Solo |


Latest post on 11 June 2015 - 18:46
Very welcome. Anything more comes to mind that I can answer just let me know:)
Latest post on 11 June 2015 - 03:57
Thank you for your honest post. All too painfully true and having lived here many decades hear these stories all so many heart wrenching times. 3:50 am and awake just listening to the rhymic snores of our four legged little one who we are so lucky to have as part of our family.
Latest post on 08 June 2015 - 16:37
Over all our years and race years here. Our kart chassis were originally stored at Jebel Ali Kart track, then Dubai Autodrome, but now in our workshop at home with their extensive equipment, wardrobes of all of our families helmets, suits, rib protectors, boots and gloves...... Again.... Big sigh! Yes, owning your karts is best then you are sure of the Maintainance on it is set up for the driver. However there are certain series that you can compete in where you rent karts to race and maintainance done but the club. But not the same as being yours.....
Latest post on 07 June 2015 - 15:59 Depending your child's age and chassis needed. Hope this helps. Sorry, I don't think the link for Bambino Karts opens...... 5/8 yr old Chassis Dhs 5,995 + Dhs 3000 Comer C50 engine Mojo Tyres Dhs 800 a set
Latest post on 07 June 2015 - 15:51
Though I could be wrong as stranger things have happened but I very much doubt Dragon Mart would sell the type of Karts able to be used competitively on track. All Karts have to pass FIA inspections before being raced and scrutineered by the track officials to be out racing. Engine sealed, race wear be of up to date regulations and the driver having passed their licence to compete. Having raced for many decades competitively myself, husband as well and then children followed by then being race officials/clerk of the course, AARKS licensing , 24hr races (and even involved in the world finals when held in Al Ain). We have been around and grown up here practically trackside.......Though no longer unfortunately with such busy lives. I would think the rules have become stricter over every aspect. It was a huge part of all our lives and if you do find he wants to follow this on, then great! It becomes a huge family involvement! As we all very much miss being out on track! Still have all our race karts and a workshop full of engines and equipment:) Sigh!!!
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 16:20
No, we haven't had such a quick return in the past either. Two passports sent two years ago took 2 months to arrive back and old passports were about another 10 days following. But surprizingly when I sent two away in March they came back 10 days later and the old the same afternoon too. Then another passport was sent the beginning of May and was a day quicker returning with old and new once again arriving back the same day which we hadn't expected or experienced before. So service has defiantly improved.
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 08:45
We have sent three passports over the recent months for renewal and all old passports with current visas have arrived back the same day as the new ones but obviously in separate DHL envelopes. As if it was arriving in their second post of the day, new ones in the morning and then old in the afternoon. Ours were all returned by DHL.
Latest post on 09 May 2015 - 15:28
Sent two passports for renewal the end of March.....didn't want to leave it too late just incase. But two new and two old all arrived on the same day in just 11 days back to us. Sent another passport 14 days ago today and hoping on the basis of the last two sent that this one will be returned sometime this week to.
Latest post on 10 April 2015 - 08:49
Don't be! I was 21 when I became mum to my first set and 23 when I delivered my second set so four under 3 yrs old.... Having not known anything different by having had a single child birth you just cope with two arriving into your life together and learn what's easiest for you and them on a daily basis. It's all about a strict routine that they become used to and you can manage. ??
Latest post on 08 April 2015 - 14:40
Not sure where you are located but my sons both renewed theirs about 6 months ago and we went to the optician in Mall of the Emirates which is registered to do them which is upstairs near where Marks and Spensers have moved to. I think it was Dhs150 each for the signed, stamped eye test on the RTA form which we then took with all the other documents required to the licensing place near the a Gold and Diamond Park / Al Barsha and they were processed in minutes.
