There's no denying that a trip to the world's largest mall is an adventure in itself, as hilariously summed up by these Tweets
26 February 2017
| Last updated on 21 January 2020
If you didn't already know that The Dubai Mall is the world's largest, where have you been?
It's one of the most popular go-to places for tourists and residents alike here in Dubai... And is no doubt the only place in the world that you can find a HUGE dinosaur skeleton, the world's largest indoor aquarium, an ice-skating rink AND an entire airplane under one roof.
Indeed, The Dubai Mall is a modern marvel, and offers visitors ample room to explore and get a complete workout while shopping.
So here's some Tweets we've found - and love - that perfectly sum up a trip to The Dubai Mall...
1. Scrap that gym membership.
Too lazy to hit the gym? Walk around Dubai Mall for 3 hours without sitting even once. You'll feel them muscles the next day.
— Annaliese (@WarpBubbles) December 10, 2015
2 Admit it, who's tried this too?
Dubai Mall is so huge that I literally have to use google maps to get around
— Mariam AlJaber (@_maryonce_) April 10, 2016
3. Exactly.
When you see that green dot for a free spot at Dubai Mall parking
— Nick Dahlink (@theregos) February 21, 2017
4. *Round of applause* Now tell us your secret!
i think I've mastered navigation in dubai mall somebody gimme an award
— sodium fluoride (@Nafeha_Khan) February 21, 2017
5. It's full of wonderful, amazing and unusual activity.
Never get tired of watching people videoing themselves on the Dubai Mall travelators.
— Slim not shady (@janethejourno) February 22, 2017
6. Even in a game app, Dubai Mall is HUGE and ALWAYS BUSY.
Dubai Mall was an absolute warzone.
— dan (@metcalfedan) February 22, 2017
7. Hello, world's largest mall here.
I'm not one for shopping but the Dubai Mall is huge, I mean massive
— Ben (@bbateman18) February 22, 2017
8. Good friends would go save them, real friends would say HN, fend for yourself...
Still can't get over the fact that my friends call me asking for directions cuz they're lost at the dubai mall..
— Eman Alsabhan (@eahmad_) February 22, 2017
9. Even getting there is a mission in itself.
I get so anxious thinking about driving to dubai mall in the afternoon
— Reemi (@reem_zak) February 23, 2017
10. Especially on a weekend, there's NO room to budge.
Walking in Dubai mall carrying a canvas is a terrible idea #ArtistLife
— Eman AlRaesi (@EmanAlRaesi) February 23, 2017
11. Even our own Editor couldn't cope.
Losing the will to live. If I don't turn up at work on Sunday, you'll find me in the farthest corner of Dubai Mall rocking back and forth.
— Rebecca Roberts (@reb_robs) February 24, 2017
12. Because in Dubai Mall, all prices are justified. Right?
Just paid dhs20 for cereal at Dubai Mall! Oh well... #dubaimall #dubai #breakfast #hungry
— Sarwat Nasir (@SarwatNasir) February 25, 2017
13. There's just SO many opportunities to spend, spend, spend.
Basically spent my life savings in Dubai mall today
— Gina (@ginx___) February 18, 2017
14. But at the end of the day, no matter how much we complain, there's no denying this...
The Dubai Mall is absolutely amazing
— Bird (@QueenBird23) February 25, 2017