5 Things You Should Never Say To A Pregnant Woman | EWmums.com

5 Things You Should Never Say To A Pregnant Woman

"You're huge!". No, just no.

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9 July 2017

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5 Things You Should Never Say To A Pregnant Woman

We don't know what it is, but something about a baby bump makes people feel like they have to dole out unsolicited pregnancy advice.

While pregnant women are at the receiving end of positive wishes and good vibes, they often also have to face some rather strange comments.

Here are 5 things that you should never say to a pregnant woman.

1. You're huge!

This is a general rule for life: if you think someone is huge, you do not need to disclose it to them - especially if they are pregnant!

2. "What if your baby..."

is autistic, blind, deaf etc. The mommy to be has enough of her own fears for you to be adding to that list.

3. "You look..."

Unless that statement ends with the word fantastic, don't say it. You don't need to tell a pregnant woman that she looks tired cause guess what? If you were carrying a baby for 9 months, you'd be tired as hell too!

4. "You really shouldn't..."

...eat this/ eat that/ exercise/ have a natural birth/ pick up that box/ walk/ get an epidural, you get the point. Ever occur to you that the woman who has been carrying the child has done her research about what's growing inside of her? We think, yes.

5. "I feel pregnant, too."

Have a baby growing in your uterus? No? Then you do not feel pregnant. Period.