Latest post on 06 April 2015 - 18:51
My oldest twins (now men) were both prescribed glasses here when they were 5 yrs old. (short sighted) Although I wear glasses / well contact lenses since I was a teen here....and have poor eyesight I too was devastated and cried. But they coped well and I eventually got used to them in them in their frames, and prescription got progressively worse over the years. That was probably 17-18 yrs ago and their first optitions was in Magrudys Center and specialised in children's frames. But maybe no longer there. They didn't break too many pairs, bent frames and cut bridges of noses later on playing football in them heading the ball! Though both also now for years have had contact lenses for certain things, 99.9% of the time they wear and prefer to wear their glasses and look quite strange when not wearing them. I know 3 is a big difference to 5, but let him pick frames with you and have a chat before hand about things so you aren't both overwhelmed on the day. I think I was more than my children. Good luck. <em>edited by Solo on 06/04/2015</em>
Latest post on 06 April 2015 - 16:08
Thanks Sarahlou123? Hoping the ones I sent will be too. Just sent extra early to be on the safe side. As don't want any holiday plans the adult/children have to be finalised and booked until they are returned to them. Been here 36 yrs, and it was just so much easier when my parents, then my husband and self, then for our children's used to just nip down the British Embassy and collect them / new ones 5 days later. Sent two childrens a few years ago to Germany which took ages to get back and now the next two to sent VERY early for my own piece of mind.
Latest post on 06 April 2015 - 15:49
Filled in the online forms and payments done (which includes return delivery) for two of our childrens (but 10 yr adult) passports last week. Thought as they run out the end of June I'd still send them early incase there was any back log or delays as in past years. Filled in and forms on the site then able to print, have the passport holders sign the disclaimer which is bar codes with the passport holders name on and send two photos with each. Just went to DHL in The Mall of the Emirates and sent both together which was as others have also said Dhs210 and took 2 mins to do. Sent last Sunday, told they'd arrive on Tuesday. So will of only been with them 5 days to date. The government website still states up to 6 weeks but hoping it will be sooner, but eared on the safe side and sent well ahead. You can send up to 9 months in advance for a 10 yr passport.
Latest post on 01 April 2015 - 09:52
Yes:) Lovely ones.
Latest post on 01 April 2015 - 08:34
Saw some nice eggs in Marks and Spenser's the other day Sorry the links are UK related, but I couldn't find a photo of what I'd seen here in Dubai elsewhere.
Latest post on 01 April 2015 - 08:04
Maybe not the right location but Lulus always have thread which I buy often. All individual reels of different colours down an aisle with other sewing, scissors and bits. 75 fils each.
Latest post on 31 March 2015 - 10:10
It's Dhs 18.50 I think a loaf. Also have Warburtons for the same price.
Latest post on 08 March 2015 - 18:51
Hi Liddyinthemiddle and congratulations on your forthcoming arrivals. Hoping all goes well with your pregnancy and babies. I am an expat mother of two sets of twins. Both identical and fraternal sets. Born here in Dubai, when Latifa was Al Wasl and had the only SBCU at the time.....first set prem prem 32 weeks and second set two years later at 37 weeks. Although mine are all grown up now as grew up here myself too....obviously we've been through quite a few situations that might come to mind.... Birth, toddlers, school and so on. They all get on very well and have always done things together and still do! Never had home help and brought up by my husband and myself only... I know that's not a question asked but see some panic when two are mentioned and think they can't do it alone. Without family around too if that's your situation. But of course you can. Anyway, any questions just ask. I'll help if I can answer anything, no expert but probably been there at some point too:)
Latest post on 01 March 2015 - 19:01
When I went to Dubai College back in the 80's there was a Debenture system in place there then of around that amount which parents or companies had to pay. I had expected it to still be in place when my children then went too, but wasn't throughout their education there.
Latest post on 07 February 2015 - 18:20
They also sell them in Lulus and the Co op. White packets or skin tone ones.
