Learning Styles to Help Children | ExpatWoman.com

Learning Styles to Help Children

Posted on

1 March 2016

Last updated on 27 March 2017

Learning Styles to Help Children

As we approach the last few months of the school semester, some children may be overtly exhausted from studying as they tug through the school year.

Though the learning techniques in many school systems is catered to a generalized learning style, children are simply not the same when it comes to processing information.

kids studying

As we know, different people come with different learning styles and abilities. For example, while some prefer to read books to embed certain information into their brain, others prefer the method of watching and learning through a video or a lecture. There are several mixes within the learning styles of humans, and there is no definitive right or wrong style of learning.
It’s important to understand and differentiate between different learning styles, in order to produce a high success rate in education and life. We’ve simplified the process for you and made a guide to help you discover the different learning styles and their characteristics.

Visual learners

Known as the spatial learning style, the visual learner is more successful at taking in information through the use of images. This technique requires the learner to use images in order to visualize what they are about to learn. Visual learners are unique, in their ability to comprehend and absorb information.

  • They prefer to read the information than to hear it
  • Learn from seeing the information written out to them
  • Use a colour scheme to organize their thoughts and information
  • Use charts, graphs and diagrams to brainstorm and understand concepts and ideas
  • Take notes and look over their notes regularly
  • Prefer to work alone rather that in a group setting
  • Need to study in a quiet setting
  • Are detailed and ask a lot of questions


  • Are good with directions
  • Are observant of the space and people around them
  • Make to-do lists
  • Remember faces but don’t always remember names
  • Can often be timid
  • Are organized
  • Scribble and draw when unamused
  • Are always focused while working
  • Are often seen as daydreamers

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Aural learners

Known as auditory or verbal learners, aural learners use their sense of listening to process information. Aural learners emphasize on their listening and verbal skills as their main focus of learning. In order to properly comprehend the information, aural learners must hear the information that is said to them, in order to thoroughly understand it.

  • Incorporates sound, rhymes and music in their learning style.
  • Uses audios, videos and one-on-one interaction to adequately process information
  • Enjoys reading out loud
  • Can often engage in class or public speaking
  • Enjoys presenting orally
  • Remembers names but forgets faces
  • Is good at explaining things
  • Enjoys listening to music
  • Is a fast learner of other languages and has a good sense of grammar
  • Slow reader
  • Enjoys study group settings


  • Is often well spoken and verbally sophisticated
  • Enjoys acting or being on stage
  • Does not like quiet settings
  • Easily distracted (by noise)
  • Eyes move down and side to side when listening to someone speak
  • Enjoy listening to music
  • Repeat information
  • Ask a lot of questions
  • Understands things by talking about them
  • Plans for the future

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Kinesthetic Learner

Derived from the word ‘kinesthesia,’ which is defined as the sensation of movement, kinesthetic learners learn and absorb information through their personal engagement. Kinesthetic learning, also known as tactile learning, allows for people to learn by being physically active and becoming do-ers rather than listeners or visualizers.

  • Comprehend through the senses of feeling and touching
  • They need to try it for themselves, in order understand
  • Enjoys showing rather than telling
  • Learn by imitation and practice
  • Enjoys playing games
  • May have difficulty in reading
  • Focus on what was done rather than what was seen or talked about
  • Likes to dress comfortably
  • Can often be seen as an attacker
  • Can often be confused if information is not presented in their preferred style


  • Impulsive
  • Is not always a good listener
  • May touch people subconsciously
  • Likes to talk about feelings
  • Enjoys physical activity, thus can be seen as athletic
  • Enjoys activities that use hands such as cooking
  • Quick reactions and reflexes
  • Are constantly animated with high levels of energy