TanyaR | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 06 December 2013 - 16:03
Hi Ladies, I am posting for the first time on this board...37 weeks pregnant and delivering at American Hospital on Dec 11th by c-section. Just thought I should say hello to all the fellow Christmas babies out there :) Welcome, and good luck for your delivery on the 11th!
Latest post on 06 December 2013 - 15:59
Hello Yes, my DH is on an AD visa (as has been for the last 5 years) and we have had a maid for the last 3, and live in Dubai. The only thing I would check first is the accommodation policy for your husbands work. It recently became a requirement that if you were on an AD visa, that you must reside in AD to receive your Accommodation allowance - I think this is now being enforced in the Public Sector, and may soon be a requirement for the public sector as well - so I would just be mindful of this in case his company is making employees follow this. I am not sure around the rental issue in Dubai, but do believe that Abu Dhabi have just announced that they have removed the 'cap' of how much your rent can be increased by. I hope this helps.
Latest post on 26 November 2013 - 16:34
Hi Yojana I didn't think it was possible to give birth at home here, as your birth certificate needs to be issued by a hospital, however, I am guessing that people do it (register at hospital), and then go to hospital afterwards and say it happened too quickly and that they didn't make it in time, and then go through the formalities to get it officiated?? I have had 3 babies here in Dubai - and no problems with going down the natural route at all - no-one has even suggested that I have a C-section - so all 3 have been natural deliveries, with a combination of drug free and not - totally my decision at the time whether I chose to have pain killers.. My last baby I have just had at City (in the last week) and even pulled the baby out myself - under the midwife and OB suggestion - hadn't even thought of doing it myself! So I think it is totally dependent on who your specialist is, and what you want, as to how natural your experience will be. I would just be very clear from the outset (1st consultation) on what you want to happen, they will soon tell you if it is possible for them or not. I hope that helps.
Latest post on 26 November 2013 - 16:31
Hi Tanya I also delivered early at City on the 18th, had a great birth, very quick and the midwifes were excellent. Would be lovely to meet the other babies when they arrive.. Congratulations! That is wonderful news, I hope all is going well and that your LO is settling in well.
Latest post on 25 November 2013 - 16:00
Hi Ladies! How is everyone doing? It has been a long time since I posted - I was working long hours and moved house, so not much time for anything else! I finished up work on the 14th, and our little baby boy decided to arrived early on the 17th - (a few weeks early obviously). We had a wonderful relaxed birth at City (it was our third birth here in Dubai, but 1st at City) - so hopefully that is good news for a few as I know a few of us were planning on delivering there. How is everyone doing? Has anyone else delivered yet? It would be great to get all the babes together once everyone is settled. Tanya
Latest post on 22 September 2013 - 21:16
Try this, and let us know if it works, I have heard ACV used for many things including varicose veins. http://danieltownsend.hubpages.com/hub/Apple-Cider-Varicose-Veins http://voices.yahoo.com/homemade-varicose-vein-treatment-cream-11293496.html edited by Alismum on 22/09/2013 I will try it! Just need to find some apple cider vinegar (not a normal purchase for me!). I will report back! Tania, I think you have to get the ACV with the 'mother'. (i.e raw, unpasteurised) You get it from Geant or Carrefour for about 8Dirhams. I have a bottle. It can be used for gout and arthritis as well. This one http://images.iherb.com/l/DNH-10034-1.jpg edited by Alismum on 22/09/2013 Thanks so much Alismum - most appreciated!
Latest post on 22 September 2013 - 21:01
Try this, and let us know if it works, I have heard ACV used for many things including varicose veins. http://danieltownsend.hubpages.com/hub/Apple-Cider-Varicose-Veins http://voices.yahoo.com/homemade-varicose-vein-treatment-cream-11293496.html edited by Alismum on 22/09/2013 I will try it! Just need to find some apple cider vinegar (not a normal purchase for me!). I will report back!
Latest post on 22 September 2013 - 20:50
I am on my 3rd pregnancy, so my veins (and leg swelling) are starting to get quite bad. My OB has recommend hirudoid gel to reduce the appearance, along with wearing compression tights, and I keep my leg elevated while I sleep at night. She has advised that trying to avoid them in the first place, is definitely better than the repair work afterwards. There are also some alternative natural dietary remedies you can look at as well - I can't remember them all, but red berries are supposed to strenghten the walls of your veins (garlic and Vitamin E are also mean't to help). Lots of water, not too many of the following: refined and processed foods, soda, tea - that is all I can remember diet wise. Regular exercise (low impact e.g. swimming) is also recommended. Hope that helps.
Latest post on 12 June 2013 - 10:47
lol - I can't believe how many of us are due at the beginning of December and planning on delivering at City! How funny! Gosh time seems to be flying so quickly! We will be having our 20 week scans before we know it!
Latest post on 26 May 2013 - 17:00
Hi Ladies Congratulations to everyone!!! Very exciting, and I am delighted to join this group! We are due with our 3rd baby on Dec 3rd, we have had all 3 in Dubai, the last two at Medcare, but this time we will be at City Hospital. We have just had our 12 week scan today, we were quite nervous because we had a miscarriage in February, but all seems to be fine. Would love to meet up with others in group, and looking forward to sharing this exciting journey with everyone!
