Johannesburg-would you go? |

Johannesburg-would you go?

Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 18:36

BH is off to a conference in Johannesburg for 3 nights. I am in two minds as to whether to buy myself a ticket and go for such a short time as he will be busy working. Is it safe to get out and about alone?-he is concerned it won't be. He will get in at night so effectively I would have 2 days there.

Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 12:55
I would definitely go and I would do a day trip to the Pilansberg Game Reserve which offers the big 5. The game park is located in an extinct volcanic crater If you have never seen lions or elephants in the wild, it is a must. It is a 1 ½ drive from Sandton but well worth the drive for what you will see. Your hotel can arrange a day trip with an organised tour group and perfectly safe. Another trip is a tour of Soweto where you can visit Nelson Mandela’s old house and have lunch in a shebeen and get to see some of the diverse culture’s of Africa. is worth a visit, where you will have an opportunity to go down an old gold mine. The hotel where you are staying is in the Northern Suburbs which is the prettier part of Johannesburg and is part of the largest man made forest in the world. You can always go and have tea at the Westcliffe which overlooks this suburb and the “forest”. There is also great buzz and energy in Joburg, which you won’t find in Durban or Cape Town. Can you recall the costs of visiting the game reserve-tour/driver/entry fees etc?
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 12:48
Thanks everyone-you have given me loads to think about-I guess if BH had some time off over the 2 days I wouldn't be hesitating so much
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 12:44
My sister works in Sandton and spends her lunch (almost everyday) @ Sandton Mall and she walks from the office to the mall (about km away). It's safe. She's never had a problem. Never. Sandton is probably THE safest area in Jhb. :-) It's not like you're going to be a "prisoner" in our country LOL. Just don't go look for trouble. Txjuliet: One of my favourite stores too (YDE)! Go for it! 2 days are a bit short, you'll end up wishing you've stayed longer. We're going to Jhb end April. :)
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 11:09
I would go. It's been just under 10 years, but I went to Joburg for work and I think I stayed at that same hotel. It was nice, we had a conference so I walked back and forth to the conference center for a few days. I didn't feel unsafe, but, as others have said, I was super diligent. I was there before the rest of the conference contingent and I checked out restaurants alone (there were some great ones), did some shopping (love, love, love the Young Designers Emporium as mentioned). I went to Nelson Mandela's house, did a mini tour and went to the flea market. I arranged for a driver through the hotel and between him and a guidebook I saw a lot and had a wonderful time in a very different place from what I was used to. I didn't feel comfortable the whole time, but when I didn't I asked to leave. The driver (all 5'2 of him) did not let me out of his sight the whole time, which was not comforting as I think I could have taken him, but the hotel provided a good service. If you haven't been there it's a nice two days. That said, if it's between Italy and SA and one you can extend and one you can't - I would take the one with the extension and do something romantic and fun with OH.
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 10:10
I second the Pilanesberg Game Reserve.
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 10:02
At MonteCasino there is a brilliant tarot card reader and the musical, Lion King was on the last time I was there. I mean a proper show, not like you get here! Also it's a casino - when do you get to play the slots? *under breath* there is also a gun locker to stow your rifle while you gamble :0
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 09:35
I would definitely go and I would do a day trip to the Pilansberg Game Reserve which offers the big 5. The game park is located in an extinct volcanic crater If you have never seen lions or elephants in the wild, it is a must. It is a 1 ½ drive from Sandton but well worth the drive for what you will see. Your hotel can arrange a day trip with an organised tour group and perfectly safe. Another trip is a tour of Soweto where you can visit Nelson Mandela’s old house and have lunch in a shebeen and get to see some of the diverse culture’s of Africa. is worth a visit, where you will have an opportunity to go down an old gold mine. The hotel where you are staying is in the Northern Suburbs which is the prettier part of Johannesburg and is part of the largest man made forest in the world. You can always go and have tea at the Westcliffe which overlooks this suburb and the “forest”. There is also great buzz and energy in Joburg, which you won’t find in Durban or Cape Town.
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 08:49
Wuffles on first gut feel I thought - no, what on earth do you want to go to Johannesburg for. Cape Town or Durban yes, but not Jozi. And then I let my mind take a walk and I remembered all the great things this beautiful green city has on offer too. Your hotel can arrange for you to visit the Cradle of Humankind which is a world heritage site and located within this also the Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve amongst many other sites all named here Enjoy lunch at the Cradle restaurant - it is a beautiful restaurant with incredible views Lunch or Dinner and if possible also a show at Moyo is a great experience too. You have the option of Moyo Zoo Lake or Moyo Melrose Arch. Your face will be decorated with white paint in tribal art patterns and you will eat amazing food from many African countries. Rosebank fleamarket on a Sunday is also a lovely experience. There is quite a bit to do - no need to be stuck visiting the malls only. The Kromdraai, Muldersdrift etc areas are stunning with many art galleries, craft shops and fantastic tea gardens. There is the Crocodile River Arts and Crafts Ramble and the Sterkfontein Caves too. And then there is the Cheetah Centre I think people forget how utterly stunning, interesting and diverse South Africa is.;_ylt=AufH5txLtm0MCQCAzZjSvjOeGGoL . <em>edited by Singapore Sling on 14/04/2011</em>
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 02:37
I love SA and have been many times both as a tourist and involved in a charity that helps people living with Aids. I've walked around several townships and shanty towns all over the country, visiting people with my fellow nursing friend and been fine. Obviously you have to be careful and there are definate no go areas. Funnily enough, I was mugged in Rome and my dad was mugged in Florence!! There isn't a city in the world that doesn't have problems of some sort. Having said that, enjoy your break wherever you end up and don't worry too much. Just be vigilant :)
