Start cold calling companies and ask about possible opportunities / where you can send your cv. A lot of the smaller companies will often recruit through speculative applications and the larger ones havf systems for dealing with cvs coming in as it's probably the most common way to jib search here.
Fabby, I would second Working Girl. You would be amazed how much information is exchanged at fast pace when women are exchanging notes over a cup of coffee. Be prepared that you may also end up finding your little niche in something totally different to what you are used to but in the end, it is what you make out of it ;).
Ssen - my background is in head office as retail mgr marketing, I've noticed most of these roles are based in Dubai and Kuwait and retail is not a great profession to be in here as many companies work a 6 day week, with long hours for little pay.
I would like to get a job working in events... Or open to suggestions!
You should look at
They are a womans professional networking association. Lots of women in your shoes there and they also run workshops on finding a job in Qatar.
Hope that helps.
Any tips on finding work in Qatar? I have followed my hubby out here but they don't have my career profession in Qatar, looking through the job sites they ask for qualifications and experience in the different fields.
Plus I know a lot of it is about who you know etc, I just need to find that person!
Are there other expat career women in the same boat as me?
Even something part time would be good so I could study and change career direction.
Suggestions welcome :-) Thanks