Feedback on prestigious AD school |

Feedback on prestigious AD school

Latest post on 25 March 2019 - 18:50

I am really concerned about many changes happening at my children’s school for next year. I also have concerns about the management. I am told that my soon to be year 5 child will not have a computer lesson next year! Is this the same in all schools in Abu Dhabi? The provision of languages has been cut drastically and I am also worried about this. We are ver seriously considering moving all 3 of our children. My eldest is in senior, so this would not be ideal but I have no faith in the Head. Any advice about how you find your childs school in terms of computing and languages would be helpful. Thank you

Latest post on 27 June 2019 - 16:27
My child is in Year 5 and he has one ICT lesson a week. He has French once a week and Arabic is five times a week. There is also the chance of Spanish next year and after school language clubs I believe are coming next year also. I think if you don’t have faith in the Head it is not good. Their vision guides the whole school. Start looking around at other schools you are interested in and ask the same questions to see what they are doing.