Snow White |

Snow White

Latest post on 26 November 2014 - 10:46
We have just renewed lease with a 40% increase - for a number of reasons we were stuck between a rock and a hard place in terms of whether to move or not - we don't need the space we currently have but even with downsizing to a smaller number of bedrooms the costs of moving versus the relatively small amount we would save in rent didn't make it worth our while this year. We will probably downsize next year (and also lose the pool we have that sits unused for 11 months of the year!)
Latest post on 24 September 2014 - 14:59
Recently bought Asics from Intersport in Festival - they are, as Kitten67 mentions, not this season's style and I'm not entirely sure I got a good deal on price but I was desperate! There is New Balance shop in Mercato.
Latest post on 24 September 2014 - 14:54
Another Insanity fan here - also done T25 - I'm curently doing Charlene Extreme which is purely weight based workouts - 30 mins each - and combining that with running outside. Lots of great suggestions on this thread so I do hope you find something that works for you. Good luck.
Latest post on 06 May 2014 - 10:36
I have done Insanity and T25. Agree with Singarosa - Insanity will get you results fast but its intense and hardwork - T25 will also get you results but it takes longer (I doubled up on the workouts doing two at a time and found that gave me the "extra" I was looking for). I have had P90X sitting on the side for a while - I was put off by the length of the workouts (I think they are around 45 to 50 mins each) but I am determined to give it a go too. I bought Insanity from Amazon and T25/P90X direct from Beachbody and shop n' shipped them over. I've also got Charlene Extreme (I think that's what its called) but not tried that one either! The investment is worth it - I have done Insanity three times now and T25 twice.
Latest post on 09 February 2014 - 12:27
Hey SEY83... glad to hear you're enjoying it - its much more of a manageable programme isn't it. I only did Alpha and Beta - I have Gamma but Christmas got in the way so I never got started on it. Day 1 of Insanity today... I am actually really looking forward to it - not sure I'll feel the same way tomorrow though! I'll keep you posted... and you keep me posted on T25 too!
Latest post on 03 February 2014 - 16:56
Hi SEY83 - yes I'm still here! I finished T25 just before Christmas - I really enjoyed it - didn't give me the same results as Insanity though - not sure why because I certainly felt as if I was working hard - it may be because I didn't have that much weight to lose and I wasn't as strict with my food intake as I was when doing Insanity - but its a really good programme - if I couldn't fit one of the workouts in it was really easy to do two the following day. I also liked the introduction of weights too that added a different angle and made it interesting. Incidentally... I'm restarting Insanity next week! Keep me posted on how you do - some of the moves need a bit of practice but once you get the hang of them its easy peasy! Good luck and enjoy!
Latest post on 10 September 2013 - 15:17
Apologies for the radio silence! Not had time to log in for ages. Singarosa - well done you on the weight loss. Insanity is tough on the joints there is no denying that and that is why there is such a long disclaimer at the beginning of the DVD! Keeping good form is essential, a sturdy pair of cross trainers too should help - I'm not sure about any sort of mat - I didn't use one except for the floor work exercises and I didn't suffer with any injury. Making sure you bend your knees when you land and sort of land like a spring i.e. don't jolt and come to a sudden stop. How are you getting on now? Any others still out there? Piggle, Onelasttime, Pepito? How's it all going? Oh and Tweeters! SEY83 - I am loving Focus T25 - it still gives you those "I'm not quite sure why the **** I'm doing this" moments but much easier to get your head round as the workouts are only 25 mins - yeah OK you don't stop for one moment during those 25 mins so there's still a river of sweat running down your body!! Definitely recommend it to everyone whose tried Insanity.
Latest post on 31 July 2013 - 12:34
So how are all you insane Insanity ladies doing? I trust we are still Digging Deeper and haven't yet smashed the telly in an attempt to give the lovely Tania a nice left hook on the chin!!!! SEY83 - great to hear from you - Focus T25 has just arrived! However, I am not even going to open the box until I get back from my hols at the end of August. I have kept all the weight off so far without much effort - I have done nothing on the exercise front for weeks as work has been so busy but I intend to get straight back into it after the holiday. I am contemplating doing Insanity again before Focus T25... I do miss it so!!! Keep plugging away ladies - it is so worth it - it is only a few weeks of your lives and a little (well OK a lot) of sweat and hard work but you will feel on top of the world when you finish that last workout.
