Dress code for exercising | ExpatWoman.com

Dress code for exercising

Latest post on 19 January 2019 - 19:50

Hi! I am a physiotherapist within a male team accompanying an Emirati male who will be running from Abu Dhabi to Mecca on Feb 1. I intend to bike as much of the over 2000km journey as is can. I live in Al Ain, UAE and am used to being modestly dressed to exercise. I am aware that I need to wear an abaya in public but what are the rules on exercising in public? Will covering from my ankles to wrists and wearing a skirt over leggings suffice? An abaya isn’t really going to work for 30 days on a bike. Could anyone enlighten me please?

Latest post on 30 January 2019 - 06:27
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