Latest post on 06 February 2015 - 19:07
Hi, Not sure what car you drive but got my 4 wheel drive tyres recently changed. The tyres ranged between Dhs890 - Dhs1,150 per tyre for various makes. I opted for Bridgestones which totalled Dhs3,740 which was the middle of the range price of Dhs 935 each. Hope that helps. <em>edited by Solo on 06/02/2015</em>
Latest post on 06 February 2015 - 16:22
Have never had any home help or a maid in any form including partime. Coped perfectly well bringing up our four children here between myself and my husband, house clean, clothes washed and ironed and meals cooked. Even when going back to work school hours when my children started school. You just manage your time and what needs doing and then there's no need for 'help'. Does make me wonder when people say they can't cope.....we are designed to cope and if people didn't employ extra hands they wouldn't know anything different than to manage themselves. All four now work and live at home with us and everything from since being babies, school children now working too all still runs as always has. Did make me wonder when another forum was a newly pregnant mother to be putting hiring a maid as one of their top things to do on their maternity list?! <em>edited by Solo on 06/02/2015</em>
Latest post on 31 January 2015 - 15:26
Congratulations on your news. Yes, it's all very exciting and a new experience if they are your first babies. We had no family or grandparents around when we had our children either and so say there's no need for a nanny at all unless you are working or returning to work. Just a structured routine with the babies and household cooking and cleaning works just fine. Hope all goes well throughout your pregnancy. We wouldn't of done things any differently through the years and very proud of the children we brought up. (Mother of two sets of twins).
Latest post on 09 December 2014 - 17:48
Paid just under that amount for drama trips to London before two years on the trot a few years back. Flights, accommodation with breakfast. Two shows, dance at Pineapple Studios, worked with the cast of Wicked in the theatre where they later that night saw the show. All Tube travel, Bus tour and meal on the night before they returned all out together. Flew with Etihad from Abu Dhabi so the bus collected and dropped them at school in Dubai there and back. A lot of the sight seeing museums were free in London and then they also had time shopping. Had to buy their lunch and evening meals and shopping spending money. Have also paid 7,000 each for two children to Cyprus on Geography trips. But this was the cost probably 5 years ago now so would be more now too. All well worth it and a great time had. Don't believe they contributed towards the teachers travel costs in theirs at all though. School will of covered costs for them. edited by Solo on 09/12/2014 <em>edited by Solo on 09/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 17 November 2014 - 20:36
Bought box sets in M&S a few weeks ago. Individual cards in Gulf Greetings and also Carrefoure which had " Across the Miles" and "From Our House To Yours" ones.
Latest post on 18 October 2014 - 20:51
Years ago here it was illegal to disclose the babies gender. I asked with my first two and wasn't allowed to be told, as wanted to plan having only been given my first scan at 5 months which was also the norm' not to scan earlier and was told it was twins, which I delivered at 7 months so didn't know for very long before their arrival. It was sadly for the reason of certain genders preferred by families. They didn't even have it noted anywhere as not something they would tell you. However I had been in and out many times and had prem babies. The day before I delivered a new nurse came in to check me in hospital picked up my file and said....'how lovely two boys'!' .......So must of really had it on there somewhere but said they didn't....... I could of waited a day to find out having asked and not been told at numerous check ups from 5 months on......The same still applied when my second two arrived. They couldn't /wouldn't disclose their genders. However I don't know anyone in recent years who haven't been told having asked. Maybe the difference between the doctor and ultrasound person. <em>edited by Solo on 18/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 18 October 2014 - 20:33
Stamps can be bought at the tills in Choithrams and Park and Shop. Just ask they have folders of all values of them. Also Hallmark and Gulf Greetings have them at their counters too when you buy cards so I often buy a card, then the stamps, write it at the counter and post at the box there too. Boxes at Choithrams and Spinneys on al Wasl. Also at Park and shop. I always send cards a good 2 weeks ahead. Some take longer some less but you never know. When it's near an Eid then forget it as boxes don't get emptied. Years ago back logs never arrived or left when extended periods of mourning or holidays......and just 'disopeared'.
Latest post on 19 September 2014 - 14:46
Sorry, no answer to your query but such a shame as had a mass clear out just last weekend and threw out a camel, coffee pot and a khanjar sword/knife cutters. But on the plus side they were bought here many years ago so must be about to purchase somewhere if others can help. I honestly believe I only bought them in somewhere like Choithrams at the time too. <em>edited by Solo on 19/09/2014</em>
Latest post on 18 September 2014 - 16:49
You are welcome. We love it......though stay in The Busakorn Wing and family suites are in the Main Wing only. Hope you enjoy it. Anything else, we might be able to answer just ask as feels like going home each year to us.
Latest post on 18 September 2014 - 16:45
Used to be TTAM Groups in Dubai when mine were small here. Though only met with them a few times as with two sets I was pretty busy so never really went much. Not sure if these sites will be much help but have a look. Maybe others with younger twins will know more.
