Potty Training: Tips And Signs Your Toddler Is Ready
When and how to start...
11 February 2018

Many parents believe potty training is a long, difficult, and stressful process. However, the truth is your child can actually get comfortable using the potty in a just a few days, particularly three!
Sounds too good to be true, right? Not with a lot of parents who tried Fellom’s method, and it actually worked out with them.
Fellom’s method suggests parents can potty-train their little ones in just three days. However, they have to be fully committed to that purpose that weekend, and they also have to follow some steps and tips.
Parents should be fully devoted to only potty training on that weekend, and we would advise having both of the parents involved in the process. Or at least on the first day of it.
But before considering start potty training, you should make sure your toddler is even ready for potty training yet.
Here are some signs your toddler is ready for potty training:
- Your toddler starts showing interest in using the potty
- They start telling when they need to poop or pee
- Manage to stay dry for a couple of hours
- Can sit still for almost five minutes
- Showing discomfort while being diapered
- They start disliking the feeling of dirty diapers
- Start pulling their pants up and down
- Start to follow simple instructions
- Start walking or even running
And here are some intriguing tips for a successful potty training:
- Commit to that weekend and don’t postpone, especially if you’re trying Fellom’s method, as it works better with children under 28 months old.
- Don’t spend so much time dreading it, as parents who tried potty-training following Fellom’s method say it went much easier than they thought it would.
- Get comfortable. Pick a part of your house that has wood or tile floor that are easier to clean. Set up some of your kid’s toys to get them comfortable also and ease their fears.
- Make it exciting for your children. Make up some ‘potty dance’ and practice it whenever your kid succeeds or does what he’s asked to.
- Start educating your kid about potty training two to five weeks earlier by taking them with you whenever you use the bathroom. Children learn best by imitating.
- Use rewards like treats, stickers, and big-kid underwear.
- Check out websites, books, and potty-training programs for help.