Latest post on 31 July 2013 - 12:27
I know of a vacancy for a deskside support assistant - I'm not sure if that's too junior for your hubby
Latest post on 08 July 2013 - 12:40
Hi Onelastime - I got mine through Shop and Ship - I have a US address as well as a UK address - bought P90X from them and it arrived safely - only just ordered T25 so its not arrived yet.
Latest post on 07 July 2013 - 12:27
BIG WELL DONE to you all! Its so good to see that the group is growing. Pepito - restart the programme I think you will find that better than trying to pick up from where you left off. Its tough doing the six days in a row and I found trying to fit in the weekend workouts the hardest but just keep remembering that this is only a two month programme and that when you reach the end you will look and feel amazing. I have just ordered Shaun T's new workout - called Focus T25 - more insane workouts - 25 mins only but 25 mins of high intensity exercise! Bring it on....!!!
Latest post on 18 June 2013 - 10:23
Way to go ladies... Piggle - fantastic improvement - this programme really does work doesn't it! Yes you have to put the work in but to get to see the results so quickly is just so rewarding. Keep going... I am so so sooooo tempted to restart Insanity....
Latest post on 07 June 2013 - 11:51
Thanks Di@DXB - I'm not sure what the issue is but it may be more than a basic repair - I'll give him a call anyway and see what he can do. Thanks again
Latest post on 07 June 2013 - 11:30
Don't worry Piggle by the time you get to the end of this you'll be repping out 20 push ups quite easily! Onelastime - I tried to get Shakeology out here but you can't because they are not legally able to deliver outside of the US - the Beachbody team were really helpful and sent me through the ingredients list of Shakeology and I found something relatively similar here - I've just run out and can't for the life of me remember what it is called but I'll do a search and post again when I find out. It tasted disgusting but after taking it for just a week I noticed a huge difference in my skin and general wellbeing so it was worth it. Dear oh dear... the things we put ourselves through to get fit and healthy! Keep at it ladies and DIG DEEPER - have either of you wanted to punch Tania yet?!!!!!
Latest post on 06 June 2013 - 12:47
Hate to break it to you Piggle but you are going HATE Month 2 then... it's quite upper body focussed I'm afraid! Would be interested to hear what you think of Hip Hop Abs - I shied away because I have absolutely no sense of rhythm but it does look great fun and if what they say is true - fab results as well!
Latest post on 04 June 2013 - 11:10
Hey SEY83... I certainly did - in fact size 10 is a bit loose on me now! I'm so so happy - it was hard work but so worth it... I'm now doing the 5:2 diet and have started back on Jillian Michael's and running - I have P90X and CharLEAN Extreme ready to start after my summer hols. You should do Insanity again!!!!!!!!! Go on... you know you'll enjoy once you get started...
Latest post on 04 June 2013 - 09:31
Way to go ladies! I'm so pleased the group is growing! Hopefully those of you on week 2/3 will soon start to see changes in your body... i.e. less wobbly bits! Keep it up and keep posting on your progress. Dig Deeper and enjoy! You can do this and you will look and feel absolutely amazing at the end of the journey.
Latest post on 30 May 2013 - 13:31
Hey SEY83! Long time no hear... of course we still love you... you were my incentive to start Insanity all those months ago. Really sorry to hear about your neck - maybe you'll be able to give Insanity another go in a few months or perhaps try one of the other programmes that are on the market - as Piggle suggests Turbofire might be a good alternative. I was actually tempted with Turbofire as my next challenge - but have ended up going with P90X - the boxset has just arrived but I won't be starting until after my summer holidays. I need some time out from exercising 6 days a week. Currently alternating between running and Jillian M's Ripped in 30 - although I'm not sure how much longer I'll cope with the outside temperatures so it may be back to Jillian full time before long. Notnewintown - really hope the mat works - let us know how it goes. Piggle - you'll be able to loads of pushups after this! Remember ladies... Dig Deeeeeeeeeper!
Latest post on 29 May 2013 - 15:40
Tattie Bogle is right - its normal for the employee's sponsorship to be paid for but its discretionary and up to the company/firm when it comes to family/dependents - some do some don't - majoriy don't (my company doesn't and neither does my husband's).
