Here's a guide to help you find the job that is suited to your particular needs.
27 August 2013
| Last updated on 3 January 2018Finding A Job
There four main approaches to finding a job in any Bahrain and all four depending on the kind of job that you are qualified to do.
- Company websites – a lot of companies have a careers section on their website. This is the first thing that you should look for when searching for a job as the positions available are listed here as well as requirements and application processes.
This refines your search and minimizes the risk of job scams. You can also find all the information regarding the job and contact the companies directly (cold calling).
- Network – Whenever you meet a person you are networking and creating a network of people that you know could get you hired.
Do not always look outside your circle when looking for a new position, a person that you already know could be an asset when you are looking for employment. They could be someone that works for the company that you are interested in who can get you the relevant phone number or email address of the person that is in charge of recruiting or they could pass your CV onto the relevant person and put in a good word on your behalf.
- Cold calling – Find out the name of the company and the relevant telephone numbers, be assertive and stand your ground when calling them. Ask to speak to the hiring manager. Be friendly but firm and do not let the person on the other end of the line intimidate you. Cold calling is a daunting task but it is effective as many people do not take this initiative and it will give you the perfect opportunity to make a sales pitch and an impression on the person hiring. You will be remembered when your CV lands in their inbox.
- Recruitment agencies – companies hire recruitment agencies to find the most qualified candidates for the employment position that they require. These are more often than not high-end jobs offering management and executive positions. The agency then narrows down a list of candidates for the company accordingly.
Beware of job scams and remember it is illegal for a recruitment agency to ask you to pay a monetary fee.
Recruitment agents are hired by companies and never by individuals. It is their job to sell you to the company, not to sell the company to you. There are many ways that these scam operations can fool even the most educated job candidates. Do not fall into the trap of paying for anything during the recruitment process, there are no such things as ‘under the table deals’ with regards to legitimate employment opportunities.
Once you have finished the application process all you can do is wait to be called to an interview. If you are living overseas the company could fly you in, all expenses paid, for the interview or you could be sent to a local office. Of course, this all depends on the job that you have applied for.
The Interview Preparation
Some companies will send you an itinerary of what you need for the interview and you should follow that list as closely as possible. It always makes a good impression when you come to an interview prepared. If the company has just invited you for an interview without any additional requirements please bring a hard copy of your CV. You may also want to bring in any letters of recommendation from previous employers. Make sure that all your hard documents are well presented with no creases or stains. Have your documents in a folder as carrying them loosely makes you seem messy and unprepared.
Decide what you are going to wear the night before. This will relieve you of a lot of stress on the morning of the interview. Dubai is a conservative city with strict laws regarding the way that you dress. If you are going to wear a business suit with a skirt make sure that it is modest and conservative and that it doesn’t ride up when you sit down. Your knees and shoulders should remain covered throughout the interview. Check your outfit for any stains that may have gone unnoticed and make sure that there are no scuff marks on your shoes. It important to make sure that your interview outfit is well ironed.
Take care that your nails are manicured, do them the night before and let them dry properly. Interviewers notice small details and something as insignificant as a chipped nail could put them off. When you are getting ready for your interview make sure that you put your hair up if it is long and styled if you wish to wear it loose, factors such as the wind may make it look fly away and it is your goal to seem well put together and professional. Also, make sure that you wear makeup to your interview. In Bahrain how you look is extremely important especially when looking for a job.
The Interview
If you are a smoker do not smoke before the interview as the smell of cigarette smoke lingers and it has become a hateful habit for some, it could lessen your chances of getting the job.
- Make sure that you are not chewing gum; it is a habit that annoys people immensely.
- Be aware of your body odour, Bahrain is a hot city and even the shortest walk from the car park to the office building in fifty-degree heat can trigger the sweat glands, especially if you are nervous. Carry a good antiperspirant in your handbag. By the same token, do not wear overpowering perfume, you may love the sweet smell but your future employer may not.
- Arrive early, this will show the employer that you are well prepared and interested in the position. It will also give you a chance to see what the atmosphere in the office is like and allow you to calm your nerves.
- Be ready to sell yourself, essentially the company is interested in paying for the services that you offer so make sure that yours are the best, most efficient and will improve the overall performance of the company. Do not be too modest, an interview gives the employer a chance to get to know your personality so show him your best sides.
- You may be excited once you receive the job offer, but do not allow your excitement to cloud your judgment. There are still some important steps to take to ensure that everything is done according to the standards set by the Ministry of Labour.
- Before signing the contract ensure that you have read and understood it. Now is the time for salary negotiations, you can research average salaries for the particular field for which you are being hired and make the negotiations accordingly. Do please note that there is no minimum wage standard in Bahrain and some salaries are adjusted according to your nationality. There are no discrimination laws and unfortunately, some people are paid less than other for doing the same job.
- In the Kingdom of Bahrain, only a signed contract in the Arabic language is generally valid, however before you do sign any contract in a language that you do not understand make sure that the employer has given you one in English and that you do read it carefully.
- It is illegal for an employer to ask you for any money with regards to visas, they are financially responsible for your residency visa or work permit. Do not give anyone any money for the opportunity to get a job as this is neither a legal nor is it a common practice.
Remember if you have any questions about living in Bahrain or with regards to different companies here do not hesitate to post on the ExpatWoman forum as the ladies there are residents in the Middle East and have been through the process of moving here and finding a job. Best of luck.