how much does utilities cost
Hi, only me again, can anyone please give me an idea how much utilities are in an average size 3/4 bed compound villa either monthly or yearly, where we are living just now includes utilities but the houses we are looking at don't, also is there anything we should enquire about, i have been reading in the residents guides about certain pitfalls, we are going through an agent, but we are not sure if they let you know everything or if we need to find out for ourselves. As I am sure you will be able to tell, we are new to Doha but hopefully someone out there will be able to give us an indication. Any helpful tips etc would also be much appreciated.
I would also like to say that I think this website is terrific, especially for a novice like me, I really enjoy reading all the articles in the forum, it certainly helps you to understand how things work over here, be it good or bad, but I certainly do not feel as lonely when I realise how many of us are in the same position.
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