Latest post on 29 May 2013 - 15:30
Ah... another Insanity lady!!! This is brilliant I didn't realise there were so many of us out there! Well done on getting through your first week. - you'll be pleased to know that it does get slightly easier (until of course you reach month 2 and then its a whole different level of pain!). Anyway, knees and ankles... I didn't have any problems at all - are you making sure when you do the jumps that you are landing "softly" and bending your knees... the pain could be caused by "jolting" - do you notice it after any particular exercise or workout? Have you ever had this sort of problem before? Perhaps try and slow down a bit and make sure you keep your form and see if that helps. If it continues sadly it might mean that Insanity is not for you. This is a hardcore advanced programme and for some the intensity is too much for the body to take. Good luck!
Latest post on 29 May 2013 - 12:08
Good for you Piggle - you won't regret it - I finished Insanity a couple of weeks ago and am still losing weight even though I'm not consciously watching calories or doing any exercise. I was in fairly good shape before I started - had been doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 - but don't worry I struggled with push ups before I started as well - I can now rep out 20 quite easily! Don't be scared... enjoy it - push yourself as hard as you can comfortably - you will ache after the first few days and you'll think you'll never ever be able to get through a workout without taking 20 breaks but you'll be amazed at how quickly your fitness improves. Don't worry about the fitness test either... it is there just to show you how much progress you make during the programme. Keep us posted... and good luck
Latest post on 27 May 2013 - 17:39
It is not a legal requirement for visa cancellation - however, it could be your employer's own internal policy - but it does seem a little scrooge-like as you are only asking them to extend just for a couple of days
Latest post on 27 May 2013 - 10:28
Thanks ladies Sorry to raise your hopes Geordie1 - I left the "Union" off - its "Union Co-op" not the UK version of Co-op! Anyway, its opposite Safa Park if you are still interested. Nellie - thank you so much for your kind offer - I can hang on until July I think. Do let me know if you want any bringing back. Chewit - WOW... might need to do a bit of research on that - it will certainly put me off the stuff if there is any animal cruelty involved
Latest post on 26 May 2013 - 17:04
Can thoroughly recommend "Insanity" - its hardcore but it works... I've just finished the programme and lost 10kgs and dropped two dress sizes. Good luck with whatever you decide to go with.
Latest post on 26 May 2013 - 13:01
Thank you both - I've tried Park n' Shop, Spinneys, Choirtrams and Co-op (that was a bit of a long shot!)... my next attempt will be at the Organic shop as it was spotted there some months ago. I'm heading back to UK in July so may just have to wait until then.
Latest post on 26 May 2013 - 11:56
Thanks Lolacat and Paddie - I got some from Dubai Pet Food in the end - was very impressed with their service. Little kitten is now a happy little kitten!
Latest post on 23 May 2013 - 13:25
Thanks Yellowtail - will give them a go...
Latest post on 23 May 2013 - 12:16
Does anyone know where I can get milk for a kitten who has lost his mummy? I've tried at a couple of vets and pet stores but everyone seems to be out of stock. I have been told that puppy milk can be used as an alternative. Many thanks
Latest post on 20 May 2013 - 11:37
Hi Egg My maid's daughter has just arrived in Dubai and is looking for work - email me on [email protected] if you are interested. I should add that my maid is not "brilliant" but she's 100% trustworthy though - I would like to assume her daughter would be the same.
Latest post on 08 May 2013 - 13:23
Searched high and low for this ages ago but never found it... we now stock up when we go back to the UK... can't live without my homemade pickled onions!
Latest post on 08 May 2013 - 13:20
As far as I am aware there is no provision for extra sick days for pregnant woman in the labour law. I think TDB's response is spot on and that it would be down to the employer on how they would deal with this. Is she working onshore or offshore? The laws can be slightly different - but I know for onshore that there is nothing in the UAE labour law - some freezones have slightly different laws so that's worth checking.
Latest post on 30 April 2013 - 12:36
Hello Insanity Buddies... My little HRM tells me that I'm burning between 300 and 400 calories on Month 2 - Month 1 was only between 200 and 300 - but I'm not convinced that is accurate at all because it "feels" like I'm burning double that! I've also read somewhere that others claim you burn up to 1,000 calories. Fairfield... be careful with Month 2 and your fasting days... I agree with SEY83 you may find you'll struggle with the workouts on so few calories - that said everyone is different and I don't know enough about the "science" behind the 5:2 diet to say what effect hardcore exercise would have on your fasting days. Keep up the good work ladies and I hope you are all digging deeper!!!
