Irish passport renewal advice needed |

Irish passport renewal advice needed

Latest post on 26 March 2011 - 12:18

My passport is up for renewal and I would appreciate any help from those of you who have been through this process. I have been in contact with the new Irish embassy in Abu Dhabi who informed me that I may obtain the application form from DHL on Salwa Road......unfortunately, DHL disagree! Where did you obtain your form? Surely there must be a way to download one.

The embassy informed me that I need witnessed photographs. Most likely having a dull moment but what is a witnessed photograph? At home I'd assume it's a photograph that needs to be certified/signed by a Garda/priest (go figure!) but here??

Any information or advice very much appreciated as I really would like to go on that girlie weekend to Dubai at the end of May!!!

Latest post on 23 May 2011 - 14:47
Thank you for that Cellbell and sorry for your troubles! I think I am going to leave things as they are at the moment, not only because of your advice but also because when I read through the Irish Passport 'changing your name upon marriage' clause, it said that any marriage certificate issued outside of Ireland needed to be attested before they would consider a name change! This means having to get my UK marriage licence attested in Milton Keynes Commonwealth Office before sending off my passport for my new name! Amazing how much nonsense you have to put up with! For my little one's passport I will do as you advised though, and go straight to Dublin, not via embassy- does seem a bit around the shop to send something to Abu Dhabi first. <em>edited by mcginster on 23/05/2011</em>
Latest post on 22 May 2011 - 20:00
Cellbell 'Sorry for your troubles':) I'm travelling to Dubai next weekend and I'll have a Mojitos for you!!! Can I bring anything back for you??
Latest post on 22 May 2011 - 11:11
UPDATE! Old and new passports arrived last Thursday morning and I was supposed to travel Thursday evening. I ended up having great difficulty getting them here on time and I would strongly recommend NOT renewing an Irish passport via the Irish Embassy. There's no difference in the application so you can send it directly to Dublin with DHL. I am writing this update for the particular attention of Mcginster and anyone else who is considering changing their name in Qatar. After receiving my passport, I went to Immigration to renew my RP. There would have been no problem with doing this on the spot, everything was efficiently done, not a long wait and the people behind the counters were very friendly. The problem came with me wanting to change the name on my RP to match my now married name on my new passport. I now have to have a letter from my embassy stating that I am who I say I am, copies of old and new passports, copy of old RP and a photo, along with placing an ad in the paper here, stating that I wish to change my name. After 2 weeks of no objections to this, I then have to bring all the above, plus an application form typed in arabic to the 2nd floor of gate 2 at the Madinat Khalifa Immigration where it will be considered. According to the man in charge of this, Captain Sultan, it will be quite a lengthy procedure and I cannot leave the country until it is completed. My advice to anyone wishing to change their name is to do it before your initial RP is processed. To those for whom that advice is too late (like me!), I will let you know how I get on if you like! I hope this helps someone down the line! From a frazzled Cellbell who missed a weekend of mojitos and shopping in Dubai!
Latest post on 03 May 2011 - 17:16
Hi Mcginster, Not good news I'm afraid! It's been 5 weeks now and there's no sign of my passport being processed any time soon. After calling the embassy and the Irish passport office repeatedly, it transpires that my application was gathering dust in the embassy, despite their email to me confirming that they had submitted it to Ireland. I have tried five times today to get through to the Irish Passport office but I can't even get put on hold! I am frazzled about the whole thing to say the least! If there's a chance that you're going to Ireland before you give birth, I think that would be your best chance for your own passport using the passport express service (10 day turnaround). You should only need to include your marriage certificate (attested if married out of Ireland) and a letter requesting the change of name. I am doing the same myself. As for your new baby's passport, I don't know if an Irish or UK passport would be quicker. But with the Irish one, you can fast track your application for an added fee if you have confirmed travel plans. I am now trying to do this with my application. The Irish embassy say it will take 2 weeks. The Irish website says 3 days. Hope this helps somewhat!
Latest post on 03 May 2011 - 13:01
Cellbell did you manage to get your passport? How long did it take? I am expecting early July and the lucky lady is eligible for UK and Irish passport. Wondered whether getting an Irish one might be easier/quicker? Thought I had best change my Irish passport from my maiden name to my married name over next month to easy application process- don't suppose you know anything about that too?
Latest post on 28 March 2011 - 13:20
Bechamel, I think that would be a very good idea! Any excuse for a trip home. I hope you're enjoying your time there now. Have a rasher for me! Kiwispiers, thanks for that. Unfortunately for us, it has to be a member of the police/doctor/school principal/bank manager/lawyer/notary/medical doctor not related to us. I've just realised that my RP expires in two weeks time...right about the time that my passport will be in Ireland being replaced with a new one. Another long shot but has anyone had their RP renewed without their passport? I doubt it but just thought I'd ask!
Latest post on 27 March 2011 - 18:48
I guess its too late but I know with the NZ passport the photos could be "witnessed" by any other NZ passport holder who didn't live in the same household (as well as the Dr/preist options). We were lucky enough to know another Kiwi family who obliged.
Latest post on 27 March 2011 - 17:04
Well done cellbell you need a lot of persistence over here!! With all that hassle I will just come home when my passport is due for renewal great excuse for a two week break back home.:)
Latest post on 27 March 2011 - 15:08
Thank you Momoyum and Bechamel! Momoyum, it sounds like you had to go through hoops to get your DH a new passport! Bechamel, thank you so much for the offer. I actually got an application form today. I decided that since this is Qatar, I should persist with DHL and lo and behold, they have the forms in the Salwa Road branch after all. I then got my passport photos taken (QR70 and half an hour later), before going to visit the doctor who witnessed my form and photographs (For a steep QR200 and another half hour of my life in return for a few extra grey hairs!). Now I just need to confirm whether I have to send my old passport or if a certified copy will do. The embassy say a certified copy but the application form says only the old passport. Since the application will be sent by email to Ireland from the embassy, they say it will be done in 4 weeks. I will give it an optimistic 8 weeks! Thank you ladies for your help. Hopefully this will prove somewhat useful to those in the same position in future....and not just the ramblings of a woman driven mad by a morning of trying to get things done in Doha!
Latest post on 26 March 2011 - 19:31
Cell Bell I am in Ireland at the moment and will bring you back a passport application form if you like?? I will be back in Doha April 1st. Let me know:)
Latest post on 26 March 2011 - 12:47
Hi Cellbell my DH had to get his renewed last year.. we live in duabi.. we got a form in the irish visa office here in dubai. i dont think u can download a form which is a pain. as for the witnessed photos. DH went into a police station here to get his witnessed but they refused to do it.. we ended up going to the catholic chuch here in dubai and they did it for us.. when we were getting our newborns passport the office in Abu Dhabi were able to sign the photos for us once someone was in the office to do it. DHL have a service here that send ur full application form to Abu Dhabi embassy who then send it on to irleand and when it comes back DHL will deliver it back to you. DH passport ran our right around the time that noone was working in dublin so it too 10 wks to come back but usually its about 6-8 wks. good luck hope u get it back soon..