Review: Get Glowing Skin with Glutathione IV and ZO Facials in Abu Dhabi |

Review: Get Glowing Skin with Glutathione IV and ZO Facials in Abu Dhabi

EW's Huwida reviews the popular skin brightening & anti-ageing Gluthatione IV Push and ZO facials at Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group in Abu Dhabi

Posted on

31 January 2018

Last updated on 4 June 2018
Get Glowing Skin with Glutathione IV and ZO Facials in Abu Dhabi

We all know beauty is skin deep yet once in a while we all can use a little pick me up.

I’ve never really considered skin care before, or at least not facials or proper therapies, mainly because I’ve never really had skin problems to worry about before. But as I’m about to turn 23, and with the lifestyle I maintain (which isn’t exactly the most healthy or ideal), my skin did start showing objection.

I’m obsessed with getting a sun tan, and living in Dubai makes it so much easier for me, as you can almost enjoy the sun rays all year long (almost!). This left me with a bronzed skin, but unfortunately a pigmented face.

And so, I had heard about Glutathione Therapy before, and seen many social media figures try and praise it. Hence, I thought I’d give it a shot at Elite Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Group in Dubai.

First Impressions

The lovely receptionist Barbara booked me a consultation appointment with Dr. Allen. And mind you, she was really patient and helpful with booking me in throughout the whole therapy time duration, as she tried squeezing me in whenever possible, and sometimes even after their work hours.

After meeting the wonderful Dr. Allen, he explained that I’ll be doing 4 sessions of Glutathione IV with vitamin C, each session accompanied with cleansing-and-brightening facials

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He also assured me that Glutathione therapy does NOT whiten the skin, as it only brightens skin colour and gives that youthful glow. Dr. Allen also made it clear that the aforementioned therapy is essential for body tissues repair, improving the immune system, and reduction of production of melanin (which is basically the reason for pigmentations).

To be perfectly honest, I was sceptic in the beginning, but only because I haven’t even had any facials in my life, let alone a whole skin care therapy. Oh and not just face skin, but Dr. Allen explained that Glutathione IV with vitamin C brightens the whole body skin. And so I wasn’t really sure what to expect, or to what extent this therapy would actually show results.


We started off all 4 sessions with IV injections, which weren’t painful at all, as I’m usually fine with needles. On one session only my arm felt a bit heavy and sore while injecting, but all of that faded away right after pulling the needle out. All 4 sessions went through the same, with injections at first, followed by the facials – ZO skin brightening facials, which smelt heavenly!

The injection procedure was pretty basic, took no longer than 10 minutes (maybe even less!) and as I mentioned before, not painful at all. I didn’t get any bruises, red or blue spots whatsoever.

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Moving on to the relaxed bit of the therapy ‘The Facials.’ I need to start off by saying the clinic rooms were simply next-level, they have classical music playing all the time, and some nice light-coloured, with a hint of purple decorations. All in all, the room was seriously so relaxing.

The facials started with deep cleansing, and then exfoliation, extractions – which I don’t really have to talk about, because if you’ve ever had it, you’ll know what I’m talking about – and last step was applying the mask for almost 10-15 minutes, during which I slept each time! Afterwards, the face is cleansed, and you’re good to go!


Honestly, I was really not expecting such results! The first thing I’ve noticed, and everyone around me is that my face is seriously glowing, and the pigmentations are at least 90% less visible. I did notice my skin get a little whiter, but I don’t know if that’s the therapy, or just the fact that I haven’t been getting sun tans lately.

I used to have a lot of black heads on my nose (Ew, I know!) which of course were all extracted out. I have also seen some brightening results on my whole body colour, not as visible as on my face of course, but still. But in clean words: I really want to continue getting this therapy, at least a session or two every couple of months.

The only drawback is: it’s not exactly the most pocket-friendly therapy you can get, but it’s worth saving for. I would really recommend both the Glutathione IV and ZO facials to anyone complaining about any skin problems, because this one does help.

Oh and not to forget, shout out to Maria the practitioner who did my facials and injections, and handled my fighting, screaming and crying during the extractions, Rose who also helped and made me feel comfortable always, and of course Barbara. The loveliest ladies ever!