These Toddlers Tried Lemon For The First Time & Their Reactions Are Beyond Adorable
Cuteness overload!
8 July 2017

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Lemons are a great source of nutrients, and they’re an even greater source of entertainment when given to a tot for the first time. When life gives us lemons, we (adults) usually make a boring lemonade. But when life gives lemons to toddlers, they make faces SO adorable that you’d want to frame their expressions forever.
In order to capture some of these first experiences, photographers David Wileand April Maciborka pictured toddlers tasting lemon for the first time. From shock, surprise to disgust, these little angels show the most honest reactions.
The photo series, titled, Pucker will make you want to see your own baby’s experience with lemon. But before you rush to capture their stunned expressions, know that some toddlers can be allergic to citrus fruit. Also, the extremely sour taste may not go well with your baby’s sensitive taste buds. For these two reasons, until a baby is about a year old, it is best to avoid giving him lemon slices. However, once he is six months old or above, he may be given a thin lemon juice.
So, if your tot is a year and above old - and is not allergic to citrus flavours - then try this experiment at home and capture their expression, it will make a cherished picture for their milestone journal.

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