Latest post on 17 September 2014 - 16:46
Stay there every year. Been visiting for the past 21 years. Originally with two babies, then four so then would book two rooms, then three. Have used the family suites over the years in the main wing a few times though when they were small. There is a kids club and kids pool with daily activities. We still stay there each year for three weeks but sometimes twice a year if we can get away for another week at any point. Our four children are grown up now 22 and 19 but we all visit each year but stay in The Busakorn Wing not the Main Wing. Studio and villa suites. Started stayng in The Busakorn Wing as quieter about 15 years ago.....Our children travel there themselves too with us still or at different times as feel at home there too ....... it's our home away from home. All staff knowing the children from small and genuinely happy to see you each stay. Very friendly and we book directly with the hotel each visit. Across the road from the beach, down the road from Jungcylong shopping Center. Easy tuk tuk ride to everywhere. We don't go to Bangla Road at all, not our scene but not far if that's what you are wanting to be close to. Last visit was this summer. Though have been been in February's, Octobers, July and August. Children's club daily activity schedule. edited by Solo on 17/09/2014 <em>edited by Solo on 17/09/2014</em>
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 17:10
Holiday Inn Resort
Latest post on 07 September 2014 - 18:26
Grew up here myself and our now grown up children then did too. When they were younger I ordered a meal from McDonald's for them which in it self was something as was a very fussy parent....and was refused anything other than Coke with a child's meal. Now I'm talking many years ago but had a huge argument with them for having no other options as then even juice wasn't available. With the staff stating 'you have to have Coke, take the Coke!'....Ended up paying for water and writing a ranting letter to the papers about 'Coke Pushers!' They must of approached McDonalds as I got a letter of apology, vouchers and funny enough not long after juice became available as an alternative. My children to this day prefer water still with a meal.
Latest post on 27 August 2014 - 12:57
Something useful for him. Leather over the shoulder bag for lap tops files..... Nice one a bit ago in Ted Baker in the Mall. Some vouchers for various places in the UK....make up a bit gift box of different shop ones.....River island / ITunes/ Sainsburrys so he can treat himself when living there when and if he wants a treat. No doubt has, but an iPod just to listen to on the journey each day. Fit Bit to track his activity if he's that way inclined at all. Some nice head phones or the smaller ear bud ones. Someone bought my eldest two now 22 cuff links when they were 18. Maybe get some silver ones made for him at the gold and diamond park with his name in Arabic on them. He might need to have a nice shirt and jacket/suit on at some point and be able to wear them. I know that most aren't very a Dubai Memory based but husband and I both grew up here as did our children now grown too and I honestly have never thought of anything apart from pictures that might be Dubai related but get taken down and changed or books that don't get looked at that I would want to remind me of here. Memories are hard to recreate in objects. I'd just go for something useful personally so he gets as much use out of it and not intentionally but probably just gets left in a drawer. Used to give engraved tankards to 18 yr old years ago which you can get silver ones here with Dubai engravings on but the drink would have to be England as he's not 21. <em>edited by Solo on 27/08/2014</em>
Latest post on 26 August 2014 - 06:41
Totally agree. We bought iPad minis too my father and father in law last year and have both had endless use from them. Much more than we ever thought they would.
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 15:13 super hero. Just a mother like many others. The four were inseparable growing up. The older two would want to help with the babies and I always let them so they were always involved. Pretty much to this day too as all still live with us and work here too and are genuinely the best of friends. Treat them all equally and not experienced any jealously. <em>edited by Solo on 25/08/2014</em>
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 14:56
Also, mine are grown up now too. But I delivered a second set of twins when my first set of twins were two years old here. No maids or nannies, family or close friends. They didn't experience any jealousy of their new brother and sister's arrival and were a huge help with them being involved in all their day to day care freely wanting to help where they could even at such a young age.They never went to nursery at all either, never sent any of them. To this day still all do things together. I don't see there being a problem from what I experienced.
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 18:11
You are welcome.
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 17:57
Richard Keys is currently saying on the Live feed as I type....that it is an ongoing dispute due to piracy and it's as frustrating for them as for us!!! But that doesn't answer why your not viewing online.
