Diaper Bag Essentials You Should Never Forget | EWmums.com

Diaper Bag Essentials You Should Never Forget

Packing the bag will take up a long time but it's worth it.

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13 July 2017

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10 Essential Diaper Bag Items You Should Never Forget

Giving birth to a baby is a challenging task but you’ve already done that. Now let’s move on to some equally daunting task such as – going out with your angel.

Most women go through a post-birth phase where the thought of taking their baby out means packing the entire house. We get it, going out with an infant has its fair share of complications but here’s the good news: It’s still better than travelling with toddlers.

All you have to deal with is dirty diapers, messy burps and feeding. That's a lot to handle but compare it to public tantrums, outburst, running, bumping and begging for stuff – it’s a piece of cake.

Packing for babies definitely takes more preparation but the payoffs are great. If you’re new to the game and don’t know where to start, here's a checklist for all essential items you may need on-the-go.

• Breast pump and accessories
• Bottles
• Travel-size bottle wash
• Nursing covers (2)
• Nursing pads
• Changing pad(s)
• Diapers
• Ziploc bags for dirty diapers/clothes
• Baby wipes
• Antibacterial wipes
• Hand sanitizer
• Onesies (2-3)
• Hats (2)
• Blankets (3)
• Burp cloths (2)
• Toys, books, and teethers
• Extra shirt for mom
• Nursing pads