How To React When A Baby Falls On The Head From A High Place |

How To React When A Baby Falls On The Head From A High Place

Tips and guidelines on what to do when a baby falls on his head...

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28 August 2017

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How To React When A Baby Falls On The Head From A High Place

First things first, all mothers should keep in mind that not every fall is necessarily a dangerous one, so there's no need to panic in advance.

Moving on, all mothers should be acquainted with the required medical information and guidelines that should be followed in a fall-on-the-head emergency.

Here are some professional tips and guidelines to follow if your baby fell down from a high place:

1- It’s very crucial to remain calm as much as you can, in order to think clear and act fast.

2- Make sure that the baby isn’t injured anywhere else in his body, besides the head.

3- Check the baby’s body, and look for any bruises, bone breaks, or Comminuted fracture.

4- Watch your baby and observe these symptoms and signs:

1- Drowsiness and the desire to sleep.

2- Head tumors.

3- Red eyes.

4- Nose, or ear bleeding.

5- Nausea, constant vomiting, and dizziness.

6- Vision disorders.

In case of spotting any of these symptoms, it is recommended to consult the nearest doctor or specialist.

What If The Baby Was Unconscious?

- First, check the baby’s breathe. If normal, check his head and vertebra. If the baby was not breathing, start performing Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and call an ambulance.

- If you find any cuts, press on them with a clean, sterilised cotton. until the ambulance arrives.