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healthy eating

30 Cooking Substitutes To Make Eating Healthy A Lot Easier

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29 April 2017

Healthier cooking substitutes

Healthy eating is the buzzword of 2017; so naturally — anything that has the word diet, detox or gluten-free grabs instant attention.

But before you turn your pantry into a self-created torture cell OR jump onto any unreliable fad diet, take a moment and give your daily food intake a flashback. There must have been at least 10 instances where you could have avoided the extra calories — by simply making a healthy choice. For instance:

7 One-Pot Chicken Dinner Ideas For Hectic Nights

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25 April 2017

One-Pot Chicken Dinner Ideas

Some happy days call for elaborate 3-course scrumptious meals and others — for 20 minutes, 5-ingredient comfort food. For the latter, you need one staple ingredient in your fridge — chicken.

Easy to defrost, affordable to buy and delicious to eat — it’s difficult to go wrong with chicken. Check out some healthy one-pot chicken recipes that require little effort and minimal cleanup.

5 Fresh-Fruit Popsicles To Replace Your Ice Cream Guilt

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24 April 2017

Fresh fruit popsicles

Summers might be a couple of months away for the rest of the world but if you’re anywhere in the Middle East — you know better than to distinguish between the two.

And now that the temperature has started soaring high, all we scream is ICE CREAM. But before you feel the heavenly freeze of your favourite scoop, just take a look at the calories, fat and sugar in one serving — seems a little less sweet and enticing, doesn’t it?

Instead of a scoop of calorie-laden ice cream, why not serve the kids (and yourself) a fresh, fruit-filled popsicle?

Spring Rolls Never Looked This Healthy Before

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17 April 2017

Healthy spring rolls

Unless you’ve invented a live photoshopping tool, it's not going to be possible to lose all the holiday weight for a beach-ready body — at least not with the hearty holiday meals and desserts.

An enviable summer body calls for sweat-breaking runs, fresh smoothies, juicy fruits, raw veggies and summer rolls.

Popularly known as Vietnamese spring rolls or salad rolls, these savoury bites are basically the uncooked version or flash-fried spring rolls or fried egg rolls.

This Is What 200 Calories Look Like: Junk vs. Healthy Food

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17 April 2017

200 calorie food items

Some of us eat to live and some — live to eat. For those of us who fall in the latter group, life is nothing but a bunch of food lies we tell ourselves. For instance:

Adding avocado to pizza makes it healthy? Yes, of course
Missing lunch means we can eat heavy dinner? Yes, again.
Taking the stairs to the office means I’m done with the cardio today? Obviously, yes.

5 Incredibly Easy & Yummy Smoothies To Kick-start Your Day

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17 April 2017

Breakfast Smoothies

We know you love to put up your #BreakfastToday posts every day, especially if it’s impressively healthy and incredibly pretty aka smoothies.

Fresh, creamy and delicious — smoothies make for a healthy start to a sweltering summer morning when eggs are just too heavy to eat. This blended mix of fruits, veggies and yoghurts offer tonnes of nutrients, proteins and fibres that help keep you full and active until the next meal.

This Is How Meat-Loving Peeps Are Eating Green These Days

Posted on

15 April 2017

Vegetable charcuterie

Let’s face it — eating raw veggies is boring. And things are especially gruelling if you’re a fan of everything meaty.

Sure, mixing chicken and bacon in your salads add some solace but there is STILL a lot of hard-to-chew, bland-tasting greens left to up your green ante.

So what do we, the innocent chicken-loving peeps do? We make a vegetable charcuterie.
