freaking out a little..... |

freaking out a little.....

Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 11:35

one of the guys in DHs company response to hearing we are off to qatar was open horror! he sais that its an awful place and he felt really sorry for us and that i wouldnt be able to go anywhere without being groped or being very uncomfortable and that the qataris were not nice etc etc etc.

DH was a bit nonplussed and i am like oh **** no! tell me it aint so qatar ladies, please?

Latest post on 26 January 2011 - 13:42
ah thanks guys, you are all saying pretty much what i thought in the first place. was just thrown by DHs work mate. ah well, i guess everyone is entitled to thier opinion right? even if its not a particularily educated one......... :)
Latest post on 26 January 2011 - 09:37
Dear Phokoje: I second what everyone has written. at the end of the day, it's a choice, we choose to stay here simply because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This coming from someone who left a fantastic corporate job in Canada to accompany DH almost 4 years ago. I miss driving as I choose not to drive here to reduce my stress but again I sit back with a book and get driven to work.. not too bad :) Another advantage is the global location where you're close to the eastern and western countries and can take advantage of airline deals to travel. Locals are very polite and would jump to your rescue at any time if you're in need, it's a given and part of their culture. But as expected you certainly need to adapt and not stress or attempt to change how things are. Good luck. edited by MapleLeaf on 26/01/2011 <em>edited by MapleLeaf on 26/01/2011</em>
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 20:07
my 2 cents...I have to admit that I absolutely hated here for the first 2 months!! Everything takes forever to sort out, no one seems to give you a straight answer and everything seems to be a "guideline" not a fact. I was also very intimidated by women in abayas and felt like I had to just keep my mouth shut or I would get us deported. I felt like my DH had made a "deal with the devil" and "sold our souls" by coming here. Then, things started to get sorted, I got a job and read the best advice ever on the expat forum. I apologise because I forget who it was but it said FIFO (Fit in or f*** off). I really made an effort to adjust my attitude. We've been here 4 months and I really, really like it here. I feel that overall, we have a really good quality of life with short working hours. Through my work I meet with all nationalities, including Qatariis, and I find everyone to be very friendly and open to different cultures (I'd worry more about the expats -ha ha). As kiwispiers says the driving here is a different for being safe, I honestly feel safer here than anywhere I have ever been. <em>edited by ccdoha on 25/01/2011</em>
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 17:24
If you have lived in Dubai I don't think you'll find it much different here, a bit less developed in terms of green areas and public transport, but improving all the time. You will not get groped, you might get the occasional stare but honestly, much less sexual harrassment than a western country. You need to cover your shoulders and knees, its really not that hard. I have found Qataris to be polite in person, but horrific drivers! The bad things about here are the dust, the beige and the heat, all the same as Dubai, safety is really not an issue day or night.
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 14:56
I have been here for four years now and never felt uncomfortable when out. I do know what it feels like to be stared at etc as I have lived in another middle eastern country before and never had that in Qatar. The Qatari people from what I have experienced are polite and friendly. Cant comment on the driving as I do not drive (yet). Everyone's perceptions are different so maybe its best you come with an open mind and judge for yourself. Good Luck!
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 14:40
I've also never been groped. Maybe I'm just not the groping kind, but more likely is the idea that it's not an everyday common occurrence. I also don't hang out in parking lots or the bars where such occurrences may have occurred. I've also only had positive experiences with the Qatari people. They are human though, so I'm sure that once in a while people come across one that is less than pleasant. Everyone has a surly day now and then.
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 13:01
I've never been groped and have never felt unsafe in Doha. This is possibly one of the safest cities in the world. There are crimes but you don't get gangs and violent muggings. The worst thing about this city is the standard of driving. I'd be the first to raise my hand and tell you how much I HATE driving here. I see the crazies on the roads, all nationalities, on a daily basis. But I've also encountered some really kind drivers and some of them were locals.
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 12:26
thanks rachela, am not in dubai at the moment, but i did live there for years. i am planning on coming out for a look see very soon, in fact, thanks for the rminder to check with the office about dates
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 12:22
cheers blini thats really helpful. and good news about twitter! cant wait to move somewhere with proper internet again. and a working landline. and electricity that works 24/7. and where people speak english! lol, it looks like my standards are so low that pretty much anywhere is going to be great :)
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 12:20
Phokoje, most of the women I know here (inlcuding myself) are really happy to be here! Personally I came for what I thought would be 15 months, and that was almost 6 years ago! Still here totally by choice. Qatar is definitely a "what you make of it" kind of place and not everyone loves it - but then not everyone loves NYC or London either, do they? I've never once been groped - with the exception of a less than pleasant experience at The Cube (nightclub at the Ramada) that was not at all typical of my day to day experiences. I work with Qataris, and like people everywhere, some are wonderful and some not so much. Happily more of the former than the latter. From jwal's comment it seems that you are now in Dubai? If you are, you should pop on over and check things out for yourself. Best of luck!
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 12:15
OK, coming from someone who likes to tell it like it is........ I've never been groped or manhandled (although I know it's happened to a few ladies but that is just as likely to happen anywhere) and the only time I was sexually harrassed was by two Eastern European blokes who were sent away with a flea in their ear by a charming old Qatari man who leapt in to defend my honour. I didn't tell him that my dad was a county boxing champ and had taught me how to kick @rse and take names with a hook and a jab :) I've always found the Qatari people to be welcoming and friendly, that is until they get behind the wheel of a Landcruiser, Patrol or Altima - those are the weapons of choice on the roads here. However, they are by no means the only culprits, I was almost side swiped by a white bloke in a Jeep Cherokee, with a Scotland flag on the back a few days ago. Doha can be boring - but that said there are huge amounts of things to do if you take the time and make the effort to get out there. Most of the expats are lovely, there are a few Stepford clones grinning manaically around Carrefour but that's why I shop at LuLu :) No place is perfect but there are worse places to be. Here are a few links to check out for stuff going on etc, so you can get a bit of a feel for the place. which is good if sometimes a little inaccurate with the facts now and again.!/DohaNights - see below!/qatarevents - more events Twitter is also brilliant for connecting with other people in Qatar and you will find all sorts of info via those, much more than any website sometimes. - so you can sign up for a weekly email - events listings Hope that helps :) Amanda <em>edited by blini on 25/01/2011</em>
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 12:11
lol, thanks guys :) i thought he might be winding DH up, but DH says he was being serious. maybe he just had a bad doha day! am not worried about the driving as have lived in dubai. was more worried at the idea that i would have to be fending off unwanted advances and dealing with unfriendly locals. having lived in some parts of africa where you are not popular with the locals, i dont want to live like that again. its really s h i t t y to feel unwanted all the time or to have constant hostility directed towards you. lol about the boredom though, isnt there an old chinese curse that goes something like 'may you live in interesting times' give me boredom any day :)
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 11:56
Umm...honestly Phokoje, I think your worst fear could possibly be a spot of boredom (and yes, the no holds barred driving.)
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 11:54
Phokoje, I have never ever been made to feel uncomfortable here in Qatar, certainly have not been groped, although I know JoyceB was, and even though parks, zoos, outdoor activities are limited, it is definitely not an awful place - and the Qataris are certainly not unfriendly - the few that I have met anyway. My family and I are safe and everyone is very helpful. You can have an awful Doha day as most of us have experienced but then I also used to have bad days from where I come from. The weather at the moment is fabulous except for the summer months. Driving here can make you go into a rage, but on most days I have a good experience on the roads. That is my experience anyway.
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 11:37
I've heard it's ok, just really bad driving, worse than here. I think JoyceB on here would give you some advice, I think she is based in Qatar?