This Dad Locked Himself in a Car to Prove a Point
His video sends a very important message to all parents
17 July 2017

On a hot summer's day, one dad jumped into his car without rolling the windows down or turning the AC on to help send an important message to parents worldwide.
Terry Williams, from North Carolina in the United States, sat in the driver's seat of the car, with sweat dripping down his face to show parents exactly what it's like to be left in a boiling hot, steamy car.
"I'm sweating [and] I can barely breathe out here," Williams says. "But my system is stronger than these little kids' systems."
His video, which has reached over 1 million viewers, serves as a public service announcement surrounding the dangers of leaving a child (or pet) in a car.
Simply put: don't leave your child or pet in a car, ever.
Not that parents should need reminding, but despite heartbreaking headlines worldwide, sadly this is an occurrence that is regularly seen as the temperatures rise.
As Williams so bluntly adds, "Don't be the next fool on the damn news talking about [how] you left your kids in the backseat."
While the video originates from the USA, it's a message that all parents should hear across the world - especially in Gulf countries like the United Arab Emirates where temperatures are high most of the year. Even on a cool, UK summer's day or in Europe where temperatures may not officially reach so high, you'd be surprised just how quickly vehicles are able to heat up.
It's not just about the heat, safety is an issue too
In most countries, leaving your child in a car is actually illegal - and not just because of the high temperature risks, but also because of safety. Often there are horror stories of a child who has escaped their seat and accidentally put the car into gear, or there is a risk of kidnapping by a stranger should they brave smashing the car window.
At the end of the day, take your kids with you... It's the safest thing to do.
- Tags:
- big kids
- children
- toddlers
- safety
- car safety