, but just because "everybody does it" doesn't make it any more legal here, strictly speaking.
Latest post on 25 January 2015 - 16:18
Now why do people here feel the need to often give unsolicited advice. none of you know the exact situation of the OP's friend . she didn't ask for advice. if you cant help then don't respond. However, the OP's friend is asking for someone to act illegally on her behalf. Maybe they are both unaware of this, as are some of the posters here, apparently.
Latest post on 25 January 2015 - 08:44
I keep looking longingly at the Lakes as we really should downsize now there are just two of us and the dog, but if the prices there are the same (or more) for a three bed town house as for a 4 bed in Meadows, there seems no point in moving :)
Latest post on 08 January 2015 - 16:57
Like Genie, I prefer to use S&S for Amazon purchases. Last Sunday, I bought a fancy electric toothbrush in their UK online sale, for about half of the price it would have cost me in Spinneys and it was delivered to me here yesterday afternoon. I had to pay AED77 for the shipping, but it's still worth it, I think. As to books, I mostly Kindle nowadays so I don't really take much notice of the prices for physical books.
Latest post on 07 January 2015 - 17:04
Why would anyone give that a thumbs up? It's shocking. But it is a deliberate attack on the freedom of speech, specifically targeted, not a random act of terrorism on citizens going about their daily business. RIP. <em>edited by simpleasabc on 07/01/2015</em>
Latest post on 02 January 2015 - 13:05
Congratulations! I wish you both every happiness! I'm just thinking about the London thing - in some cases, it's going to be just as difficult for people to get to a venue in London as it would for them to travel somewhere outside London. If they are mostly based in one area of London, could you not arrange a venue/village hall in the countryside nearest to their part of London, if you see what I mean? If they are mostly coming from South London, I wonder if you could combine having the civil ceremony in Pembroke Lodge with a picnic afterwards in Richmond Park? For your budget, I think CP's suggestion is excellent. We were once in Richmond Park when a couple had obviously opted for a picnic in the park after their wedding. They and their guests obviously had a lovely time, although there were only about ten people attending, I think! You could even go to Richmond or Kingston registry offices for the civil ceremony and then move into the park? Of course, you would have to pray for good weather :( I'm afraid otherwise, your budget is unrealistic for London - unless you just have canapes, as someone else suggested? Alternatively, could you not have the ceremony and wedding "breakfast" simply for close family (parents and siblings) and then have a party afterwards? Or have the ceremony in the afternoon and have afternoon tea, with lovely sandwiches, scones and clotted cream, and wedding cake, for all your guests? Or would that not be culturally acceptable? Good luck with your decisions!
Latest post on 22 December 2014 - 00:16
EVERYWHERE accommodates children. You are hard pushed as a couple to find somewhere which doesn't welcome children in Dubai. Which is frankly a pain for childless couples or those whose children are adults. <em>edited by simpleasabc on 22/12/2014</em>