Latest post on 25 March 2013 - 12:05
Hi Ladies I posted a huge number (about 80) of beautiful clothes for sale (dresses, skirts, jackets, tops, trousers, jeans even a couple of swimsuits!) In the classifieds. There is the whole range - work, events, smart casual and casual wear - and for a range of ages really! They are all good brands (e.g Reiss, Karen Millen, Ted Baker and NZ and Australian boutique designers as well) Most have never been worn (still have tags on!) And it is with much regret that I am selling them, but I either brought them hoping I would fit back into them after pregnancy, or I no longer have the occassions to wear them :( Anyway, I need to clear my wardrobe and I am hoping someone will get a bargain and some good use out of them. I have significantly discounted everything and nothing is more than 50% of what I paid for it, most discounted a huge amount more than that. I have already sold a few things, but wanted to raise awareness given how much there is! I hope you don't mind me posting this mods! <em>edited by TanyaR on 25/03/2013</em>
Latest post on 19 July 2012 - 12:58
It all depends on the 4 month old as to how the trip will go, but we never had any issues when travelling with DS when he was younger - and I did it quite a lot. Some babies don't like flying, and unfortunately the bassinets are under where all the main screens and lights are, and also often near all the traffic for toilets, or backing onto the kitchen, where there is quite a bit of noise - so if you have a sensitive/light sleeping baby - they can be a little unsettled. My biggest suggestion is to hold off on feeding them until take off and landing - if you feed them when you are doing these things, the sucking motion helps ensure they don't have any ear issues, which means they don't get ear pain - which a number of people have problems with. Otherwise, make sure you check in relatively early to guarantee your bassinet seat - believe it or not, until you are actually ticketed (even if you book it!) someone else can bump you and get your prebooked bassinet seat, which would not be ideal! Good luck .. If it makes you feel any better I am about to do a 24 hour flight with a toddler and 4.5 month old, so I am bracing myself for how that will go!!
Latest post on 09 July 2012 - 22:27
Hi little zuzu Sorry you are going through this, it is very stressful to see your LO in distress. I am sorry I don't have a huge amount of time to write, but I have attached two recent links of previous threads on this topic that had some really good suggestions on them. http://www.expatwoman.com/forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=176011 http://www.expatwoman.com/forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=178650 Again, sorry I don't have time to respond properly, but I thought these suggestions might get you started! I will try and return when I have a spare moment. HTH
Latest post on 08 July 2012 - 22:03
We have been pretty lucky with DS (nearly 2.5years) - he has always had a pretty good appetite, but he definitely does the - wants to eat every mushroom in sight one night, to them being 'yucky' and not wanting to touch them the next. The things that seem to work for us, is that he grazes across the day - all relatively healthy snacks, but he still has 3 main meals, he is not allowed snacks until after he has his meal. I have recently got him helping me cook dinner - he helps pretty much every night now, it is lovely quality time for him and I (I have a 4 month old, so this is one of the times during the day that is exclusively him and I). He genuinely loves it, and it seems to make him excited about eating the dinner he has helped. I get him to stir pots (off the element - so he isnt going to get burned), get things out of the fridge, name the vegetables, open packets, put things in the water in the pots. He also likes making 'cakes' - so he helps making scones, cheesecakes, muffins - don't get me wrong it can get hugely messy, but it is really fun! Also, does DS have little friends that are good eaters? Perhaps having sit-down time for snacks or meals during playdates can help, they tend to like to do things when their friends are doing them as well... Not sure if that helps at all!
Latest post on 08 July 2012 - 21:35
JPS1 Goodness, some exciting times ahead! I see you have the visa situation in hand, which is promising. I am a kiwi too, and have a toddler (about the same age as your twins) and a 4 month old. I am not sure if you have sorted a few more practical things - they may be next on your list!! But do you have a OB/GYN sorted, and hospital to deliver at? - Legally, you must give birth in a hospital here. Do you have all the practical things sorted for the kids (i.e. furniture, carseats, newborn equipment etc) or will you be purchasing when you get here? I am guessing (unless it is on its way) any things you are shipping won't be here in time. Lots of questions, and would be happy to help out, or point you in the right direction if I can. Tanya
Latest post on 28 April 2012 - 12:06
Hi paulineb I would get in contact with Narinder about available villa's here - his number is +971 4 4401144 - he should be able to tell you if there are any available places. The 3/4br villas are on the two levels - so still have internal stairs - but are quite managable with young children - I have a two year old and a newborn. There is a waiting list for the larger villa's (it took us nearly a year to get one - we were in a downstairs 2 br to start with) but he will let you know if there are many people waiting. I hope that helps.
