10 Tips For Mums To Keep New Year's Resolutions | EWmums.com

10 Tips For Mums To Keep New Year's Resolutions

Wishing you a happy new year!

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28 December 2017

New Year's Resolutions: What Mothers Should Consider?

As 2017 comes to an end, we’re all busy looking back over the past year, and setting the New Year’s resolutions - which are basically an unfinished business of this year, and maybe the year before (don’t judge!)

Keeping your New Year’s resolutions is harder than it seems like on Januaries. Especially when you have to set and keep others’ resolutions. What am I talking about? Kids, of course!

If you’re reading this article, you probably have a baby on the way, or you already have children: what is your New Year’s Resolution? Is your New Year’s resolution different from last year’s? Here is an invitation to innovate, to challenge yourself.

Having children is amazing in many ways, the idea of a family and the vision of all coming together to the table during the festive season and wanting nothing but the best for all of you is a wonderful wish. Nevertheless, our New Year’s resolution tend to focus on what we want, and not always, but quite often, we tend to keep it very general: good health, Success, and Wealth.

It may be time for living innovation! Paying attention to what we need rather than what we want, and breaking that down into what needs to happen to make it possible, which can be described as building a more practical/functional road map to our ultimate goals.

Am I talking about a time to reflect? Yes! Let’s complete reality checks. For some and in different levels our day to day maybe described by phrases like these: “morning sickness”, “breastfeeding is not as easy as it looks”, “Postpartum is not what I imagined”,” schooling fees”, “Job Security”, “My nanny drives my insane”, “My Husband XYZ”. In summary we tend to observe and vocalize what disturbs us. Let’s look ahead, “I wanted a baby and morning sickness was a possible ‘side effect’”, “we might need to enhance our family Support Structure”, “Lets learn more about small scale/domestic economics”, “Children do not have a pause or an ON/OFF button”, “Children needs in today’s system is expensive”, “Marriage can be a lifetime commitment to maintaining and improving our family life”. Think of what you need to take on or improve upon on this significance responsibility: Do you want a stronger marriage as a support system for your baby and growing family, do you want to secure better income to cope with new expenses? Focus on how you’re going to get that!

Say you found a good job! The challenge is how are you going to do that and still balance taking care of your family and relationship? Would you sit and design a schedule to set aside hours to go for a date, talk, find expert guidance? Maybe have the baby sleeping in a different room? Setting time aside for job hunting? Did you renew your CV this year?

Find out what you need because what that should be what you want for yourself, design a plan, and for 2018 perhaps wish to follow each step of the ladder to get to where you want to be. If your life is perfect, work on finding ways to keep it that way. We cannot control every situation and secure all life aspects. But we can control our approach, we can align needs with wishes and set practical/functional goals to securing what a mom’s heart desire for better living.

Tips to keeping New Year’s resolutions for mums:

  1. Be committed
  2. Make sure your resolutions are really what you want and need
  3. Seek help from your closed ones in achieving your resolutions
  4. Plan ahead
  5. Be realistic
  6. Give your resolutions flexibility
  7. Write down your goals
  8. Have your kids help you achieve your goals
  9. Don’t be selfish neither towards your kids, nor towards yourself
  10. Set common goals for both you and your family