Expat monthly salary but no extras/allowances? Is this the norm now? (Abu Dhabi) | ExpatWoman.com

Expat monthly salary but no extras/allowances? Is this the norm now? (Abu Dhabi)

Latest post on 31 May 2019 - 08:25

Hello, my husband is in the interview process of getting a job in Abu Dhabi. We are a family of 5 (couple with three young kids) from Australia. The offer looks like it'll be 50,000 Dirhams a month, which is obviously great, but nothing has been offered about housing, schooling, etc. The only extras mentioned were his flight over (not ours) and basic health insurance for him.

I know Abu Dhabi is not the 'hardship destination' it once was, so I've heard salary packages aren't as extensive nowadays, but is it normal for no housing or schooling allowances to be added to the salary? He will try and negotiate this if offered the job, of course, but just seeing others' thoughts and experiences.

Thanks in advance.

Latest post on 24 June 2019 - 22:39
It seems the salary your husband has been offered is a lump sum, which if you ask for its details will include things like basic salary, housing allowance, transportation, tickets.. etc. So the benefits are actually incorporated in the salary not given on top. Health insurance must be for all family members sponsored by your husband by law. The company has to offer health insurance, no negotiation. Do not agree that your husband pay for insurance as it can be very very expensive if done individually. Lastly, to be very frank, 50K is not very great if you have 3 children going to schools. There are no public schools for expats here and the average annual fee for good schools start at 42K for primary. And if you want to rent a decent 3 bed house you will need at least 150K a year (usually paid in 2 cheques). Also, life is quite expensive here, especially if you think of enrolling your children in sports (swimming, football, gymnastics.. etc). This is another budget in itself. I think your husband should negotiate adding either housing to be paid by the company or school allowance. Good luck!