Latest post on 25 April 2012 - 22:27
Excellent news! I have been wondering how you were getting on - and meant to get in touch! Congrats to your DH for his new job, that is wonderful news. xxxx
Latest post on 25 April 2012 - 22:03
Oh no, you poor thing, I feel your pain! Below is the link to the thread I started up a few weeks ago about this exact thing, it is definitely worth taking a look through the responses on there as there are some great suggestions! http://www.expatwoman.com/forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=176011 Even though she has suffered from it since birth, DD has a mild to moderate case to date (this could get worse - as typically happens with reflux), she is only 'occasionally' bothered by the symptoms - but I do spend a lot of time managing it - as it sounds like you are - which is absolutely exhausting as you say :( DD didn't sleep in her moses basket until she was around 4-5 weeks old - she spent the entire time before that on an incline on my chest I don't have a huge amount of time but wanted to quickly respond with what I have been doing. - Firstly, if you haven't already seen someone, definitely get him checked out - just in case, it is important they confirm it is reflux and not another digestive tract issue, or wind, or reflux (or both wind and reflux for that matter). I would definitely check because you mention nights, and my DD (and all the research I have done) has mentioned that reflux is a daytime problem - not a nighttime one. I still use my reflux remedies during the night to avoid it causing issues during the daytime, but DD is never upset, and doesn't vomit or choke or wheeze during the night. She wakes up, has a quick feed and drops straight back off to sleep (of course I am still up for a good 45 mins holding her upright - so I am still not getting great sleep). Below is what I have tried and am currently doing: - She never lies flat (except when she was in hospital not feeding at all) - she is always on an incline with the reflux wedge in her moses basket, sitting in her bouncer or sitting on me (this is where she spends most of her time) - I feed her sitting upright in front of me (if that makes sense), I try to give her small feeds - I found that if she really guzzles, it seems to get a bit much, and she ends up choking/vomiting/wheezing, whereas small amounts taking her off, popping her on my shoulder giving her a back rub, and putting her back on seems to work quite well. - After each feed she sits upright on my chest for at least 30 - 45 mins - I change her nappy on a incline, I basically have her head resting in the curve of my feeding pillow - I was giving her infacol before every meal - the paediatrician we had last week for her other problem told me to discontinue this as it won't work - so I have, and to be honest, there hasn't been too much of a difference. He has prescribed another anti-vomit drug, which to be honest she had a really bad episode after, so I am going to try it once more in a day or so, and if I get the same result, I won't have her take that either. For her winding (her reflux and wind issues seem to go hand-in-hand): - I alternate between 3 positions, over my shoulder (both arms also over my shoulder - having her arms raised makes a difference), tiger in a tree and having her sitting bolt upright on the nursing pillow with her chin resting on my hand (almost looks like you are choking her) and then patting her back - this seems to be her best winding position - I have given her gripe water a couple of times - this does seem to have worked for when she is in bad pain - I try not to stress to much about 'hearing' a massive burp - apparently you may not always hear them, and I know that if I am being vigilant with my routine for her, I am doing the upmost best that I can to avoid her having any wind issues - but that she still may have problems - I do lots of leg cycling - well, I push her legs (alternating and together) up to her belly - mainly during nappy changing .. she seems to enjoy have her nappy undone when I do it (I still have it covering her bottom, just not fastened). She actually really enjoys having her legs pushed up - I get lots of smiles! Anyway, that is all I can think of for the moment, I am sure there is more, but I have been up since stupid o'clock, so my brain is less than functional and need to get some sleep! I hope it helps though!
Latest post on 21 April 2012 - 23:02
Hi I have ours printed through the t shirt company, which has kiosks in quite a few of the malls. I have used the one in Mercato Mall and Dubai Mall. They have a stock of blank onesies, tshirts etc, you tell them what you want printed, colour, size, font etc, they show you the mock up of the design on a screen, then they do it there in front of you. I have done it a few times now, and the service has been really good, the product (both the clothing and the actual print has been of a really good quality and durable) and they were fast, which is great to be able to take them away with you. I am pretty sure they have a website or email address (you could just google their name) to contact them directly for if you have any specific questions about what you need done - I just can't find the information card at the moment. HTH
Latest post on 03 April 2012 - 21:56
Congratulations Twinsmum and Sparkly! Wonderful to hear both of you have had safe deliveries. That must be all of us now!!! Sparkly, I have replied to your other expressing thread as well, but as Aussiepup mentions, if you are having bfing issues - I would definitely contact a lactation consultant to help you out. Breastfeeding can be very difficult, and sometimes they have little adjustments you can make to assist you and your baby. As BFC notes below, there is also the breastfeeding support group - I am going to be attending this group on the 14th to discuss baby lead weaning as part of the introducing solids part of the agenda. I know it has been a little while since you posted about this, but I hope things are getting a little better for you! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Latest post on 03 April 2012 - 21:45
Hi Sparkly! Sorry, I don't have a huge amount of time, but wanted to let you know that I exclusively express fed DS from day 10 for about 10 months (he never had any formula) - so it is possible, and worked for us, but I am very happy that DD is actually breastfeeding this time around, as I don't think I would have the time to do it with a toddler as well. It is time consuming - I worked out by about month 9, I had spent 60 of those days (24 hours a day) expressing the milk and cleaning the bottles - completely aside from the actual feeding of DS himself. You have to work at keeping your supply up, because you don't have the hormones aiding your body to produce the milk. DS was sleeping 12 hours through the night from 6 weeks, but because I was expressing, I was still up during the night expressing to ensure my milk supply kept up with his demand. I also had to structure my days around this to ensure I was home at regular intervals to keep my supply up. I gave up when DS was 10 months, because it was impacting the quality time I could spend with him. It was great however that DH was able to share feeding/bonding with him - whereas this time around he hasn't had that opportunity (yet). I have to say that personally, I feel no more attached or bonded to DD with her being breastfed than I did with DS being bottle fed. I did quite a bit of travelling internationally in the first year, so transporting (and storing) milk on flights (expressing during longhaul flights) and steralising, was logistically a challenge, but possible. I would definitely consult with a lactation consultant if you can, as I personally think breastfeeding directly is preferable (and less stressful on you!). But, if you do end up going down this road, ensure you invest in a hospital grade electric pump, preferably a double pump - I didn't do this, and stuck with a low grade single electric pump (I went through 3 of them during the 10 months) - I regret having not investigated pumping better while I was doing it, as it could have saved me time! From a supply perspective, it is tough, I had to be very deciplined around ensuring I was expressing at regular intervals - I never had a very good milk supply, so really just kept one or two feeds ahead the whole time. For this reason breastmilk was known as liquid gold in our house - we tried to never waste a drop! I was finding it very difficult to keep my supply up from about month 9 (I started introducing a bottle of formula at night to supplement my supply at this point as it was dwindling as the regularity of your expressing decreases they get older). Sorry, I have to go, but I hope that helps.
