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How you can join in & contribute

Posted on

18 December 2017

Last updated on 18 December 2017

How you can join in & contribute

The site wouldn't be what it is today without the helpful input, contributions and advice from literally thousands of women and you can be part of that too. There’s lots of ways you can get involved with us and help other expat women throughout the world...

Join the Forum

Join the Forum

There's a forum for every region and country in the world and it's the perfect place to ask all those questions on expat life abroad. You can become a regular poster offering help and advice to others, sparking conversations and making sure no one feels alone. We also have themed boards if you want to chat about food, hobbies, pregnancy and more.


Submit a Recipe

Submit a Feature to ExpatWoman

Are you living the expat life in a new country? Do you have lots of information and advice to share about your new home and lifestyle? We always welcome contributed features, which we'd love to publish on our website to continue our ongoing effort of helping expatriate women living all over the world. Whether it's a guide to the local transport system, jobs guidance or even tips and advice on learning the local language, let us know. You can email [email protected] or submit your feature pitch here, and we'll get in touch if we want to publish your work. 


Submit a Recipe

Our Reader's Recipes section is bursting with the flavours of the world from Chinese cuisine to Arabic treats and everything in between! We will feature your recipe, along with images and your name so that women around the world can sample your delicacies. We’ve got great sections full of recipes for gluten free food, paleo, healthy recipes as well as regional specialities. If you’re a recipe blogger we can link to your blog too. Simply send a list of ingredients, the step by step method and up to 5 images to [email protected] to get featured.


Submit a Review

Submit a Review

If you fancy yourself a bit of a critic, then why not contribute by submitting a review? Whether it's a review of a book, film, television programme or even review a game or app! We'll feature it on our Reviews Section, which is the perfect place to share and spark debate about what’s hot – and not – right now. We will feature your review, along with suitable images, as well as a small image of yourself and a short bio. So share your opinion with women around the world, and simply send our review and images to [email protected] to get featured.


Share your blog with us

Share your blog with us

If you are writing an expat diary blog why not send us a link to it and we will feature it on the relevant country page to help you share your news and views with other expats in your region. We're more than happy to support expat bloggers and you can copy the below blog button to jazz your blog up too. Please link it to Favourite Blog Award

Let us know about life where you are

Let us know about life where you are

We've got some great interviews with expat women about life in far flung places and we're looking to build up our library of them- if you'd be able to spare 15 minutes to answer our questions and help share your knowledge with others we'd love to hear from you. Simply download the Word document below, grab a cup of tea or coffee, tell us about your expat life and email it back to us. We'll feature you and your story on our site and you can share with your friends and family too.

Download Our Expat Interview Questions

What are you up to?

What are you up to?

Have you written a book? Taken up a new hobby? Become an expat entrepreneur? Tell us about it! If you're doing something inspirational get in touch! We are happy to feature your charitable endeavors from around the world too. Please email [email protected] and let us know what you’re doing- whether it's a support group, charity activity or something you'd like us to feature that you know would be of interest to other expats... we want to hear from you!

Email us

Follow us, Like us, Watch us and more!

Follow us, Like us, Watch us and more!

Although our website is where most of the action is at you can still follow us on the go, on social media… we're really active on there and respond to comments and queries. Whether you're a Pinterester, an instagram fiend, a twitterati or a Facebook addict you’ll find us there!


We really look forward to hearing from you and if you have any comments or suggestions… simply email us on [email protected]


The EW Team

The EW Team