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 00:23
It is. I always get a bit emotional when is comes to SA's issue's. It isn't my home country, but I do love it very very much. The country as a whole has got so much potential! Going on holiday there this August and can't wait! I hope you have a great holiday-stay safe
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 00:22
It is. I always get a bit emotional when is comes to SA's issue's. It isn't my home country, but I do love it very very much. The country as a whole has got so much potential! Going on holiday there this August and can't wait!
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 00:18
To be honest, going to Jhb for 2 days and not having any more time to see the rest of the country is not worth it imo. I was there for one day and went to see a lion park which was lovely and the Sandton Mall which is nice too. I was however glad to get back on a plane and fly down to Cape Town for the rest of our stay. Talking about walking in Jhb, I was staying in the Holiday Inn Hotel and walked with one other person to the Mall, about 5 min walk. We were the only white people walking and I was very much aware of my surroundings and vigilant. It was fine, but not pleasant. I lived in the Cape for a year, and met my husband there but I could never live there again. Too much nonsense and violence. If that went away we would move in a heartbeat. Thanks for your honesty-how sad it must be for people to feel unsafe in their homeland If I were you I would go to Italy.
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 00:13
To be honest, going to Jhb for 2 days and not having any more time to see the rest of the country is not worth it imo. I was there for one day and went to see a lion park which was lovely and the Sandton Mall which is nice too. I was however glad to get back on a plane and fly down to Cape Town for the rest of our stay. Talking about walking in Jhb, I was staying in the Holiday Inn Hotel and walked with one other person to the Mall, about 5 min walk. We were the only white people walking and I was very much aware of my surroundings and vigilant. It was fine, but not pleasant. I lived in the Cape for a year, and met my husband there but I could never live there again. Too much nonsense and violence. If that went away we would move in a heartbeat. If I were you I would go to Italy.
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 00:08
Ahh well - Italy sounds good too for later in the year!....and a lot safer! I have another week or so to decide but I think Italy is winning at the minute
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 23:43
Ahh well - Italy sounds good too for later in the year!....and a lot safer!
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 23:16
Could you not do some organized tours with other tourists Wuffles? I would definitely go, as there seems to be lots to do on Trip Advisor. Saying that, I have heard that it can be dangerous there, so would take organized tours and not go out too much alone. I don't know the place myself, having only been to Capetown and a tour along the Garden Route. Could your DH extend his stay so that you could go off somewhere together afterwards, such as on safari to Kruger, etc.? No-we can't extend as BH has work committments and I would feel bad doing anything too exiting while he was slaving away-if we could have gone to Capetown or done a safari I wouldn't be hesitating!
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 23:09
Could you not do some organized tours with other tourists Wuffles? I would definitely go, as there seems to be lots to do on Trip Advisor. Saying that, I have heard that it can be dangerous there, so would take organized tours and not go out too much alone. I don't know the place myself, having only been to Capetown and a tour along the Garden Route. Could your DH extend his stay so that you could go off somewhere together afterwards, such as on safari to Kruger, etc.?
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 21:19
Thanks again-all input welcomed-I am tossing up going on this conference or another one to Turin in Italy a bit later-hence my confusion! Know which would I would go to! :) I think I am thinking what you are thinking:) Was a childhood dream to go to Africa-but maybe not that Aftica......
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 20:59
Thanks again-all input welcomed-I am tossing up going on this conference or another one to Turin in Italy a bit later-hence my confusion! Know which would I would go to! :)
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 20:40
Is J'burg really that unsafe that you can't literally walk a 100 meters outside by yourself? Jozi is not THAT unsafe unless you go downtown. Sandton area is generally safe but like any other has to be vigilant and be aware of their surroundings!
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 20:29
Is J'burg really that unsafe that you can't literally walk a 100 meters outside by yourself?
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 20:22
Thanks again-all input welcomed-I am tossing up going on this conference or another one to Turin in Italy a bit later-hence my confusion!
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 20:16
Nothing much else to do in Jhb besides the mall alone. I wouldn't recommend you going anywhere else if you going to be by yourself. The mall is lovely with loads of shops to pass your time in. Some really nice local ones like Nicci Boutique and Big Blue. Also Woolworths is so much better than the sad ones here in Dubai. In the square there are some really nice outdoor restaurants and there is a Young Designers Emporium upstairs (young and upcoming designers all showcasing their latest designs and the prices are great!). Lots of jewelery stores in The Square as well. There is also a nice craft/tourist shop near the banking mall. If its worth anything, you will love the energy of the people there!
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 20:03
Thanks-I think that is the one-not sure I should pay all that money if I can only go to the mall alone-so confused!
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 19:59
That would probably be the Intercontinental Sandton Sun you are referring to. It is attached to the mall via a skywalk. It is safe as you don't need to walk out on the street to get into the mall from the hotel. The mall that Saharagypsyrose is referring to is The Zone in Rosebank - about 10 minutes drive from Sandton City.
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 19:35
Thanks-the hotel site doesn't mention shuttle buses-says it is 100 metres from Sandton City Shopping Centre & Nelson Mandela Square if that means anything
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 18:55
See if the hotel you stay at offers shuttle service to the malls. There is one I specifically liked but I forgot the name, but it has all kinds of shops and local crafts and lots of restaurants (some outdoors). I would do it if the airfare is not expensive and the hotel is nice :)