LADIES PLEASE HELP - Lost Family Pet - German Shepherd - Children devastated |

LADIES PLEASE HELP - Lost Family Pet - German Shepherd - Children devastated

Latest post on 16 January 2013 - 17:34
Ladies, We really need your help. My daughter's German Shepherd dog (Riley) ran out of their gate in Fintas chasing some feral cats. She ran out straight away after him but he's very fast and disappeared out of sight. He's been gone since Friday and hasn't returned home. He's a big softy and a loved family pet, the kids are devastated. They are doing everything they can and I have also told them I will send to any contacts that we have in Kuwait so anything you can do to help would be great. The shelters think that because he's such a good looking dog and is noticeably a full pedigree that there is a strong possibility that the Asian labourers have picked him up to sell on so they can make some money. He wouldn't make a fighting dog as he's too soft but he's very noisy and barks at strangers so whoever has him will lose their patience with him very soon. If you could pass on this email and photo all your friends and colleagues and ask them to do likewise, hopefully he should eventually turn up. My daughters contact details are listed in the link below. Thank you for your help, we appreciate any help you can give to help find Riley. Thank you and Regards,