Coffee mornings are still running unofficially so most of the ladies will still be there every Wednesday and now every Sunday at Starbucks in Landmark ;)
To the lovely ladies I met for the first time last week at the last Villagio coffee morning...there was a very nice Dutch lady and a lovely South African lady (I don't want to put names in an email).
I have had something come up and can't make tomorrow's meet-up which I'm not very happy about. Do let me know if you'll be there next week and I should be able to attend. If not, I may just end up having coffee by myself there anyways!
I'm sorry I shall miss today's coffee morning - we have at last got some money out of the landlord and the AC in our bedroom is being replaced 'inshallah, some time on Sunday' ... so I have to stay in. Time to do my nails, bit of sewing repairs, play with the Kindle ... and read every post on EW ...
Lady D.....Not to Grand Hyatt but some of us have arranged to meet at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning at Starbucks in Landmark and all are welcome to join us.
Is anyone still going to the Grand Hyatt on Sunday - or any - mornings for coffee? Living in West Bay Lagoon that one was very convenient ... as is The Pearl, of course.
Just do your own thing. That's what lots of us have done that didn't want or need an "arranged" type of coffee morning. Lots of groups based on various interests exist and are very successful. You'll find a niche I'm sure. Thanks all the same to EW who have organised these coffee mornings and events over the years. I will be leaving Doha on the 21st and do take some good memories with me. Have never been impressed by Doha as such but have met some lovely people. xx
I am really saddened to hear that the coffee mornings are coming to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people/friends & think its a real shame that they will no longer continue. I do hope some people may still attend the Wednesday one just to meet and catch up with one another. Its important not to feel isolated in Doha, get out and meet new friends....
I am sure you have all read the notice by now on the Qatar home page. But just wanted to clarify that coffee mornings at the Grand Hyatt will cease with immediate effect and that Villaggio will finish on 12th January. The last coffee morning is going to be great fun with a few surprises thrown in so please come along.
And may I take this opportunity to thank you lovely ladies for your support during 2010!
Sam xx