When it comes to finding a job in the Capital, there's some things we will all experience
10 June 2017
| Last updated on 11 June 2017When it comes to moving to Abu Dhabi for work, many have only two options; securing a role before coming here, or finding one when they get here.
For a lot of us, it's the latter option... Which means we're left rapidly securing job interviews in the hopes of finding a new role so you can gain your residency visa.
SEE ALSO: The five misconceptions people have about the UAE job hunt
We've all been in the same situation, so to keep your nerves calm and your head level find comfort in these 7 struggles you will no doubt face, and keep your spirits high throughout the mad job hunt you're about to experience.
1. New country, new you
You've arrived here, in your new home, so now it's time to begin job hunting! You're happy with the portfolio that you've built up over the years, and you know it's now time for your career to start developing.
2. You're feeling motivated
You've been here a week or two, and you've emailed your CV round to every company under the sun. But you're feeling positive, and hope to receive some responses by the end of the week... Right?
3. You're now slightly anxious
It's been a few days now since you sent your CV, and you still haven't received a reply. Twiddling your thumbs isn't what you expected, and you can't understand why these companies can't see how awesome you are. It's important to remember that the recruitment process here is different to what you may be familiar with in your home country; if your CV doesn't impress, you won't hear anything back.
4. Paranoia is setting in
It's been a while now and you've had NO responses, how rude! You start doubting the emails you sent to all of these companies, did they deliver? Did they go to junk? Why have they not replied?
5. You're in despair
A month or two have gone by. You've called to follow up with companies, hoping they'd get back to you. But do they? No! It's at this point you might begin to question your decision to move abroad in the first place; should you have stayed home? Was there better job security there? Would it be too late to move back? How embarrassing would it be? While it's understandable to think these things, don't admit defeat! Remember the reason why you wanted to move out here in the first place. You can do it!
6. Is this your chance?
You have a missed call. It's an unknown number. Is it the takeaway delivery you ordered an hour ago, or is it the new job opportunity you've been waiting so patiently for?
7. It's time - hurray!
You finally received a call-back for a job interview, and it's at a company that you feel you'll really fit well in. The nerves you're feeling while in the building's elevator are perfectly normal, but keep your cool and aim to impress in your job interview. It's no doubt the first one you'll ever have in Abu Dhabi, so grab your chance! Good luck!
- Tags:
- work
- jobs
- work in abu dhabi