how much does utilities cost |

how much does utilities cost

Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 23:38

Hi, only me again, can anyone please give me an idea how much utilities are in an average size 3/4 bed compound villa either monthly or yearly, where we are living just now includes utilities but the houses we are looking at don't, also is there anything we should enquire about, i have been reading in the residents guides about certain pitfalls, we are going through an agent, but we are not sure if they let you know everything or if we need to find out for ourselves. As I am sure you will be able to tell, we are new to Doha but hopefully someone out there will be able to give us an indication. Any helpful tips etc would also be much appreciated.

I would also like to say that I think this website is terrific, especially for a novice like me, I really enjoy reading all the articles in the forum, it certainly helps you to understand how things work over here, be it good or bad, but I certainly do not feel as lonely when I realise how many of us are in the same position.

Latest post on 07 January 2011 - 15:45
In our old two-story 3-bed apt, we probably averaged 300 Riyals/ month over the year. There we had no garden. Obviously summer rates are much higher than winter. In our current 4+ bed villa, we were alarmed when our July bill was something like QR1800. But in July, we had house guests who were home all the time, the AC was blasting, TV, computers on, etc. Since then, our bills have come down each month (with less AC use due to weather and more eco-friendly behavior) and I think November was 550. When you first start with Kharammaa- you have to give a QR2000 deposit. That was something we weren't aware of, and with all the other start up costs of a new unfurnished place, we were not thrilled to have to pay that.
Latest post on 07 January 2011 - 07:24
If the villa is not new, can you ask to see previous months Utility bills at Kaahramma or from the landlord? Are there occupied villas nearby similar to yours where you might ask questions? Keep in mind your lifestyle will affect the costs - some people aren't home all day or don't have the AC on in rooms they aren't using - others have them going all day everyday while the heat lasts. When I paid for utilities I had ceiling fans installed in all my rooms - it made a big difference, but that was in another GCC country. Is the water currently on in the villa - go through and turn on all the taps, including showers, and flush all the toilets. Also check that the water pump (it will work on providing water to/from the tanks you see on most roofs or to the side of your home) is functioning properly. Do the same with all the light switches and perhaps the electrical outlets (take something you can plug in to test them. It sounds silly but it is really aggravating to move in and then try to run the kettle for a cup of tea and find the electrical outlet doesn't work (let alone the toilet doesn't flush). Make sure all the windows do open and that they have screens. If it is in a compound, try to visit at different times of day to get a feel for the traffic, the child situation (if any - some families allow their children to run riot on a constant basis and often late into the night). If the compound has a pool or other rec facilities, are they maintained properly (cleaned, etc) are they very busy, etc. HTH Forgot to add - who will be available for maintenance issues? Are they on site if a compound? Ask the neighbours what issues they have had and whether they're happy with the services provided. <em>edited by marycatherine on 07/01/2011</em>