Disabled Parking Sticker | ExpatWoman.com

Disabled Parking Sticker

Latest post on 19 January 2011 - 21:02

Does anybody know exactly where one goes to apply for one of these. Wife of husband's colleague has got her parents visiting soon. Her mum is in a wheelchair and she does not want to take the risk of parking in one of the allocated bays without the appropriate sticker and be fined. On the other hands, she knows only too well how one runs all the risks of being run over in car parks by impatient drivers and does not want to cause any anxiety to her mum. Thanks :).

Sorry, should have said 'badge'.
<em>edited by Sega on 19/01/2011</em>

Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 15:40
Lalala - I agree with you as not all disabilities are visible. My mother in law who is quite old, has a pacemaker, lives on her own and does all her errands herself was also denied one. She gets breathless very quickly. I had a friend in UK who desperately tried to get one for her daughter who was mentally impaired but kept being refused one despite a note from her doctor. The little girl had not sense of danger and it was important for the mum to be able to park as close to entrances as possible. Sadly, they never bulge as she was considered moderate and not 'severe,' although one look at the child and you could tell straight away that there were some difficulties. Fortunately, when she explained the difficulties to her local Tesco, they had more sense and gave her one for specific use in their parking. However, I am sure you will agree that if a young lady steps out of a car wearing a stileto, I am not being judgemental and yes, I have seen it.
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 15:14
Maybe, maybe not. I actually doubt it on the disabled space. They're extremely tight on them. Please be careful when judging whether people are disabled or not based on looks. Not all disabilities are visable!
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 12:43
Lalala - I totally agree with you regarding the enforcement of disabled parking spaces. However, as you know many things are negotiable here, depending on the day and who are dealing with and I think if Fajer had taken her mum to the traffic police and they saw that she was in fact in a wheelchair there was no reason why they could not either waive or reduce the fine. As for UK, I have no sympathy for those who do get nicked as there are very clear procedures on how to apply for one and who are eligible. What makes me furious is sometimes, you see a driver stepping out and perfectly able (which means the badge is for a driver / passenger who is not present), stick the badge on the dashboard and walk away. That sort of abuse of the facility is totally unacceptable just like those who short of parking spaces in a car park, feel it is ok to park there. Thank you for your offer to help - will pass all these info to wife of DH's colleague and get back to you, should need be. Thank you all for your assistance :cool:
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 11:13
You'd have gotten fined in the Uk if you'd parked in a disabled bay without a sticker. it's up to the authorities to decide who gets one, not the individual. Sorry but I agree - it's something they have to be tough on to prevent abuse. Harsh for some here temporarily but that's life. My father in law has a disabled sticker in the Uk and we cope when he's here by dropping him off closer etc. If you want/need a sticker here let me know as I have a friend who has managed to fight his way through the process. Took months though
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 08:59
Thank you both, I will pass on the info to the lady. Fajer, I am so sorry to hear about your experience and sadly a bit of common sense from authorities (local or elsewhere) would be welcome but it does not seem to work. I had a giggle when you mentioned the fuss that her mum might have to go through but really here, at times, the number of volunteers stepping out of nowhere to help is quite something.;) Once, somebody was so willing to assist my DH in parking in a very tight space at the Souk that eventually I felt this could not be right, stepped out of the car just in time to see that DH was cms away from damaging the front lights of the car behind. I thanked the helper and those watching patiently, and took over from there. You could tell that me having interfered in what he obviously felt was a 'boys' thing,' was not too welcome but hey, when it comes to my wallet and avoiding all the hassle of police report, insurance, etc, I will do so as much as I need.
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 07:53
Hi despite our office driver suggestion of just buying the sticker at the sticker shop !!! you have to have a letter from your consultant at Hamad Hospital to take to the traffice police to obtain the sticker. Do not park in disabled without the sticker - i did will full justification due to a wheelchair passenger however got QR 500 fine and 3 penalty points despite appeal to Traffic Police ! an expensive lesson learned which I pass on free of charge! to resolve mum in a wheelchair just roll up outside places put on your hazards and get Mum out everyone will help and no one will complain then go and park the car. Mum may not like the fuss but it is a solution HTH
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 07:46
Hi Sega, I'm not sure at all, but here are a couple of suggestions: Does the mum have a disabled parking think (sorry can't think of the word) from her home country that she can bring? I know in the US they don't do stickers - they now do these hanging permits (sort of looks like a "do not disturb" one that you would put on a hotel door) that goes behind the rear view mirror, and can be moved to other cars. If she does, I would suggest she bring it. That might be enough. Otherwise I would suggest checking either with a car rental agency (they sometimes know interesting info re driving here) or else with the traffic police. Also maybe check with Hamad Hospital or one of the private hospitals?