Latest post on 28 March 2012 - 21:59
Thank you all so, so much for sharing your experiences and suggestion, they are really helpful! I am going to write down all the suggestions and start working my way through them. I have just purchased the wedge at premaman today - so either tonight or tomorrow I will be trying to get DD to sleep in her moses basket for the first time! I am lucky that we do have the angelcare sensor monitor system, so it will give me a little more comfort while she is sleeping. Thanks again everyone (both from me and DD!) Oh, I should also mention with regards to the child slipping down when you are using the wedge, when I saw Cecile a week or so ago, she advised that you roll up a small blanket, so that it makes a soft long rectangle shape (I hope that makes sense!), and then you pop this below their bottom (their legs will lie of it, it is fine that they aren't flat) - this stops them from slipping down. <em>edited by TanyaR on 28/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 28 March 2012 - 21:24
Congratulations Pingu!!!! That is wonderful news! I am guessing twinsmum will be holding her little girl by now! I hope everyone is doing okay. We are good - DD is 4 weeks this Friday, I really can't believe it has gone so fast, and she is growing, so, so quickly - it is incredible! Still having reflux issues, it has got a little worse, but I am trying a few different things to see how we go! Ladies, if you are keen to catch up once everyone is a little more settled - perhaps the 2nd or 3rd week of April??? Pop me an email on brutis dot mctavish at gmail dot com - and I will make the arrangements so we can get our little babies together!
Latest post on 25 March 2012 - 14:57
cymraes - there *shouldn't* be any long term damage, the liver is very good at recovering from these types of things. Severity of this varies from person to person, so while some manage a bout with a couple of weeks in bed, others can have it for months or years (I had it for 3 years - although over 10 years ago now). You can help address the symptoms through his diet as well. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, juices etc - there are specific foods are good for your liver, as they are easier for it to process, which will help reduce his symptoms as it stops it from having to work so hard which some foods make it do. Sandra Cabot wrote a book (and has a website I think) about "the liver clensing diet" perhaps google this, and it might give you some tips for foods to try and encourage him to eat and others to avoid for a little while. It is also preferable to not have too many chemicals injested - so organic products are good as well. I was getting Vitamin B injections twice weekly and taking vitamin C as well. Fingers crossed he will just be able to rest up for a week or so and feel much better. I hope he is better soon.
Latest post on 25 March 2012 - 12:58
Agree with Green-ish - different brands seem to work for different babies. We have used Pampers Premium for DS (now 2) these have never leaked with him. We have started DD (3 weeks) on the same, however I will see how they go, I will happily change brands for her if these ones don't do the job. As mentioned below, I have heard the double nappy works. But also I would ensure that the size you have is correct - I am not sure what the weight range is for the size 3's, but I always ensure that DS wears a nappy, where his weight is at the very beginning of the range (I don't let him get over the 'halfway' mark - so if the weight range for a nappy was 10 - 20 kgs, I would move him up to the next size once he got to 15kgs). Fingers crossed you have some dry nights soon!
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 22:38
Thanks Ladies! We have just done Favourite things - and it worked out brilliantly. DS was completely entertained and wasnt concerned at all - they did exactly what you mentioned happens at Caractere in Motor City nixdxb (sounds like our children have similar hair!) He came out looking very cute, and a certificate for the occasion with a little bag of his hair. So pleased it is over with! Thanks again!
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 22:31
Tanya, I've mentioned your group to a few people - glad to hear it is still (or again!) active! . Thanks BFC! I am just happy to help people out with information when they have questions around it, so I am happy to organise things on an 'as need' basis. I will try and come along to the next Breastfeeding Q&A given I have just had DD!
