sorry to tell you, a 5 percent customs duty is charged on the value of the vehicle also cannot be exported. buy used one if you trust someone in Doha, other than lease a cheap one to save money for new one. look this
If you buy a second hand car that has fully comp insurance you are able to keep it. If you buy a second hand car that does not have fully comp insurance you cannot then change back to fully comp.
I've lived in Qatar for nearly 10 years and drive the same second hand car (now 15 years old). I've never had any problems re-insuring, passing inspection or re-registering her. I have also never had any problems claiming when the inevitable accidents happen.
If you're buying a second hand car in Qatar I strongly believe that there is no benefit to being fully comp. The cost of fixing post-accident comes down to who's at fault: if it's yours you pay and if it isn't you don't. After discount (which all garages will give you) you're looking at a similar price to the excess the fully comp insurance would have you pay (insurance companies don't usually get discount).
Just wanted to pass on this information... After calling nearly every insurance company here in Qatar I have learned that no one will give full coverage on "older" vehicles here. Some will not go over 4 years, while most others average about 6 years, with a few exceptions such as AXA who will only go up to 7 years. If you have had coverage with the same company from day one, they seem willing to let the full coverage carry on, but not for a new policy. There is no age limit for 3rd party coverage or registration as long as it passes inspection.
I was also told that Qatari law states the insurance company must offer 3rd party, but not comprehensive.
<em>edited by HEF on 12/11/2011</em>
Interesting. I literally called QIC this morning to confirm and was again told they do not offer comprehensive insurance on vehicles over 5 years..... I guess that is good news though for anyone wanting fully comprehensive cover!
Thanks for correcting me!
HEF sorry to add to the confusion, but it's not true that you cant get fully comp for cars over 5 years - both my cars have been over 5 years old and both were insured fully comp by Axa. The only difference is that for cars over 5 years old, you have to pay the cost of any new manufacturers' parts which are needed to repair your car in the event of an accident. I had a bad accident in my first car (it would have been a write-off in Britain) but even then this cost didn't come to more than about QR400. Most of the costs of repairs were labour, or sourcing non-manufacturer specific parts, which were all covered by the insurance company.
This isn't specific to Axa - it's actually a Qatari law which states this.
<em>edited by amy77 on 17/10/2011</em>
There is a difference in the insurance one can get for vehicle less than 5 years, and one over 5 years. Just got off the phone with Qatar Insurance Company to be sure nothing has changed.....
If your vehicle is less than 5 years old you can get fully comprehensive insurance which would presumably cover the cost to fix both vehicles (if you were at fault). With [u'>any[/u'> vehicle over 5 years, comprehensive insurance is not an option and the cover you get is called 3rd party. This would only cover the cost to fix the other person's vehicle (if you are at fault) and not yours.
I also specifically asked if there is any limit on the age of the vehicle that they would cover under the 3rd party insurance and was told no limit. So to be clear, I asked if they would cover a 20 year old vehicle and the answer is yes, no plans to change that.
As for the yearly vehicle registration, a minimum of 6 months valid insurance must be left on your policy in order to renew your registration which can only be done after the vehicle passes their inspection.
As marycatherine says there are in fact loads of vehicles on the road well and truly over 10 years!
Just as a point of interest, there were rumors of this potentially happening years ago in Dubai and in the end when it never came to be "they" said one reason was that it would instantly create a huge strain on taxi's and public transport which was about as sorely lacking there as it is here now. I don't know what the advantage would be to the government implementing a rule like that when so many businesses (and their Sponsors) would suffer and close with no older vehicles to use, fix and sell!;)
Rumors are the bread of life in the GCC - however, if you're concerned,make it a condition of purchase that the car is registered and insured in your name before completing the deal.
Another option - ask at an insurance company - they don't have a horse in this race but are probably aware of any imminent changes.
Third option, go to the police station (one where cars are registered) ask there.
I've been in Qatar for nearly 5 years I'm still waiting for pork to be sold legally (supposedly some of the 5* hotels have licenses to serve it but no joy yet, and now the rumor is that it will be sold at the QDC - I'll believe it when I see it) - IKEA will be here "soon" - it took 3+ years for the first Spinney's to open, etc. etc.
If you find a car you want (and have had checked out) go to get it insured (required before registration) and registered - tell the seller you pay on registration in cash at the police station.
Well, that makes more sense, but the people who were telling me about the imminent new rule were insistent that there is a real risk of purchasing a used car -- despite my protestations that this made absolutely no sense. Anyone else hear anything like this?
You can't IMPORT and register a car that is more than 5 years old. You can buy a car that is 5+ and register it if it is already here in the country (and presumably is registered now). There are lots of 5+ year old cars on the road (some look like 15+).
Two people have just told me that there are several rumors circulating about used cars in Doha. The first is that all taxi services must have cars that are no older than 5 years old, and that this rule is apparently in effect now. The second is that there is a new rule/policy being considered that would prevent registration of private vehicles that are older than 5 years -- which would effectively render a vehicle older than that valueless. Urban legend or is there truth to any of this?