Passport renewal first or fix damaged RP first??? |

Passport renewal first or fix damaged RP first???

Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 15:58

Hi, My daughter's USA passport is soon to expire and was wondering something. She literally spilt MILK on it and damaged it. Now, every time I enter they give me this song and dance story that I need to go and have it taken care of. Well, I was wondering...should I renew her passport first or should I have the damaged RP taken care of first...or does it matter? Thanks so much! x

Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 22:13
LOL~I may not be crying now, but I sure was mad when it happened! She managed to spill an entire cup of hot milk all over me, my pants and the inside of my bag...the day was just starting...a 6 hour flight was still on the block. Grrrr...I don't think I've ever been that mad at her ever...but we got over it. Pants and credit cards, passports. oh yeah...and RPs just had to dry. It's ok Rachel...should've had you there the day it took place...could have defo used some humor to lighten things up!!! :) And I like 'dry' humor!!! lolol
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 19:50
Good to see you're not crying over spilled milk!! :\: Sorry daga, just couldn't help myself! Have a great vacation!
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 18:51
I appreciate all your posts regarding this matter. I will just wait for the passports as I'm waaaay more interested in my vacay! lolol I'm sure if they want they'll hassle me anyways, but what's one more time with a damaged RP?! I mean, it still scans and all~just the pictured has a relatively small milk stain on it.
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 17:42
Get the passport renewed/replaced first and get the new RP in the new passport. While the RP is still valid, it's just an extra aggravation you don't need and you have time to fix it before you travel again. I have entered with an expired passport with current RP (RP renewed in June in old still valid passport and renewed passport while out of the country in July) entered with old (with RP) and new passport. They accept it at immigration but it's not liked. I had it switched over, a few days - painless <em>edited by marycatherine on 06/01/2011</em>
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 17:41
I renewed all 3 of my kids' passports last March. Handed the new passports along with the old ones to the company and the RPs were transferred to the new passports with the existing expiry date. The RP is only transferred, not renewed/extended. The original expiry date stands. HTH Louise
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 16:30
Both my kids passports expire in March...and we're traveling in March. Yes, I made the appointments necessary yesterday...we'll go later on into the month. The funny thing about this is that sometimes they say something about her RP and sometimes they don' you can see, I've been quite lax on the issue. Infact, now that I need to renew the passport is why I'm wondering about this. Ok, so I will renew first and then fix the damaged RP later...does my husband just need to go to his company or do we need to go to immigration when the time comes? Thanks ladies! x
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 16:09
You'll want the new RP in the new passport, so I would renew the passport first. If you go to the US Embassy website right now, you will see that it will probably take a couple of weeks to schedule an appointment online with the US Embassy and then another two weeks until the passport is completed. You will still be able to use the old passport and RP (despite immigrations objections, since they have obviously accepted the RP at the airport). Once the new passport is in, the old passport will be canceled, but the RP will still be valid. The tricky part may be with the new RP. Sometimes they don't want to renew it until it is ready to expire. Hopefully, if you explain/show that the RP has been damaged (and has been requested to be replaced) the reps at company will do it. Right now I am carrying around two passports myself (one as a valid passport and my canceled one with the valid RP in it).
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 16:09
Are you renewing her passport because its damaged? Or is it just the page with the RP on it that is damaged? If its just the page with the RP then why not just get a new RP visa put in if that is possible. Otherwise, if you have to renew the passport then get the passport renewed first.