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 22:22
Thanks Ladies! Yes, she has been seen by a couple of people since she was 10 days old. They have agreed she has reflux, but given she is putting on a good amount of weight, and she isn't getting upset about it *most* of the time - we have agreed we would rather not go down the medication route at this stage. I suppose I am just really hopeful that she will grow out it! During my consultation on Thursday my paed was happy to look at a few of the first drugs you mention below, but we discussed it and agreed that given I managing her incidence with infacol (which isn't very strong) and other measures, we will continue with this, but continue to monitor her and the severity (i.e. DD's discomfort) very closely, and make any necessary changes. I was a tad lazy and didn't do a search, so I will definately do that and see what previous threads have to say. I suppose what I am keen on hearing are some of the more obscure (or less common) treatments or approaches people have used - the ones that may not be universally known as treatments, but are things that people have found helpful with their babies. I think with this not being my first child I am so aware that every child is different and some people come up with approaches that work on their child that aren't 'standard' to dealing with things... so I am hopeful to find some of these things (if there are any!) and try these alongside the more traditional approaches... I have to admit I haven't addressed my diet yet (given we couldn't officially diagnose reflux until 3 weeks), so I will start diarising everything tomorrow along with her symptoms and see if there are any connections. Thanks for the link Sant, I have just taken a good look through the site as well. M - so sorry to hear that you and your DD have had such a rough time with this, I count myself fortunate at this point that DD has mild - moderate case - I am finding that stressful enough! Thanks again ladies
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 14:18
Hi Ladies DS is just over 2 years, and finally in need of his first haircut. It is going to need a bit of a style, as he doesn't have a huge amount of hair, and it is quite thin, with a bit of curl in the back of it. Does anyone have any recommendations for a childrens hairdresser that won't just take a pair of clippers to it, and will actually style it, and know what might suit him? I had been thinking of using the childrens hairdresser in Dubai Marina Mall if I don't get any recommendations - so if anyone has any experiences for that, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 13:56
Hi Ladies DD is 3 weeks old, and suffering from reflux :( I have literally been sleeping seated upright with her for the last 3 weeks - as she got symptoms basically as soon as she was born - although we weren't 100% it was this, as she did have to have her stomuch pumped at birth. I have a few things that we are doing to alleviate the symptoms - and to be honest, it isn't bothering her *most* of the time, but I wanted to see if anyone else had any tips that they have found have worked in dealing with this. Also, has anyone found any places that sell reflux related items? So, the standard things I know at the moment to help with symptoms are: keeping her upright after meals - again, I am pretty much 'wearing' her 24/7 at this point - not great on my neck and back, elevating her moses basket (which she has only spent 2 hours in so far!), infacol before meals. I have another little 'recipe' for gas which has gripe water in it, but I haven't used that yet. I also haven't looked at my diet yet either - so will need to start looking at that too... Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for things that have worked for you, I would really appreciate it. I am just trying to make her as comfortable as possible! Thanks!
Latest post on 24 March 2012 - 00:03
I agree with Green-ish, what is it exactly that you are worried about, and have you discussed with Medcare, you might be worrying unnecessarily? I have just (3 weeks ago) given birth at Medcare - my second child I have had there in the last 2 years. My experience with my care there has been very good, but I would have to say that my most recent experience was definitely much better than my first - I really 'enjoyed' the experience this time, and the staff and care was excellent. I didn't just have the OB I had been seeing throughout my pregnancy present at the birth, I was seen by the resident OBGYN on duty, and I had two nurses looking after me (who were absolutely fantastic in my opinion at consulting with me, and really knew what they were doing). My OB did arrive at 4am for the actually delivery of our baby, but the resident OB was there along with the nurses as well. My baby (and I) were monitored throughout the labour with monitors, and when there was a problem, they consulted with us clearly, I never at any stage felt they weren't equipped to deal with an emergency if it did arise. I should also note, that my labour lasted less than 3 hours from start to finish - so I wouldn't have wanted to be in a car for half of that travelling to a hospital, worrying I wasn't going to get there in time. Anyway, I don't know if that helps, but I just wanted to give you my recent account of my experience with Medcare. Obviously a number of the government hospitals have great reputations, but given your location issue, I would try and address any concerns you have directly with Medcare, and if they can't satisfy them, then consider change. Good luck
Latest post on 23 March 2012 - 23:40
Sorry DC - has been a busy week or so, so I haven't had a chance to check in - but I am definitely still happy to help out and brainstorm etc as well. I definitely think just some as succinct as possible .. my only question with using PND in the title would be - will people search under the abbreviation do you think? Otherwise, yes just something nice and simple!
Latest post on 23 March 2012 - 23:33
We did BLW with DS (he is now 2 years old) and I have just had DD (3 weeks old) so I am hoping that we will be able to do the same with her in just over 5 months time! Gill Rapley's book is definitely a good starting point, and there is quite a lot of information on the internet (and there have been a few threads about it on here as well) - this is one of the ones I remember, but I know there have been quite a few others as well that will have lots of useful information - http://www.expatwoman.com/forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=132463&Page=0 - Sorry, it is a bit lazy to post a link to previous posts, but I am a bit short of time. I did actually start a group on facebook for support around this here in Dubai at the beginning of last year - we did meet a few times, but that initial group (I am guessing) has now finished with BLWing their children, but I have just had some more people join, so I will be organising some more discussions. If you are interested, search as Baby-Led Weaning - Dubai, and it should come up. Good luck!
