We've compiled a list of events & clubs ongoing across Kuwait. If you're new, or fancy meeting new people, we highly recommend...
15 July 2013
| Last updated on 4 July 2017Wondering what to do in Kuwait? Fill your spare time? Make some friends? Get fit? Help a good cause? Have a look at our lists below and we're sure you'll find something to interest you...
Societies & Groups
Astronomy Club-(DASS): www.astronomy.ksclub.org
American Women's League: www.awlkuwait.com
Australians & New Zealanders Associating in Kuwait (ANZAK): www.anzak.org
Aware Centre: www.aware.com.kw
Kuwait Textile Arts Association: q8textilearts.wordpress.com
Kuwait Society Of Engineers (KSE): www.kse.org.kw
Louthan Youth Achiement Center : www.loyac.org
Business Groups
Canadian Commercial Circle: www.ccckw.com
Indian Business Council: www.ibckuwait.org
Theatre, Music & Arts
Ahmadi Music Group: www.ahmadimusicgroup.com
ART: www.artkuwait.com.kw
Dar al Athar al Islamiyyah: www.darmuseum.org.kw
Kerela Art Lovers Association: www.kalaonweb.com
Staged in Kuwait: www.stagedinkuwait.com
Kuwait Little Theatre; www.theklt.com
Darts League: http://kdl8.tripod.com
Desert Biking Club of Kuwait; www.dbck99.blogspot.com
Hash Harriers: www.creekhash.org/regional-hashes
Kuwait Cricket Association: tac-kuwait.com
Kuwait Mantas Dive Club (BS-AC): www.kuwaitmantas.com
Kuwait Motor Sports Club: www.q8racing.com
Kuwait Scorpions (Rugby): Facebook Page>>
Little League (Baseball): www.q8ll.org
If you'd like your club, coffee morning, society or charity listed here please send an email to [email protected] and we'd be happy to feature you here.