Does Your Child Need Etiquette Training?
Good manners are crucial values every child should develop.
25 July 2017

Manners are great values to have, and best of all they're free. However, with parents' schedules being busier than ever and children spending more time on-screen than with real people, many kids are losing out on essential life lessons during their formative years.
Etiquette classes are fast becoming all the rage in Dubai, with parents enrolling their kids off for the summer.
What is etiquette training?
Gone are the days when young adults were sent off to finishing school, balancing books on their head, learning how to curtsy and use cutlery. These days, etiquette training starts early, with a focus on personality development and social skills rather than learning traditional values of etiquette.
Basic courtesies such as saying 'please' and 'thank you' are easy to impart, but it's the finer nuances of etiquette development, like smiling at someone or listening before speaking, that many kids still struggle with. Growing up in Dubai, however, children are exposed to a range of what qualifies as good behaviour, as they go to multi-cultural schools and learn from teachers coming from different backgrounds.
According to The English Manner, one of the U.K. premiere etiquette training institutions, good manners go beyond just saying please and thank you. Acting with kindness, consideration and respect are vital for developing a child's social consciousness, and through etiquette training, they hope to impart these values to children.
What does etiquette training cover?
These days, etiquette training is more than just teaching children basic manners. Young ones are taught how to sit at a dinner table, guided on how to be courteous while passing things around and smiling at everyone as they make eye contact.
Etiquette training also makes children self-aware and conscious of their surroundings. Below are some of the skills that are covered with etiquette training:
- Table manners
- Phone manners
- Communication and meeting people (elders)
- Associating with peers (schools, parks, etc.)
- Basic grooming
Where can you enroll your child for etiquette training in Dubai?
Dubai is quickly picking up on the gap in the market for etiquette training as more and more parents are juggling busy schedules and growing children. A few institutes around Dubai are now offering classes for children and adults.
The English Manner: Headed by former Master of the Household at Buckingham Palace Alexandra Messervy, The English Manner opened its doors in Dubai following a successful set up in the U.K. They offer 1:1 as well as group classes. Find out here
Molly Manners: Molly Manners positively contributes in shaping the character of children worldwide and is present in more than 14 countries, stretching from the USA to Australia, and has recently established a foothold in the UAE. Find out here
KGPiee Etiquette Enhancers: This comprehensive workshop covers the basics of children’s etiquette. When the base is strong, you can't go wrong. Children infused with etiquette skills grow up to be well-rounded adults who shine in their personal and professional lives. Find out here
Finishing Touch: For parents who recognise the importance of good manners, the Youth Etiquette programs are based on contemporary etiquette and essential leadership skills. These programs children, teenagers and young adults to make their best impression where and when it is necessary; they will also learn how to feel confident and comfortable in daily life situations, however challenging these may be. Find out here

Etiquette training is a group effort. Apart from all the things children are taught in class, it is also up to the parents at home to continue imparting the same knowledge so children don't feel disoriented. In conclusion, one thing that is clear is that, if nothing else, a child attending etiquette classes will leave with much more confidence.