Latest post on 23 March 2012 - 23:17
Can't wait to hear news from Pingu, Nimonemo and twinsmum!!! I hope everyone is doing okay. All is going okay with us, poor DD is getting some quite bad reflux, so I am basically holding her 24/7 to reduce the symptoms, which is helping her a bit. Anyway, can't wait to hear more news!
Latest post on 18 March 2012 - 20:41
OMG - I can't believe I missed all the action this afternoon - although pleased I did or I would have been checking for updates every 5 mins and got nothing done! CINGRATULATIONS AussiePup!!! That is absolutely wonderful news, and so pleased to hear it went smoother than last time! Enjoy your first night with your precious wee man! Xxxx
Latest post on 17 March 2012 - 21:23
Oooh Congratulations Redleaf!!! That is fantastic news - and a lovely size! DD has put on about 500grams since she was born, so she is now about the same size as your little darlings birthweight!!! Good luck Pingu for Thursday - it feels like this month is flying by now! If you are worried about breastfeeding, make sure you ask as many questions as you can while you are still in hospital. Also there is the breastfeeding support group that you can go along to meetings for, and I as AussiePup suggests, seeing a lactation consultant for a quick check, can be really, really helpful. Issues you can struggle with, they can quickly deal with in a matter of minutes which makes life far less stressful for you and your baby. AussiePup - Even though DD was planned (and we had been trying for a while), we still had a few discussions where having another child all seemed quite surreal, and we weren't sure how the dynamic was going to work, and I also felt completely disorganised - erm, actually I still do! It has all worked out fine though, and now can't imagine what life was like without her!
Latest post on 15 March 2012 - 21:42
Agree with Hiccup - I think this is a fantastic initiative, and would be happy to help out if I can. My only suggestion at this point that might be helpful, is perhaps speaking with Andrea from FGMC and find out what she did for this with setting up the f/b group etc - given it is the same type of group - i.e. support of somekind. I suspect you will definitely need a website to accompany the facebook group - as not everyone looking for help in this situation would feel confident in joining a 'public' group to get information, but would look at information on a site, and perhaps make a discreet enquiry that way. Obviously, it would be a private group on facebook, but people would have to join to access the information, and I guess some people starting out, may not want to identify themselves from the outset. Sorry, that is probably not much help at all - but yell out if/when you do need some helpers!
Latest post on 15 March 2012 - 15:52
Congrats Ayda247! Great news. I am loving being a mum but seriouslly underestimated how difficult breastfeeding would be.....total respect for all bfeeding mums! Inever knew it would be so hard....my poor b##bies are in bits so using shields for a bit...they are my saviour...please tell me it gets easier!!! Yes, breastfeeding is really tough! For my first baby I had sore breasts for probably a good two weeks, before it finally started to get more comfortable. I used to wince everytime he latched on - I actually ended up expressing exclusively from about 10 days (not for this reason) but I am not sure if this made them hurt for longer, or less! I never tried sheilds, I just made sure I was using nipple cream after every feed to try and ensure I didn't get any cracks. This time with DD, it has been far better, honestly I think it was 6 days before it was pretty comfortable, even though I did get a couple of cracks of few blisters on each as well - but I really was virtually pain free coming into week two. DD now has blisters on her lips poor we thing, although she doesn't seem phased! If the pain is unbearable, you could try taking some panadol to dilute the pain, and I would also suggest checking the latch your baby has, as this makes a difference, if they are not latching really well. Also you might want to check the body position is okay - you could google and get some pictures for a good attachment etc - but basically you want to ensure that she isn't just suck on the ni**le, but that she is taking a good mouthful and getting the surrounding area as well (if that makes sense). Not sure if that helps, but yes, it does get better for most - you are doing a fantastic job, and I am sure you will find it will start to come right in a few more days! Good luck - keep us posted!
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 23:03
Interesting! I was just wondering about this. DS was the same - his came up and blistered etc straight away. DD has not reacted at all - granted she is only 12 days old - so still plenty of time to have a reaction :) , but I am sure DS's reaction was pretty much immediate. We will have 1 month vaccines in a couple of weeks so I can ask then as well...
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 22:07
Congratulations Ayda247!!!! That is wonderful news - both on the safe arrival of your son, but also that you had the birth you were hoping for. Enjoy your babymoon!
Latest post on 13 March 2012 - 14:01
Sorry ladies, haven't had much of a chance to visit over the last week or so - someone has been keeping me rather busy! Congratulations to our new Mummies Gingercat and Giggles - and Redleaf were you having your LO yesterday?? I hope everything went okay - no doubt you are all enjoying your babymoon! Ayda247 - how are you doing? I suspect you must have had your baby now if you were 4cms at your last appointment - how exciting! AussiePup - pleased your infection is clearing - you poor thing, you seem to have had a bit of a rough pregnancy. Things are okay here. DD is showing all the signs for suffering from reflux, which at day 11 is too early to officially diagnose, but I went to see Cecile yesterday and she agreed it looks likely. Poor wee darling - plus it means I have been holding her upright 24/7 - even while she is sleeping so she hasn't even slept in her moses basket yet! Anyway, if I use techniques I have read up about, and the things discussed with Cecile, she seems quite happy, so fingers crossed, I have caught it early, and it doesn't get any worse! Other than that DD is doing very well - gaining weight very quickly, and her big brother (2years) absolutely loves her. I have been getting him fully involved with her, so he has been helping change nappies, give her a bath, having her on his lap for cuddles - so far so good, no jealousy issues - but I know it will come! He even stops playing his favourite games to help change a poo nappy - hilarious! Given DD has been pretty much attached to me for the last 11 days, I do feel like I am neglecting DS a bit, but he isn't concerned at all at this point, it is only me missing my time with him - not vice versa. Anyway, can't wait to hear next updates, and perhaps (if anyone else is interested) we could organise to meet up once everyone's little babes have arrived and everyone is settled - just a thought!
