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Cats & Landlords

Latest post on 05 January 2011 - 21:28

Hi Ladies, before subjecting the cat to a long flight to Qatar, what are our chances of finding an apartment that allows cats? Is it a regular thing, nobody really cares? For instance in Australia pets are abit of a no no for rentals, when we lived there but here in NZ everyone has a cat! We think we will use an agent to help us find an apartment but just wondering what the general vibe is.

Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 14:28
Best to find a place that explicitly allows cats - that said, many people have them and so long as they don't make enough noise to disturb others, aren't smelly (litter tray), and you're prepared to foot the bill for any damage caused - may landlords allow them unofficially as well.
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 12:34
I'm not sure to be honest but we have friends with a cat and they lived in an apartment before they moved to their villa with no probs. We catsit a fair bit when they go home or on holiday and our LL has seen the arrival and departure of the said pusscat and made no comment. I don't really think anyone bothers unless it's maybe one of these very expensive furnished apartments, which ours isn't. Plenty of people feed and care for the feral cats too and I have a friend who takes them into her place and arranges for them to be spayed.