Volunteering at QAWS | ExpatWoman.com

Volunteering at QAWS

Latest post on 13 January 2011 - 19:31

Does anyone on here volunteer for QAWS? I'm moving to Doha in early March and would really like to get stuck into life as soon as I arrive, and particularly get involved with QAWS. I am an animal lover and here in the UK my husband and I look after Hearing Dogs in training, and we have lots of experience with animals.

I just wondered what life as a QAWS volunteer would be like - e.g. how much time do you have to commit, what skills do they need? I would like to try and do something every day for them, but I also want to keep some time spare for other interests. It would be great to be really hands-on with the animals, but I may also be able to help them with office tasks as I have a background in PR and have worked for a charity in the past.

Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 02:17
Wow thanks MonkeyMagic (awesome name by the way!). I cannot wait to come and volunteer, although I have added QAWS on Facebook and am already in love with at least half of your animals....... I am coming out to Doha in early March, and coming to see you at QAWS will be one of the first things I do. See you soon!
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 00:02
Amy - QAWS would love to have you on board as a volunteer, and anyone else out there who is interested! If you've never been to QAWS before and would like to start volunteering, please come down to the shelter on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday between 3.30-5.30pm when one of our members of staff can have a chat with you about how you can help out as a volunteer. Once you are familiar with the shelter, you are more than welcome to come down anytime between our usual opening hours of 7.30am-9.30am and 3.30-5.30pm any day of the week. It doesn't matter if it's 2 or 20 hours a week, any help at the shelter is truly appreciated! If you need more information you can email [email protected] or call QAWS on 5539 6074.
Latest post on 13 January 2011 - 23:18
Hi Amy - Welcome, in advance, to Doha! QAWS seems to always need help with walking the dogs. From time to time they put out a call for help with building, painting, etc. as well. They host a number of events to help raise money, so your PR skills might be useful there as well. Give them at shout at [email protected] and see what they say. Roxanne