Latest post on 24 April 2013 - 12:57
Well done Pepito... I wouldn't worry too much about missing days as long as you make up the sessions. Great that you improved on your second fitness test - really does give you a boost when you see that. I started to see a difference probably around the second week - but I was keeping to a fairly strict diet as well. I think SEY83 was the same. The real difference is happening now though - I'm halfway through my second week of Month 2 - again I think SEY83 saw the same results and from her recent post below it looks like she has continued to lose weight after finishing Insanity.
Latest post on 24 April 2013 - 11:10
Welcome back SEY83 - good idea with the four days a week - I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do next - I find the weekends the hardest to fit in a session so I think I'm going to aim for five days week and have the weekends off. Not entirely sure whether I'll do Insanity or go back and give Ripped in 30 another go... I'm concerned that Rin30 won't be challenging enough... also seriously considering P90X too... decisions decisions!!!! But I'm with you on the long term sustainable routine as opposed to a fixed period of 6 days of training. For me it will be about maintenance as opposed to losing weight. I really wish I'd taken a photo before I started... I have lost two dress sizes now - wieght still hasn't gone down by much but that new wardrobe is going to have to be purchased soon as all my clothes just fall off me now! I am so so pleased and I really don't think I would have got the same results if I'd continued with Jillian Michael's. I also feel so much fitter and healthier - my skin is glowing and I have loads more energy. I feel like I'm 10 years younger! Fairfield - fab news on getting through Month 1... Month 2 is definitely a challenge but you can do it... don't try and keep up with the guys on the DVD - work at your own pace but push yourself to get as much out of it as you can. With Syntha 6 I take it after I have worked out in the evenings - I add it to my calorie intake as well so it is a sort of meal replacement too. But I don't tend to take it every night though. Beebers is the real expert on this sort of stuff... it might be worth posting a message asking her for advice. I've been reading the threads on the 5:2 diet and I may give that a go after I've finished Insanity.
Latest post on 24 April 2013 - 10:51
I remember that thread - I'm pretty sure the sponsor was successful!
Latest post on 23 April 2013 - 11:29
are you back on the Insanity wagon SEY83? Pepito/Rocketeer - how are you getting on? I'm clearly deranged at the moment because I am loving it!
Latest post on 23 April 2013 - 11:11
Perhaps the authorities here should take a harder line and do more thorough checks - in my humble opinion the problems lies with those people who create the demand by illegally employing these maids - they are the ones that should be targetted with a higher fine - I don't think legallising part-time maid employment would work as that would seem unfair on those of us who pay out for the annual sponsorship. I also think majority of these maids have a mentality of "it won't happen to me" - we have told our maid exactly what you have said Simplesabc but I bet you it went in one ear and straight out the other and if the opportunity of earning more money on the sly was there she wouldn't think twice.
Latest post on 21 April 2013 - 16:43
Hi Fairfield I am on my second week of Month 2 of Insanity. I have lost two dress sizes and have much more muscle definition across my whole body - in particular my abs and shoulders. There is more focus on the upper body in Month 2 - the workouts are about 10 mins longer and more challenging. I also use a protein shake - Syntha 6 - which I think has also made a difference. So it has worked for me but I appreciate not everyone responds in the same way to exercise so maybe you are better suited to more weight-based training. You could always alternate the two... i.e. one night Insanity and the other Jillian? Good luck and I hope you get the results you want before your hols.
Latest post on 18 April 2013 - 16:24
Dont give up Rocketeer... SEY83 is absolutely right in what she has written - the one thing I would add is do not compromise on your form - that bit is so important as you could end up doing yourself some damage. It would be much better to slow right down but make sure you are doing each exercise correctly and take those breaks. Have you got proper cross trainers? Are the laces OK? I find if I tie my laces up too tight I get foot cramps... may also be worth just spending a bit of time wiggling your feet around after the warm up - might help? The important thing is not to throw in the towel... you CAN do this... its incredibly hard work but so so rewarding. SEY83 - have you restarted? I had the lovely Mr T in his tights last night with the Max Cardio Recovery - boy that one's a toughie!
