This Is The Best Feeding Schedule For Toddlers, According To Experts |

This Is The Best Feeding Schedule For Toddlers, According To Experts

A schedule is the only thing stable in their energetic life.

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5 August 2017

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 Best Feeding Schedule For Toddlers

Unless you’ve been blessed with a saint instead of a toddler, we can bet family mealtimes at your place are less about eating and more about messing around a bowl of unfinished veggies.

Food – after bedtime — is perhaps the touchiest subject to the parent of a toddler. The majority of tots go through a rough patch in their mealtime. One day, they’ll eat boiled broccoli like a lollipop and the next day, they’re going to ruin the entire meal.

For most parents, it takes a lot more than just cooking and feeding to make sure their toddler get a healthy and balanced diet. Some restore to cajoling and bribing while others take a stern stance such as time-out or no-dessert policy.

As a parent, your job is to make sure that their eating habits don’t hamper their growth. Your baby needs to consume a sufficient amount of iron-rich foods that accelerate their growth.

 Best Feeding Schedule For Toddlers

Why you need a feeding schedule for your toddler?

You may think that feeding your tot whenever they are hungry is the way to go but as it turns out, there’s a universal schedule that paediatrician recommends.

According to pediatric feeding specialist Melanie Potock, "We segment the day into 'growing times' — time away from the meal or snack table, when we play outdoors —and 'eating times.'"

In general, experts believe that toddlers between the ages of should have more than 3 meals a day to keep up with their energetic day. Instead of adding a 4th large meal, it’s better to add healthy snacks in between. But snacking doesn’t mean giving them a free pass to eat what they want whenever they want.

Following a set time for feeding prevents unhealthy grazing and improves their digestion and sleeping patterns.

 Best Feeding Schedule For Toddlers

According to experts, the following schedule works best for toddlers.

• Eating Time - Morning
• Growing Time - 2 to 2 ½ hours
• Eating Time - Mid-Morning
• Growing Time - 2 to 2 ½ hours
• Eating Time - Mid-Day
• Growing Time - 2 to 2 ½ hours
• Eating Time- Mid-Afternoon
• Growing Time - 2 to 2 ½ hours
• Eating Time - Early Evening