8 Point Facelift: Look Younger Without Going Under the Knife | ExpatWoman.com

8 Point Facelift: Look Younger Without Going Under the Knife

Want to look younger, but don't want to go under the knife? Here's the low down on the 8 Point Facelift from Elite Plastic Surgery

Posted on

21 August 2014

Last updated on 4 June 2018
8 Point Facelift: Look Younger Without Going Under the Knife

Most of us would like to look younger and today this is becoming increasingly possible and accessible to a greater number of people thanks to an ever widening range of non-surgical cosmetic treatments designed to rejuvenate the face with long-lasting results but without costly surgery and with no downtime. The 8-Point Facelift is one such treatment, recently introduced to this region by Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group.
Dr Allen Rezai, Founder and Lead Surgeon of Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, explains the background to this exciting treatment: “We don’t age in only one part of our face, so the traditional methods of using dermal fillers in only one area will never give the effective, ideal cosmetic rejuvenation results that women and men really need as they age.”

“Ideal anti-ageing cosmetic treatments seek to address the entire face as a whole that relies upon the balance and symmetry of its individual parts to produce an overall natural and youthful appearance. It can be considered to be a more holistic approach to facial rejuvenation.”

The initial sign of aging is noticed in 8 distinct areas:

1 & 2. Cheek Structure – The youthful volume and definition in cheeks are progressively lost over time 
3. Tear Troughs – Over time, loss of volume in the tear trough area leads to formation of a hollow depression, producing a tired appearance. 
4. Nasolabial Folds – These lines that run from the corner of our nose to our mouth, gradually deepen as we lose the soft issue volume in our face 
5. Mouth Frown – Over time the corners of our lips begin to turn down and become more pronounced. 
6. Pre-Jowl Area – Downward movement of soft tissue volume on the face due to loss of collagen and elastin leads to slowly appearance of Jowls, hence giving the face a heavy look. 
7. Jawline – The jawline is a smooth line extending from our jaw to our chin which over time loses its definition. 
8. Cheek Volume – As we age, loss of volume in the mid-face area can make our cheeks look hollow.

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According to Dr Rezai “The 8-Point Facelift is a total treatment solution which considers the face as a whole and how it ages rather than simply looking at just an individual part of it and trying to hunt down lines. As we age, the face loses volume, & the first signs of ageing are regularly seen in 8 key areas situated beneath the eyes, within the cheeks, around the jaw and within the folds of the nose and lips. Dermal fillers can be used to restore volume in these key areas. They contain hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring component in the skin. It attracts and retains water to provide hydration, structure and volume. Over time the levels of hyaluronic acid in our skin naturally decline and these fillers are used to replace it.”

Using dermal fillers in this way has its origins in the work of the Brazilian Plastic Surgeon Dr Mauricio De Maio whose method is now revolutionizing the non-surgical facelift with no need for downtime, producing results that are natural, add volume and restore youthful facial curves that provide a healthy, rejuvenated appearance at any age.

 “Expert use of dermal fillers in the strategic areas of the face where needed can result in patients getting back the look they have dreamed of, often in a subtle and sophisticated way. In fact a wide range of age groups can be treated using this technique, all of whom can benefit from the restoration of their youthful appearance,” says Dr Rezai who goes on to explain that the 8-Point Facelift can also be combined with other procedures such as Botox, Laser & Radio Frequency skin rejuvenation for a more long lasting results.” 

For more information about 8-point facelift and Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Groups other facial rejuvenation and aesthetic anti-ageing procedures call +971 4 431 2396 or visit our website