5 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores | ExpatWoman.com

5 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores

Doing chores at home is a great practice exercise for what your child will need to do as a grown-up.

Posted on

20 April 2017

Last updated on 30 August 2021
5 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores

Chores help your kids to learn essential life skills that they will need for living independently. They also help your kids to develop a work ethic.

1. Introduce your Kids to Chores as Early as Possible

The younger kids are when they begin doing household tasks, the better. Toddlers usually love helping. Consciously involve your child in what you're doing from an early age, even though it takes much more time. You can expect to have to spend a lot of time teaching. But if you set the expectation that Child see them as doing something of value, and they enjoy that feeling.
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5 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores

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2. Make It a Part of Their Daily Routine 

When chores are a routine part of what your child does every day, it becomes just one of those things, like brushing your teeth. Starting this routine at a young age ingrains it as a habit.  

3. Make Doing Chores Fun  

You can turn regular, boring chores into a fun activity that is more stimulating to your child by turning on some music and dancing with the kids as they do tasks such as clean up the toys sweeping the floor. When you do this, your kids will associate doing chores with something that is enjoyable rather than mundane. 

5 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores

4. Use a Reward System          

Kids enjoy receiving a concrete reward for accomplishing a goal. You could combine their chores with a reward system to help foster a sense of responsibility. Keep in mind that the rewards don’t necessarily have to be monetary. If you decided to make a chore chart, consider adding stars or stickers to it. When your child accumulates five stars for correctly completed chores, he or she gets a reward. It could be popcorn and movie night or an extra 15 minutes of screen time. Younger kids might like stamps or stickers

5. Offer Praise

Even though your kids' methods of doing chores will not be identical to yours, the point is that they give it a worthy effort and that you appreciate the effort they put into it. Doing chores teaches responsibility and helps to strengthen family and friends bonds. Chores also give you the opportunity to coach and support your child in becoming an independent and productive adult. 
Always praise your kids when they do a good job with their chores. This gives your kids the self-confidence to continue and will make chore times non-combative.

5 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores


When started at a young age, chores are a gentle introduction to your child about what it takes to run a home. Your children will feel useful and appreciated when they are given age-appropriate tasks and enjoyable rewards for successfully completing those tasks. You will be able to have the satisfaction that you have taught your kids essential life skills that they will use well into adulthood.
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