Try These 5 Tips That Might Help With Your Conception |

Try These 5 Tips That Might Help With Your Conception

They’ll help optimize your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant

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4 December 2021


Trying to get pregnant can get frustrating for most couples when it doesn’t have as quick as they hope

But there’s usually nothing to worry about – the stress induced by the entire situation can cause a slowed conception process.

And while having intimacy with your partner is a must when it comes to your conception process, monitoring and taking care of your body will definitely make a difference.

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It’s extremely important for a woman to monitor, understand and optimize her menstrual cycle to have a successful conception with her partner – sometimes it’s as easy as we think, and at most times, it takes a bit more planning.

So here are 5 tips that will increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

1. Track the frequency of your period

We’ve always learned that right before your period starts is the optimum ovulation period to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

This is when your body is preparing for a baby and will latch on to any embryo-to-be and start releasing a fertile egg each month.

A woman’s egg can only last between 12 to 24 hours after its release.

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But to reach this small vital window, a woman must monitor her period in terms of: the duration of each period, how far apart are they, are they consistent etc.

Sometimes periods can be irregular and can vary in length, therefore to understand a general feel of the frequency will aid in conception.

2. Monitor your ovulation period

Usually, a woman starts ovulation between 12 to 16 days before the start of her next period.

And as mentioned, the small window of your ovulation period is important to latch on to any fertile eggs produced in the woman’s body.

There are several ways of determining your ovulation period – track your period and mark a two week advance for your fertile days, try an at-home ovulation kit, or tracking cervical mucus (it increases when a woman is fertile).

3. Aim for a healthy body weight

While it may be unfair, a woman’s body can have more trouble getting pregnant if it is overweight or underweight.

Research is stating that if a woman is overweight or underweight then it might take her twice to four times as long to become pregnant than those women with normal BMI.

This is because having too must body fat can produce more estrogen than a woman’s body needs and can interfere with the ovulation period.

And women who are underweight, lack the necessary hormones needed to sustain healthy and regular periods – irregular periods may reduce or stop ovulation completely due to a weak body.

4. Take prenatal vitamins

Apart from trying to conceive whenever you are ovulating, it is also important to take prenatal vitamins as they can enrich your body with the nutrients it needs to become pregnant.

This way, you are prepping your body to have all the needed vitamins to get and sustain a healthy pregnancy.

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Doctors are urging mums-to-be to take at least 400 mcg of folic acid every day for at least a month before attempting to get pregnant.

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5. Reduce extreme manual labour

If your schedule allows you to do so, an attempt at reducing any manual labour or extremely tiring workouts that can wear down your body.

Engaging in strenuous workouts can take its toll on the female body and might exhaust it too much to be able to get pregnant.

SEE ALSO: Reasons Why You May Not Be Ovulating

Being active is great to sustain a healthy body for a conception, however, too much can intervene with a woman’s ovulation – women who are extremely active notice extremely irregular periods.