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 14:09
Ayda247 - so pleased all the scan results came back okay! Hope everyone is doing well! My news, is that yesterday morning at 4.01am my little DD joined our family. She looks exactly like her big brother did when he was born, and had meconium in the waters so had to have her little tummy pumped once she was delivered, but otherwise she is great. It was a very short labour - less than 3 hours. All went very well, the hospital have been fantastic. 2 year old DS seems quite taken with his little sister, giving her lots of kisses and say pointing and saying 'awww cute' all the time. Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!
Latest post on 01 March 2012 - 11:16
Insurance has just come back approving the scan - thank God! What a roller-coaster...hope all is well - please say a prayer for me. hugs all round! Excellent, I am pleased they have seen sense! I can't believe some of the things they refuse which they claim are not 'necessary' (immunisations being a great example!!) All the very best of luck, I am sure you and bubs will be fine. Keep us posted!
Latest post on 01 March 2012 - 11:13
Hi sadubai As you say, there is significant research to support the use of a rearfacing carseat for as long as possible, but as with everything it is a personal choice that you need to make yourself, and also whether this will fit with your car. We have DS in a rearfacing carseat purchased here in Dubai (Just Kidding) that should last him until he is around 4 years of age. He has been absolutely fine with this and we have never had any issues strapping him in, as he does not know there is an alternative - but, he has been in a rearfacing carseat since birth, and never travelled in a car unless he has been belted in. The only thing I would say if your child has been travelling in a car sitting on laps forward facing, and you now shift them to rear facing, they may get motion sickness - they may not, but it could happen so I would be aware of this. When you go to purchase your seat, the shop should be able to tell you what you car can and cannot fit, so it will be a seat by seat basis. We googled while we were in the shop if they did not know (or come home and do it, as you want to ensure it is going to fit your car!) As Ayda247 mentions, regardless of whether you chose rear or forward facing at this stage, you strap your LO in, and they learn right from the first trip, they are in a new car (so new rules, regardless of how they have travelled before) no carseat, no car ride. If you ever compromise, they know they don't *have* to do it every time, and this is when you have problems. Yes you may have problems the first couple of times with them fighting it as they learn the news rules, but once they realise there is no other option, there isn't really much to fight about! Good luck!
Latest post on 29 February 2012 - 21:27
There are a couple of other things I would recommend doing that aren't directly related to your OB. Firstly, a dental check up - lots of women experience dental issues while pregnant, and because you have to be careful around work you have carried out, I would definitely get checked for any cavities requiring treatment. Also, personally, I wish I had gone and had a skin check, pregnancy can do funny things with your skin pigmentation and I wish I had completed a mole map. DH has been fussing over a few spots that have changed in the last couple of months, so it would have been good to have had a reference point to start with. HTH
Latest post on 29 February 2012 - 18:14
AmyAus82, what a horrible situation to be in, but you are doing the right thing weighing up all the options before you start a course of action. I have read a few accounts from woman very recently who have been in situations where they have had to take heavy medication (i.e. complete full rounds of chemotheraphy) and the treatment has been successful, and they have carried the children to term, and the children have not displayed any known side effects to date. Obviously, these are different drugs, but I would classify chemotherapy drugs as some of the strongest given to humans that obviously suppress the immune system. I haven't been in this situation (well I have had to consider taking two lots of medication during this pregnancy - I am now 39 weeks, but there was more research done on them so a far easier decision) Having said that, I am a bit of skeptic, and do investigate every single thing my family are asked to take to ensure it is the right thing for us (regardless of being pregnant or not). The problem here, is that the healthcare system is an amalgamation of a number of different countries, so you might be able to get something here, that is banned in the US, but not in the UK or other regions. Being from NZ, I tend to make sure I follow our protocols and recommendations there, so personally, if I were in this situation, I would get in contact with my specialist in my home country and consult with them based on your history and records they have (working on the assumption you have had one for this there, and weren't diagnosed here in the UAE). If you don't have a history for this in your home country, I would get a family member to investigate and find out who a good specialist is there, and get in contact with them, and explain the situation. I actually did this with my DS when he was 4 months old and his skull prematurely fused, as I had only just started with our paediatrician, so I investigated back home with a neurologist and a plastic surgeon "worst case scenarios'. I would also suggest (should you take the medication), that you chose the window that you take it in. Not downplaying any foetal development stages, but you can literally track week-to-week what area is forming/developing/maturing, so you might be able to identify a 3 week window where *less* critical functions are being established, hopefully reducing the likelihood of any significant impact on certain areas that might have more long term effects if they are interupted during a critical development stage. Also, I am sure you are, but I would make my DH sit down and make this decision together, yes it is your body, but of your body, and just having that support in a joint decision, might make you feel a little better about it. Good luck! And remember once you make your decision, don't second guess it, you have made the best decision for you and your baby with the information you had at the time. Take care.