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 17:55
Yes, we're watching via satellite. It must have something to do with the security between the EPL and BeIN sports, as the EPL are currently testing security between them (according to Richard Keys on Twitter) before releasing all matches as you mentioned knowing there is currently a dispute. Guessing you are trying to watch within the UAE and not via online from abroad?
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 17:28
All my children worked part time as teens while at secondary school/college here without issues. Agree, there should be more opportunities available to them. But lucky for all four to of had jobs some after school and some weekends and some both.
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 17:24
Hi, husband says to call BeIN sports because there is no reason why you shouldn't get the early game plus the main 3 o'clock game and the late game. You should get the same content as what's on the main BeIN sports package and the Man United vs Swansea match is currently on ours through it.
Latest post on 01 August 2014 - 17:47
We bought a folding one in the pharmacy in Festival City Mall. It was the one on the ground floor opposite Costa Coffee I think it is (in the part where IKEA) is....same side as Plug ins. I'm sure other pharmacies will have them too but when we bought it in there they also had many different types and other walking aids at the time too.
Latest post on 01 August 2014 - 17:29
We always withdrawal money and exchange the Dirhams here into the currency of the country we intend to travel to. Have never exchanged at the country of destination.
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 20:29
I have 4 children. One became two as twins, three became four as a second set of twins. They have all had equal attention over their lives. If one got, they all got. None of ours would tell you differently that one was treated more than another be it with our time or material needs. We wouldn't let it happen. Having seen it in families before it wasn't happening in ours! Of course there will be certain cons with larger seats in cars. So always had large jeeps. School fees and medical costs and flights obviously expensive unless covered by company when living in Dubai, but ours all were. We stay in hotels when travelling, family rooms became two hotel rooms then three hotel rooms. But you are aware of this and save accordingly for travel, things don't just change they are adapted. We go away for a few weeks like most do. Time is most valuable and none will tell you they felt neglected by us as parents or over showed by a sibling. Never had home help or maids or left them growing up with anyone, the children were all born and brought up here and helped within the house. My husband and myself were always their only family here and we took them everywhere with us when growing up and still spend as much time now too with them all and wouldn't have it any other way. They all studied here and now all work in great fields and enjoy the benefits of their own successes by being able to travel to all different countries and see amazing things and experience opportunities with their working lives that people double their age haven't yet achieved. For sport, recreation and pleasure. No, children don't need financial handouts. But it's natural for parents to want to always give to their children. We are no different and what is ours will always be theirs. We are very proud of them all. As a close nit family they still chose to do most things together, if one wasn't there it would be like missing a limb. For myself there are very few cons, lots of pros. <em>edited by Solo on 30/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 09:27
Been hoping for a reply on Hint Hunt since reading your post. Booked for three sons to do Challenge Chamber last week who are 22 and 19 and they absolutely loved it. Saying we should now do the room they've done so not telling us much about it so we can do it too and they want to do another one......So highly recommended by them as say it was amazing! Looked up Hint Hunt after your post and sounds similar so will see if anyone replies about their experiences there. We were away when our sons did the Challenge Chambers here but we found one too in Phuket last week called Secret Chambers so did that with our daughter of 19 who was with us. We really enjoyed it too and chose the Mystery of Ganesha rooms which was three rooms, which opened another secret room of things to solve and one was a laser room to pass through. Which was also amazing. So hoping there is a reply post soon too. <em>edited by Solo on 30/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 19:13
Yes - Our sons filled in the eVisitor one on the government site last night and it was free of charge for their holiday length of stay. Always receive such great help from everyone. Thank you again.
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 12:08
Thank you everyone for your help and quick replies. The required details were all filled in on the website by our sons who will be holidaying there from next week and emailed through last night. Both receiving return emails of Grant Notices of visas applications being granted. Thank you again for all your help!
Latest post on 18 July 2014 - 04:33
Crate and Barrel had red/white ones MOE
Latest post on 25 June 2014 - 06:52
I had an Etisalat number for many, many years and the switched to Du about two years ago. My old number with Etisalat was defiantly given to some else and very soon after I had canceled it as I'd had the number so long people kept calling it in error for me at first and a man always answered having been issued it.