The Sweetest Pictures of Kids in Their School Uniforms |

The Sweetest Pictures of Kids in Their School Uniforms

Too cool for school

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7 September 2017

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The Sweetest Pictures of Kids in Their School Uniforms

For many of us adults, the mere mention of 'school uniform' provides nightmarish flashbacks to oversized purple blazers, horribly patterned school dresses or huge, garish ties that were a pain to get right.

But nowadays it appears as though schools are little kinder to our kids - or so it seems from the large amount of school uniform posts being shared on our social network timelines or within the family or friends WhatsApp group. Instead, our mini-me's of today are stylish and downright adorable in their uniforms.

So after hours of shopping for school bags, stationary and shoes and a uniform over the past couple of weeks, it's time that our kids go back to the classroom.

And by the looks on these kids faces, they're just as happy that school is back as we are... And they're rockin' their school uniforms!

We wish we looked this great in our Mary Janes.

And those sunglasses and backpack are enviable.

Big hair bows from the 80's have made a comeback!

This sister duo are absolutely adorable on their first day, except the bows - they match completely.

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We prefer the after picture, of course.

But they look sharp as in the before shot!

Is this not the coolest look?

This little lady was heading to her first day with a big smile!

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Converse for school? We say definitely yes!

This little lady is so adorable.

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These sisters are the sweetest thing!

HOW adorable? And we love the hair bows.

Isn't she just the sweetest?

We're glad to see such a big smile on her first day of school!

Are you sure he's not heading for his yacht?

Because this outfit is far too smart for the classroom!

#scuola #uniforme #primogiorno #goingtoschool #firstday #schooluniform

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Heading for her first day at nursery in Dubai!

We all remember the day for our own little ones...

How big is that bag!

And we love the use of the light-box.

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That headband and shoes combo is on point.

We hope she had a lovely first day at preschool.

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