Latest post on 29 February 2012 - 16:32
Loving the updates! Don't worry GC - baby will come in their good time. As I said below, mine was expected really early last time, so by the time he finally graced us with his presence at just over 36 weeks, I felt like he was way overdue! I think with your first baby there is so much anticipation you want the baby to come sooner rather than later - whereas I have been really pushing to try and make it to 40 weeks this time! Looks like three of us had our checkups this morning - Ayda, very exciting that you have started to dialate! Yes, I don't like the internal exams, but I am thankful that I have only had 2 this pregnancy, whereas last pregnancy when we had complications they were quite frequent....I can't believe you are measuring 42 weeks - goodness! I wish my baby was measuring bigger! The Dr says I must just make small babies (I am a tall girl (and DH is built like a rugby player) so this is a bit weird for me!) she hasn't put on any weight for 3 weeks - very frustrating. Redleaf - how funny she couldn't find your cervix, but great that the baby is travelling south! My appointment was very stressful this morning (they did foetal heart rate and movement monitoring today) - and we had a few problems, but it seemed to be okay in the end. Found out I am in "pre-labour" I guess you call it, I am having contractions, she is fully fixed, and I have dialated a few cm's - but I can't feel anything too much. The Dr seemed to think she might come out sooner rather than later (given this is number 2) .. but who knows - could be waiting for a week or so like this! I was quite explicit that I really wasn't keen on her coming today (being a leap year) so the Dr was saying, I promise I haven't done anything during the exam, if she comes today, it isn't my fault! So I am guessing she is thinking she is very close! It is very exciting, but I have to say I will be very happy to not be getting morning sickness anymore! I did discover today I have obviously had a very blonde moment during one of the earlier consultations ... I had a discussion with the Dr (before my exam) she was asking how far passed my due date of the 8th I wanted to go before I was induced if I get there .. I said you mean my due date the 3rd .. erm no the 8th .. hilarious - we had discussed my due date in quite a bit of detail during two consultations, and clearly I decided it was the 3rd, and it isn't - not that it matters at this point, and there is only a few days difference.. just clearly I was too excited and not paying much attention! Anyway, enough of my going on and on! Keep the updates coming ladies!!
Latest post on 26 February 2012 - 13:26
Ooooh GC how exciting! With my first, he was fully fixed, and my cervix softened and shortened at 29 weeks - so I was given steriod injections and put on bedrest until he arrived at just over 36 weeks - and they seriously thought he was going to come at the 30 week mark - so you might have a bit of time yet - or not! No-one really knows! Very, very exciting, I can't wait to hear! Ayda247 - we keep on having reality checks that this one is arriving soon too!!! In a way it feels like we have been pregnant forever because I basically knew within a few days of conceiving that we were pregnant, but also, we have been so horrendously busy, it also feels like it has gone soooo quickly! We are 39 weeks (give or take a day) - was expecting an early baby given DS's early arrival, but this one seems quite content continuing to cook - and I am quite happy for her to stay there for another week or two! I am absolutely exhausted - is anyone else like this??? I didn't make it this far last time, so have no idea what I am supposed to feel like at this point - but I could quite happily never get out of bed!! I am having to get up to pee like 8 times a night, which is also not helping with being tired I guess! I am still getting really bad morning sickness, but just in the mornings now, instead of throughout the whole day, so that is a bonus. Will check in a bit more regularly now we are all so close! Can't wait to hear everyones BA and BS's!!!! Take care all! xxxx
Latest post on 19 February 2012 - 14:46
We used one with DS (now 2) and I found it to be great peace of mind, but also it was great to hear him when he had woken if I couldn't hear him from another room. We are just awaiting the arrival of No 2 - and I have actually brought a new one (not through any fault of the monitor) I stupidly used to let DS play with it, so it doesn't work properly anymore - clearly an expensive toy/mistake for me to have made! I have attached the link for a local supplier (below) - which I considered using for ours, however I ended up ordering on Amazon and getting delivered via shop and ship because I wanted a different model to what is available here. http://www.babyandme.net/categories/Brands/Angelcare-/ HTH
Latest post on 19 February 2012 - 14:09
Agree with having a 1st stage carseat (up to 10months - year - depending on how quickly your baby grows), and for the same reasons, it means you don't have to wake them to transfer them in and out, and sometimes you just want to run in somewhere, and you can just grab them out, and do this, rather than disturbing them, or putting them into a pram. We have a maxicosi, which slots directly onto our bugaboo cameleon, so I could transfer DS between the car and popping him onto the buggy, so I could do some shopping etc. I love our bugaboo, I know they are expensive, but, if you can afford it, I have found the the weight, durability and manoeuvrability to be great, and better than the others I looked at when we made the original purchase. I have used a few other brands when travelling, but I have always preferred the bugaboo - but this could be because this is what I am used to!