9 Warning Signs for Breast Cancer | ExpatWoman.com

9 Warning Signs for Breast Cancer

As women, it's important to stay mindful of the warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer... Here's what to look out for

Posted on

27 September 2016

Last updated on 19 April 2017
9 Warning Signs for Breast Cancer

9 Warning Signs for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most aggressive form of cancer to impact women worldwide... Here we take a look at the warning signs to look out for! 

Known as the silent killer, cancer comes in may forms and preys on any victim. As women, we are all at risk of breast cancer, therefore, it is important that we stay mindful of the warnings, symptoms and preventative measures...

Warning Signs About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most aggressive form of cancer among women across the world. The most common breast cancer patients are women, although it is not uncommon for breast cancer to occur in men as well.

Starting at the lobules or the inner lining of the milk ducts, the malignant tumour forms and spreads throughout the body, if not treated immediately.

SEE ALSO: We take a look at Breast Cancer myths and facts

The biggest combat to breast cancer is to take the pre-emptive measures, in order to catch it in its early stages. Therefore, it is highly recommended and encouraged that women of all ages are well aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease, in addition to understanding the importance of self-examinations.  

Thickened Tissue and Lumps
One of the first symptoms to take into consideration when doing a self-examination is to check for lumps and hardened tissue formations.

Although some lumps may not pose a threat to a woman’s health, it is still important that any lump or hardened tissue is checked by a health care professional.

Pains or aches in the armpit and breast region, and the pain is not related to the menstrual cycle.

A discolouration in the breast. The breast does not look like its typical colour and looks to be pitted, orange or red, you will need to consult a health care professional.

Rashes that occur around or on the nipples.

SEE ALSO: What's happening for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Any form of swelling in the armpits.

Any discharge in the nipple that is not related to nursing. You should also look out if the discharge contains any traces of blood.

Appearance of Nipples
Changes in the physical appearance of the nipples (inverted, sunken etc.)

Appearance of Breasts
Changes in the physical size or shape of the breast.

If the skin on the nipple of breast have begun peeling, scaling or flaking.
By examining your breasts, you are taking the precautionary measures to safeguard you from the disease and the challenges that it brings to women across the globe.