Latest post on 17 April 2013 - 12:52
Hi SEY83 - LOL at your muscles deflating!!! Get back on the Insantiy wagon... you know you love it really!!! I'm only on Day 4 of Month 2... surprisingly enough it hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be - not sure if that's because I'm in a lot better shape than I was the first time I started Month 2. My biggest "gripe" is that blessed Tania woman... I seem to be hating her even more now... no idea why either!!! My fav workout is the Max Plyio because she's not in it!! Rocketeer and Pepito - please let us know how its going... really hope you are both still plugging away and are seeing the results...
Latest post on 15 April 2013 - 10:40
We have been here for five years and I have noticed a substantial increase in my weekly shop in that time - to the point that I am now having to think carefully about what I buy. I haven't had a pay rise in the time I have been here and neither has hubby. Rents have dropped but are now on the increase and don't get me started on school fees and how much they have one up. No idea if we are actually better off here than home country but if we are I suspect it would not be by much.
Latest post on 15 April 2013 - 09:28
Hi Rocketeer - another Insanity buddy - YAY! Well if you wanted to shock your body you have certainly chosen the right exercise programme! Keep posting on your progress... its brutal but worth it! Don't get too down about the fitness test - I didn't do particularly well the first time I did it but you'll be amazed at how much you have improved the next time you do it (I think its after week 2). Good luck!
Latest post on 14 April 2013 - 10:06
Hey Pepito! Well done for getting through Week 1! How did you find it? Neither SEY83 nor I have lost much weight.. but we have lost inches - I think we started to see the results after the first week or so. The weight loss has been very very slow but I believe this is because you are building up your muscles which weigh more than fat - but you will see a difference in the shape of your body - everything becomes more toned and less "wobbly". I have rock hard abs now whereas when I started on Insanity my tum was like jelly! I have stopped weighing myself - I will probably jump on the scales when I am done with Insanity just out of interest but for me my weight is not important. I never followed a proper diet plan either just watched what I ate and made sure I drank plenty of water. I'm about to start the dreaded Month 2 today... because I know what to expect I'm not entirely sure I'm looking forward to it!!! Keep me posted on your progress - keep at it - you will start to see the benefits very soon
Latest post on 11 April 2013 - 11:09
Don't have any suggestions I'm afraid. We are on our fourth vacuum in the same number of years. I have no idea what our maid does with them.... the latest purchase was cheap as chips (Siemens) as she managed to break the expensive "heavy duty" Panasonic we purchased within eight months... we have told her this is the last one we will be purchasing and if she breaks this one she'll be using a broom. Oh and don't get me started on the number of irons we've got through...
Latest post on 08 April 2013 - 13:33
Are you still on your first week Pepito? Believe me it does get easier but the first week is a killer. My advice is to slow things down and do the workout at your pace - don't try and keep up with Mr T and the gang - you should find that Week 2 is easier (yeah ok just very slightly easier!). I haven't missed a session yet *she says polishing her halo*!! But I am lucky in that I haven't had any other "distractions" and have a pretty stable routine. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about it though - the important thing is to keep going and work as hard as you can without throwing up/passing out!!! You will start to see the results very soon - that was what kept SEY83 and myself going - this programme is brutal but it works and it works fast if you put in the effort. Keep at it Pepito - you are clearly enthusiastic which for me is 99% of the battle...
Latest post on 07 April 2013 - 10:49
Hi Pepito Great news that you are in full "Insanity" swing! How are you finding it? I'm just about to start my Recovery Week and then I'll be into Month 2.
Latest post on 28 March 2013 - 13:00
Let us know what they say - I may be able to help locating a UK qualified lawyer...
Latest post on 28 March 2013 - 10:52
I don't think you need to do this in front of a notary public - I think a UK qualified solicitor should be OK - I would suggest you call a UK law firm and check. I worked in a law firm many moons ago and we would regularly get clients coming in to swear affidavits - however things may be different now or may be different as you are not in the UK. Hope this helps.
Latest post on 28 March 2013 - 09:44
Its all handwritten!
Latest post on 28 March 2013 - 09:30
I have a "salary book" - an example of the format I use is below - my maid signs on receipt. She is currently saving half her salary which we are keeping for her hence the "Saving" line Month: March 2013 Salary: AED xxxxx Advance (if applicable): AED xxxxx Saving: AED xxxxx (Total saved to date: AED xxxx) Total received: AED xxxxx