A word of warning on Fanar because I started and dropped out. The style of teaching (pretty much by memorisation with not a lot of explanation of grammer etc) didn't really suit me at all and I felt at a profound disadvantage being a non-urdu speaker i.e. not being able to read before I started. I'm particularly bad as when I feel I'm falling behind others I get very frustrated and get mental blocks up that just makes me worse (yes, very bad quality I know!) but I feel that you have to put in a lot of work at home to keep up with the pace they want to set.
It does start from the beginning but moves forwards at a very fast pace in terms of the reading and writing requirements at least in part because the majority of the class I was in found it easy.
Still the price can't really be beaten so it's worth a try!
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for all of the wonderful suggestions. I have the Stendon arabic course schedule for Jan-feb if any of you are interested I can email it over.
Seems pretty well organized and professional, I'm looking forward to learning :)
Here's the link to Stenden's language class program for fall 2010. It will probably be similar in the winter, and there is a phone number on the document. http://www.stenden.com/en/stenden/Locations/qatar/AboutStendenInstituteQatar/Documents/Stenden%20Arabic.pdf
I know a couple of people who went to English classes there and thought it was good.
I don't really see information about any Arabic courses beginning at Stendon on their website. I think I'm going to try the 5-7pm course at Fanar. It's offered on Sundays and Tuesdays or Mondays and Wednesdays. Is there anyone out there who is interested in these times so I'll hopefully see a friendly face :)
Hi Ladies,
Thank you for all of the useful information regarding Arabic courses. I wanted to know which one you think I should go for..I am thinking about Fanar or Stenden. Any of you have experience with either one of these? Any advice/guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!