Please Help! |

Please Help!

Latest post on 13 July 2012 - 01:54

I have been let down by a maid who I have been waiting for 2 months. Her ex employers sent her home to visit her family and she was meant to be transferred to me when she returned to Kuwait. But unfortunately she didn't return on time
It's a long story but basically I am left feeling very stressed and worrying about childcare for my gorgeous little baby who is only 9 months old. I am so very nervous about leaving him and it will be the first time that I've had to leave him.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a really good housemaid who can start work ASAP.
She must be 100% trustworthy and excellent with children.
I would prefer a live in maid but I will consider a live out if she is very good.
Please if anyone can help I would be extremely grateful.
I have spent the last couple of days worrying and stressing.
I just don't know what to do.

(A nursery isn't an option just yet as we are not settled and I haven't got transport yet and I will be going to work on a school bus every morning until I can afford to buy a car)

Thank you in advance :)

Latest post on 23 July 2012 - 10:28
Hello Sara, may be try British ladies foundation. They may be able to give you the advise you need. Sorry we dont have a maid so I cant advise you at all. Im going home early August. If I could help in the short term let me know. no payment as that would be against the law. I am a mother & grand mother. ( photos of my beautiful grandkids always available !!!) :cool: Are you just arriving in Kuwait? Thank you Neamhai that's very kind of you. I have good news. I have found a lovely maid and so far so good. My son likes her which is good news as he usually cries of he goes to anyone but me. He is such a clingy boy, so different to how my daughter was a that age. We arrived in Kuwait August last year but it has taken us forever to settle one of the main reasons was because it took hubby almost a Year to find a job. Everything is about 'Wasta' here. It's so unfair! Now hubby has found work we can finally try to settle. :)
Latest post on 14 July 2012 - 18:14
Hello Sara, may be try British ladies foundation. They may be able to give you the advise you need. Sorry we dont have a maid so I cant advise you at all. Im going home early August. If I could help in the short term let me know. no payment as that would be against the law. I am a mother & grand mother. ( photos of my beautiful grandkids always available !!!) :cool: Are you just arriving in Kuwait?